Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Given America’s boast that it is a land of immigrants, the ongoing demographic shift ought not to be a source of particular concern. Whites have arguably had their time in the sun. Now, it would seem, they must give way to the “new” races that are growing rapidly in both numbers and confidence.
It is not just Hispanics who are on the march, though they are certainly advancing in broad formation in just about every state in the nation. South Asians (mainly Indians) and Chinese have also multiplied and come forth, as have South Koreans, Arabs and Africans.

But the pattern is clear. The United States will be a different place in the middle of this century from the one that, say, went to war in 1942. Europe (itself, of course, transformed) is no longer central to Americans’ sense of heritage. The huddled masses have become truly global in their origins. The implications of this have been clear for some time but will soon stare us in the face. Not only is England no longer seen as the Mother Country; it is rarely these days even counted as part of the mix.

Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation ? Telegraph Blogs
yep. Its a mathematical certainty. One manifestation of their angst is the Bundy & his hangers-on drama-fest.
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CaféAuLait;9027825 said:
Guno, you and NovaSteve have a lot in common.

He just hates differently than you.

So posting demographic facts are hate to you?

I hear your silent scream : "please make it go away"
It "matters" because as most here know, 90%+ of Repub voters are white. You people might have to start a revolution to get back to the 1950's :(
Daily racist hate white people thread.


Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...

Nope born an raised in NYC in a multiracial multicultural Environment, have an interracial family, have traveled the world on business from South america to Asia and Europe and Africa. The ones who are going to have a hard time are certain groups who accuse me of hate when I post articles about the demographic shift . which are facts. If they have facts to prove otherwise they are free to post them, but I have seen is a major freak-out when it is brought up. This is something that should be discussed as the changes are happening with or without them.
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Yet, these people come here because of our economy seeking out a job. Maybe their political beliefs are wrong?

because we've reduced our econ activity to retail sales of imported products. That, and condoned theft AKA "financial services"
Why is it liberals care so much about race? Oh because divided they can conquer.

Sure, the Republican has a racist element, but fuck me are there any white Democrats that don't see and judge someone based on their skin color within seconds of meeting them? I'd rather have someone just mindlessly hate me because of my skin color than truly believe I can't succeed on my own because my skin color makes me inferior as Dems do.
Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...

Nope born an raised in NYC in a multiracial multicultural Environment, have an interracial family, have traveled the world on business from South america to Asia and Europe and Africa. The ones who are going to have a hard time are certain groups who accuse me of hate when I post articles about the demographic shift . which are facts. If they have facts to prove otherwise they are free to post them, but I have seen is a major freak-out when it is brought up. This is something that should be discussed as the changes are happening with or without them.

See the issue here is that you mindlessly can't connect the dots that people that are ecstatic about a demographic shift are just as bad as the people freaking out about it. Being pro white is just as bad as being anti white.

I honesly don't give a fuck what color people will be, most people don't. It's simple minded fools like you that feed off attention you gain starting topics for people that do care about skin color.

I can't change my skin color, so why does it matter what the dominate skin color will be in 50 years? fact is no nationality will be the dominate one in America, we will all fuck each other no matter skin tone. Fact is, genetically we are better off being diverse in our genetics rather than all being 1 genetic code easily wiped out.
Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...

Unfortunately, there are those who would like to see this nation exclusively white. Particularly on this forum.
Daily racist hate white people thread.



To point out the demographic shift is hate? Interesting

To care about it either way is... In a way even being interested by it is racist. Seriously, do you even know what it means to be racist? Literally your whole post is based on something that should not matter at all.... yet here you are.
It may be diverse but African Americans won't be around to see it. They will have committed racial suicide long before whites are a minority.

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