Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation

Igor Panarin accurately predicted the breakup of the Soviet Union based on their economic structure. He also predicted the breakup of the US into seven parts. I used to think it would be a terrible thing. Now it seems more necessary.
Everything is in flux an I have seen Neighborhoods change. America is amazing, hundreds of groups living and working together . The change that will come is now the minorities will have a seat at the decision making table . People will take the best from all and America will reinvent itself

were you just born yesterday
we have been a diverse country for many years
you are a babbling idiot and a racist to boot
Why does the radical left continue to confuse the words "immigrants" with "illegal aliens"? They are not the same. Is it #1: ignorance caused by a generation of sub-standard education sponsored by labor unions or is it #2: a political agenda? My guess would be a little bit of both.
Why does the radical left continue to confuse the words "immigrants" with "illegal aliens"? They are not the same. Is it #1: ignorance caused by a generation of sub-standard education sponsored by labor unions or is it #2: a political agenda? My guess would be a little bit of both.

that's what their political party feeds them and they not being real intelligent swallows it hook line and stinker..Democrats rely on them
unfortunately , we all have to suffer because of it
Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...


Yet another "whites are history" celebration thread. I think that's a zillion of them now.

I knew there was a lot of white hatred/self-loathing going on with the Left, but this is getting pretty funny.

Lefties and skin color. Wow.

Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...


Yet another "whites are history" celebration thread. I think that's a zillion of them now.

I knew there was a lot of white hatred/self-loathing going on with the Left, but this is getting pretty funny.

Lefties and skin color. Wow.


Before Kennedys brother forced through the 1965 immigration act we were close(89%)...
Given America’s boast that it is a land of immigrants, the ongoing demographic shift ought not to be a source of particular concern. Whites have arguably had their time in the sun. Now, it would seem, they must give way to the “new” races that are growing rapidly in both numbers and confidence.
It is not just Hispanics who are on the march, though they are certainly advancing in broad formation in just about every state in the nation. South Asians (mainly Indians) and Chinese have also multiplied and come forth, as have South Koreans, Arabs and Africans.

But the pattern is clear. The United States will be a different place in the middle of this century from the one that, say, went to war in 1942. Europe (itself, of course, transformed) is no longer central to Americans’ sense of heritage. The huddled masses have become truly global in their origins. The implications of this have been clear for some time but will soon stare us in the face. Not only is England no longer seen as the Mother Country; it is rarely these days even counted as part of the mix.

Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation ? Telegraph Blogs

ROFL Hispanics are white dumb ass.
Given America’s boast that it is a land of immigrants, the ongoing demographic shift ought not to be a source of particular concern. Whites have arguably had their time in the sun. Now, it would seem, they must give way to the “new” races that are growing rapidly in both numbers and confidence.
It is not just Hispanics who are on the march, though they are certainly advancing in broad formation in just about every state in the nation. South Asians (mainly Indians) and Chinese have also multiplied and come forth, as have South Koreans, Arabs and Africans.

But the pattern is clear. The United States will be a different place in the middle of this century from the one that, say, went to war in 1942. Europe (itself, of course, transformed) is no longer central to Americans’ sense of heritage. The huddled masses have become truly global in their origins. The implications of this have been clear for some time but will soon stare us in the face. Not only is England no longer seen as the Mother Country; it is rarely these days even counted as part of the mix.

Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation ? Telegraph Blogs

ROFL Hispanics are white dumb ass.

Most "Hispanics" are what you call meso's here in north America today. They're a mixture of native central American Indian and Spanish(from Spain). I'd say no more then 5% are pure Spanish.
The United States won't just be very different. It really won't exist except as a landmass. Not only will we not be like the nation that won WWII we won't be able to win any conflict. There simply won't be that kind of loyalty or patriotism. There will be no shared history between the Indians and Mexicans. The southeast Asians and Africans will never think of themselves as one people. It might be different if we educated immigrants into a shared America but we don't.
Given America’s boast that it is a land of immigrants, the ongoing demographic shift ought not to be a source of particular concern. Whites have arguably had their time in the sun. Now, it would seem, they must give way to the “new” races that are growing rapidly in both numbers and confidence.
It is not just Hispanics who are on the march, though they are certainly advancing in broad formation in just about every state in the nation. South Asians (mainly Indians) and Chinese have also multiplied and come forth, as have South Koreans, Arabs and Africans.

But the pattern is clear. The United States will be a different place in the middle of this century from the one that, say, went to war in 1942. Europe (itself, of course, transformed) is no longer central to Americans’ sense of heritage. The huddled masses have become truly global in their origins. The implications of this have been clear for some time but will soon stare us in the face. Not only is England no longer seen as the Mother Country; it is rarely these days even counted as part of the mix.

Like it or not, America is becoming a post-white nation ? Telegraph Blogs

ROFL Hispanics are white dumb ass.

Most "Hispanics" are what you call meso's here in north America today. They're a mixture of native central American Indian and Spanish(from Spain). I'd say no more then 5% are pure Spanish.
Whatever, it's all nonsense. To bad we have the racists like the OP pushing this shit.
Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...


Yet another "whites are history" celebration thread. I think that's a zillion of them now.

I knew there was a lot of white hatred/self-loathing going on with the Left, but this is getting pretty funny.

Lefties and skin color. Wow.


See that's what I'm trying to figure out. Is Guano a self-hating whitey, or is he a racist minority that loves to celebrate the demise of a race.

I've asked if he's white, but he keeps dodging the question.
The United States won't just be very different. It really won't exist except as a landmass. Not only will we not be like the nation that won WWII we won't be able to win any conflict. There simply won't be that kind of loyalty or patriotism. There will be no shared history between the Indians and Mexicans. The southeast Asians and Africans will never think of themselves as one people. It might be different if we educated immigrants into a shared America but we don't.

You don't live in TX do ya? Texans and Texicans get along great.
Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...


Yet another "whites are history" celebration thread. I think that's a zillion of them now.

I knew there was a lot of white hatred/self-loathing going on with the Left, but this is getting pretty funny.

Lefties and skin color. Wow.


See that's what I'm trying to figure out. Is Guano a self-hating whitey, or is he a racist minority that loves to celebrate the demise of a race.

I've asked if he's white, but he keeps dodging the question.

Whichever it is, there's a lot of people who think like he does on his end of the spectrum.

Funny. I've never thought of the U.S. as a "white" nation. I've always seen it as a diverse and interesting country.

I guess folks like you, guano, need to broaden the way you think...


Yet another "whites are history" celebration thread. I think that's a zillion of them now.

I knew there was a lot of white hatred/self-loathing going on with the Left, but this is getting pretty funny.

Lefties and skin color. Wow.


See that's what I'm trying to figure out. Is Guano a self-hating whitey, or is he a racist minority that loves to celebrate the demise of a race.

I've asked if he's white, but he keeps dodging the question.

Either way he's not worth his weight in keystrokes.
The majority of minorities is actually a theory that assumes no immigration from other white countries, a rising abortion rate and falling birth rate.

Already among whites abortion is losing its popularity. Minorities, particularly Indians and second generation hispanics are practicing abortion to eliminate girl babies. Blacks abort and murder each other into irrlevancy. There really is no way to know what the demographics will be in 50 years.
The United States won't just be very different. It really won't exist except as a landmass. Not only will we not be like the nation that won WWII we won't be able to win any conflict. There simply won't be that kind of loyalty or patriotism. There will be no shared history between the Indians and Mexicans. The southeast Asians and Africans will never think of themselves as one people. It might be different if we educated immigrants into a shared America but we don't.

You don't live in TX do ya? Texans and Texicans get along great.

Let me know when Jose starts making halal tacos.
The majority of minorities is actually a theory that assumes no immigration from other white countries, a rising abortion rate and falling birth rate.

Already among whites abortion is losing its popularity. Minorities, particularly Indians and second generation hispanics are practicing abortion to eliminate girl babies. Blacks abort and murder each other into irrlevancy. There really is no way to know what the demographics will be in 50 years.

I've always believed that with the shrinking of travel time and mixing, we'd eventually get to latin + asian look over time.
It may be diverse but African Americans won't be around to see it. They will have committed racial suicide long before whites are a minority.

Thats because our genes are the weakest I guess. News flash white people will be long gone before black people. Everyone will look like tiger woods.

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