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At least America was free under Trump and I will never even begin to understand how Democrats say they stand for freedom and yet that fact goes completely over their heads.

So, you're not free? Are you incarcerated? I don't understand what is going on here.
At least America was free under Trump and I will never even begin to understand how Democrats say they stand for freedom and yet that fact goes completely over their heads.
What are you being denied?

What is it you want to do but can't?
The pandemic doesn't account for the fact that there's no pasta in my grocery stores here. Other shelves have sporadic shortages too and what there is on the shelves has a higher price than it did a year ago. Try ordering spare parts to fix things too. If you can get them, it takes weeks. Want to buy a used car that has under 200,000 miles ? Good luck. Suppose you're a renter and you want to find a reasonably-priced house to rent? Good luck. They're non-existent. Want to sell your lawn mower on Craigslist and the guy pays you with Palpal or some other payment processing method? You're going to get hit with a 1099k Want to sell a bunch of your stuff on Ebay? Fuck that, same thing - a 1099k. Suppose you have a garage sale and you deposit the money in the bank? Another 1099k.

Have you noticed all the groups of 5 or 6 young Hispanic males showing up all over the place? Guess who's paying for them? You are. Want to buy some 9mm ammo? You'll have to pay through the nose when you find it. Forget about .410 shotgun shells. They're unobtainable. Are you a reloader? Good luck finding primers. Are you a minority or a person of color who owns a business? Thanks to 8% inflation, you're screwed. You'll be lucky to even be in business a year from now. Are you employed? You're still screwed. Even if your wage gain was equal to the average of 5.6% over the past year, consumer prices have risen at 7.9% annually, so you haven't gained anything. Burdened down with student debt? Too bad. Biden promised to forgive your student debt, but that ain't gonna happen. Are you a farmer? Guess how much fertilizer and ammonia is going to cost this year. Might as well go out of business.

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