Target LGBT Merchandise Shrinks and Takes Away Gay Pride For Kids

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Yeah, don't take children anywhere near Target

The good thing is that children aren't going to come right out and say that they want to go there. At least their faggoty merchandise geared towards children is gone. That made just about as much sense as it would to see monkeys driving down the street on a motorcycle... Oh wait, that's Jumanji.

Why cater to such a small percentage of the population?

Because Target has people working for them with the same tiny brains as the mentally ill/faggoty part of the population.
I don't have any problem with "pride" merchandise being sold openly in a downtown smut shop, or perhaps keeping it discretely behind the counter.

But to promote men violating each other's buttholes and telling children that this is something to be proud of is just wrong.

LOL! You people have influenced me...

Other day I came home to find my kitchen cabinets were... were... REARRANGED!!!!!!!

I was gobsmacked and made the sound of a moose being strangled and yelled "By guke and gorky! What manner of faggottry is this then!!????

( full disclosure- I don't believe gork and gorky were the actual names I invoked, but I couldn't remember the ones I used, and they sounded like something I'd blurt, so fuck it.)
Any place that allows men in the women's restroom doesn't deserve my services.

They do that?


I just don't know what I'd do. Ack.

But I bet if I spotted some guy in the woman's bathroom while I was in there- chances are when we walked out, he'd be closer to being a woman than ever before.
Why cater to such a small percentage of the population?

Marketing. PEddle it as 'enlightened' and something only the racist uneducated proles are opposed to, while the 'sophisticated and intelligent' all love it. I.e. suckering gullible burb brats and fashion victims.
Why cater to such a small percentage of the population?

They want to be seen as a higher form of humanity. Most of these people believe humans are shallow, gullible suckers with extremely low attention spans.

They probably watch and calculate just how much horseshit the average consumer will swallow before they spit the whole thing out. That way, they can be sure folks have noticed how woke and wonderful they are before running behind the curtain again, for a bit.

It's a risky game that sometimes gets outta control, but it's too successful here and there to not at least try.
My last Target purchase was almost a year ago, but it was through the website, and it was an CD. To me, the best way to show what you think is worth buying and what isn't is through whatever it is that you buy and whatever you decide to leave sitting on the shelf.

God bless you always!!!


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