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Nov 7, 2008
If your like me and you can't even start your day without your morning cup of coffee then you might be interested in one of our sister sites at

The site is a Coffee Forum which covers a huge variety of Coffee related topics.

Coffee Forum
We have our own coffee forum right here on this board,although it's called coffee shop, and I will stay here with it, thank you very much.
I woke up and smelled coffee!!! Everybody outta my way..... I'm on a mission to grab coffee!

This coffee forum, does it have cake? I like cake too.
I would not get out of the bed in the mornings if it were not for coffee... What would be the use?
I like sweet things, so of course I take my coffee light with extra sugar!

I like sweet things, so of course I take my coffee light with extra sugar!
How much sugar can you eat per day?

What kind of question is that? I don't know. I really don't "eat" sugar anyway.

Yu drink it with coffee. If you drink 5 or 6 caps of coffee - how many sugar it would be? Sugar is a kind of white death! :)

Well, thank you for your concern. I only usually drink one or two Dunkin Donuts iced coffees a day. :coffee:

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