
Tech was also a very crowded trade and has led the market all year. It was set for profit taking, FB was just the catalyst.

Oooo do I need to check my AMD and Intel stocks ~giddy~ AMD's been rockin it the past year \o/

What's AMD at? I wish I could have invested when it was low. I need to find something similar.

I'd have to look, I don't do my own investing I just tell my buddy about places I want to support. I know they doubled in the past year or so though; team blue (intel) was like oooo look at this shiny all smug and team red (AMD) just causally walked by and dropped the threadripper bomb on them. Poor blue. (Truth be told I play all the teams, but I am partial to AMD, best gaming rigs imo)

I got into computer investments back in the mid 80s, they've treated me quite well, except Dell... fuck Dell lol

Also, I hear FB is on sale ~snickers~

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