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LilOlLady's Everlasting Gobstopper Illegal Immigration Thread

Originally posted by Grace
They want the border states back and this is a prelude?

Mexicans weren't even thinking about the northern provinces lost to the USA until America took the absolutely insane decision to destroy the ethnic makeup of the nation by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignoring illegal immigration during the 50's and 60's.

All the chicano/mexican/hispanic nationalist groups that exist in America today are the direct result of that crazy but sovereign decision.

But this does not prevent people from using the "poor me thing" over and over and over ("big, bad Mexico is killing us", etc, etc, etc...).
Amazing as it sounds Jose is right!

José;3710030 said:
Originally posted by Grace
They want the border states back and this is a prelude?

Mexicans weren't even thinking about the northern provinces lost to the USA until America took the absolutely insane decision to destroy the ethnic makeup of the nation by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignoring illegal immigration during the 50's and 60's.

All the chicano/mexican/hispanic nationalist groups that exist in America today are the direct result of that crazy but sovereign decision.

But this does not prevent people from using the "poor me thing" over and over and over ("big, bad Mexico is killing us", etc, etc, etc...).
José;3710030 said:
Originally posted by Grace
They want the border states back and this is a prelude?

Mexicans weren't even thinking about the northern provinces lost to the USA until America took the absolutely insane decision to destroy the ethnic makeup of the nation by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignoring illegal immigration during the 50's and 60's.

All the chicano/mexican/hispanic nationalist groups that exist in America today are the direct result of that crazy but sovereign decision.

But this does not prevent people from using the "poor me thing" over and over and over ("big, bad Mexico is killing us", etc, etc, etc...).

It is not the 'big bad Mexico" but the "poor me" Mexican rhetoric that our country fall for. Mexico is not a third world country and is capable of taking care of it's own and we need to send their poor back and force them to take responsibility or else. Not our problem. And Mexicans are not indigeous to North America but Blacks are indigeous to Mexico. And for that matter to North America also because they were here long before the Mayflower.
The white man in the 50s came bearing gifts but Meixcans came looking for gifts.
Lost? US paid Mexico 13 million for a piece of barren land. Get over it.
It is the poorest of Mexico that is killing us.
Mexico is a wonderful place, that's why 40% of them want to leave.

Mexico is a wonderful place but the reason they leave is because we are more generous in spreading the wealth around. WE give freebies as the expense of others. Mexico don't. American go to Mexico to retire because of the cost of living. Americans go to Mexico to school. They have very good schools.

Many mexicans for many reasons drop out of school and end up doing unskilled labor for a meager income. Many mexicans have realized that they can work as maids, farm pickers, construction workers and other forms of low skill labor for more money in the US and have emigrated illegally.

Mexicans with university degrees generally tend to go to the US by the legal route or simply stay in Mexico because university degrees (except in entry level jobs) pay pretty well enough to have a modest living.


Sound much like the good old USA.:confused:
Mexico Unemployment Rate

The unemployment rate in Mexico was last reported at 5.1 percent in April of 2011. From 2000 until 2010, Mexico's Unemployment Rate averaged 3.45 percent reaching an historical high of 5.93 percent in May of 2009 and a record low of 2.22 percent in November of 2002. The labour force is defined as the number of people employed plus the number unemployed but seeking work. The nonlabour force includes those who are not looking for work, those who are institutionalised and those serving in the military. This page includes: Mexico Unemployment Rate chart, historical data and news.
Mexico Unemployment Rate

Can anyone live on minimum wage in Mexico?
August 30, 2010
by Arjan Shahani

If Mexicans do not like the minimum wage then they should do as we do to change things and not tuck their tails and leave.
Is there no work in Mexico or no Mexican workers? Wages in Mexico is comprable to cost of living.
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Mexican-American students walk out of school that almost suspended American flag t-shirt wearing students. Why?
Submitted by modesta2
on Sat, 2010-

A melee occured when the students who walked out ran into a disabled parent outside of the high school and a fight ensued as the teens chanted "Mexico, Mexico".


There was a tug-a-war between a student and the disable parent fighting over a Mexican flag.

Mexican-American students walk out of school that almost suspended American flag t-shirt wearing students. Why? | The Hive

Is this the same Cinco De Mayo incident we were just discussing? :confused:

LA RAZA disabled your youTube. Those bastards!!!
José;3710030 said:
Originally posted by Grace
They want the border states back and this is a prelude?

Mexicans weren't even thinking about the northern provinces lost to the USA until America took the absolutely insane decision to destroy the ethnic makeup of the nation by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignoring illegal immigration during the 50's and 60's.

All the chicano/mexican/hispanic nationalist groups that exist in America today are the direct result of that crazy but sovereign decision.

But this does not prevent people from using the "poor me thing" over and over and over ("big, bad Mexico is killing us", etc, etc, etc...).

The US Code is full of laws covering what these little punks are doing. They are trying to take over the country for Mexico. That's a 5-10 year sentence in convicted. It's not about immigration and it never was.

What does Mexico say about this?
José;3710030 said:
Originally posted by Grace
They want the border states back and this is a prelude?

Mexicans weren't even thinking about the northern provinces lost to the USA until America took the absolutely insane decision to destroy the ethnic makeup of the nation by allowing massive non-white legal immigration and ignoring illegal immigration during the 50's and 60's.

All the chicano/mexican/hispanic nationalist groups that exist in America today are the direct result of that crazy but sovereign decision.

But this does not prevent people from using the "poor me thing" over and over and over ("big, bad Mexico is killing us", etc, etc, etc...).

All that the USA has done is given them enough rope to destroy themselves and apparently has succeeded. Mexicans don't think - they rule themselves by emotions.
Judge cuts sentence in half for repeat illegal immigrant...
Judge cuts recommended sentence in half for Dominican national who reentered country after deportation
Thursday, June 2, 2011 - Man had his fingerprints removed to mask his true identity
A Dominican national who had his fingerprints removed to mask his true identity was sentenced to two years in federal prison on Wednesday for reentering the country after he had previously been deported. Chief U.S. District Court Judge Mary M. Lisi imposed the sentence, which was 22 months shorter than the penalty sought by the government. Moments before the sentencing, Robert M. Cordero-Luciano, through an interpreter, provided Lisi with a moving plea about how he has stopped using drugs and how he had used time productively during his incarceration at the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility. He has been there since arrest nine months ago.

Cordero-Luciano, 27, clutched a photograph of his young daughter and told Lisi he had no intention of returning to the United States. Instead, he said, he wanted to provide for his wife and daughter in Santo Domingo. His argument swayed the judge. “You got a break today,” Lisi told him. “But, it’s the last one you’re going to get.” Once Cordero-Luciano completes his sentence, he will be turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. He will remain in the agency’s custody until he is returned to the Dominican Republic. The state police arrested Cordero-Luciano last summer after he went to the Registry of Motor Vehicles in Pawtucket and presented a clerk with a forged license from Puerto Rico. He was trying to obtain a Rhode Island drivers’ license. The clerk contacted the authorities and Cordero-Luciano was brought to the Lincoln state police barracks for further questioning. There, the police discovered that the suspect’s fingerprints had been “burnt or mutilated,” beyond recognition.

The police were not able to lift his fingerprints, so investigators got his true identity after they ran his image through a national database. It turned out that Luciano-Cordero had four different Massachusetts drivers’ licenses with different names, birth dates and Social Security numbers. At the sentencing, Assistant U.S. Attorney Gerald Sullivan argued that Cordero-Luciano deserved the 46-month sentence because he had committed identity fraud in attempting to obtain the Rhode Island drivers’ license. He also alluded to his two drug convictions — in May and December 2005 — in Massachusetts. The second conviction landed him an 18-month sentence and his deportation to the Dominican Republic. Cordero-Luciano’s lawyer, Kevin Fitzgerald, said that his client worked in the kitchen at the Wyatt jail and he was taking classes to improve his English. He asked Lisi to sentence him to 24 months.

In the end, Lisi asked Cordero-Luciano why he had returned to the United States. He told her that he was trying to get a better-paying job to provide for his wife and daughter. He said that he had problems paying his mortgage and the financial tailspin worsened after his cousin, a lieutenant colonel in the Santo Domingo Police Department, was killed. “If I get 24 months, I promise in the name of God and my daughter…that I will never return to the United States,” he said through the interpreter. “I tried to make good. I behaved in jail. I’ve been thinking about my daughter.” Lisi granted him his wish.


See also:

ICE Has Released More Than 8,000 Criminal Illegal Aliens Into U.S. Since 2009
Tuesday, May 31, 2011 – The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, which is responsible for enforcing U.S. immigration laws inside the country, has released more than 8,000 illegal aliens convicted of crimes onto the streets of the United States since fiscal 2009, according to ICE data released by House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith (R.-Texas).
Citing these statistics, Smith has introduced legislation that would allow Homeland Security’s ICE to keep criminal illegal aliens in custody longer than the current six-month period established by the U.S. Supreme Court. The “Keep Our Communities Safe Act” is “desperately needed,” Smith said at a hearing about the bill on May 24 because of two high court rulings that said immigrants--and later illegal immigrants--could not be detained for more than six months, if efforts to return the immigrant to his or her home country failed. The result, Smith said, are thousands of criminal illegal immigrants being released in the United States.

“In 2006, the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General reported that thousands of criminal immigrants with final orders of removal were being released into our streets because some countries frustrate the removal process,” Smith stated in his prepared remarks at the hearing. Smith said the IG found that nearly 134,000 immigrants with final orders of removal instead had been released into U.S. communities from 2001 to 2004. The IG report also found that these illegal immigrants were unlikely to ever be repatriated because of the unwillingness of their home country to provide necessary travel documents. “As of June 2004, more than 133,662 illegal aliens with or pending final orders of removal had been apprehended and released into the U.S. and who are unlikely to ever be repatriated if ordered removed because of the unwillingness of their country of origin to provide the documents necessary for repatriation,” the report states.

The 2006 report also says: “Currently, (Detention and Removal Operations) is unable to ensure the departure from the U.S. of all removable aliens. Of the 774,112 illegal aliens apprehended during the past three years, 280,987 (36%) were released largely due to a lack of personnel, bed space, and funding needed to detain illegal aliens while their immigration status is being adjudicated. This presents significant risks due to the inability of Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and ICE to verify the identity, country-of-origin, and terrorist or criminal affiliation of many of the aliens being released.”

Although the 2006 IG report detailed the release of both criminal and non-criminal illegal immigrants, it did not break down those numbers. At the hearing, Smith distributed a spreadsheet on more recently released aliens that ICE had provided to his office. This spreadsheet lists the number of “non-criminal” and “convicted criminal” illegal immigrants released by ICE in fiscals years 2009, 2010, and year-to-date 2011 under the rules of the Zadvydas v. Davis Supreme Court decision. The ICE statistics show that the agency released 3,847 convicted criminal aliens in 2009; 3,882 in 2010; and 1,012 so far in 2011.


Apartheid was practiced in South Africa and Blacks in their on homeland had to carry a pass to identify them and what settlement they were from, towns they could enter and work and a carefree. A certain time of day they could be out of their settlement. Black South Africans were label “trouble makers” in their own country. Steve Bilko was murdered for "making trouble." Much like Americans who oppose illegal immigration are labeled racist, xenophobic and bigots.
The History of Apartheid in South Africa
Apartheid in America | Stuffed and Starved

Apartheid was practiced on Afro-Americans and Native American at one time and it is once again on all Americans because of illegal immigration. American have to carry an identification were ever they are in this country. Babies are given a social security at birth. Our where abouts are know at all time if we go to school, work, collect social services, etc, but we cannot know who is in this country illegally. Senor citizens have to prove their place of birth to get their social security and show an ID when opening a bank account and cash their social security checks.

20 million people in this country is a security problem. It is just a matter of time before a dirty bomb is set off in our malls, etc. Then Mr. Lawrence McDonnell, it will be too late to close the border. We learned nothing from 9-11 and the 1986 amnesty. I wonder how many of those are in our prisons?
Our leaders can keep tract of millions of Americans but not illegal aliens.

15 million Americans are unemployed and a disproportions of them of are Afro-Americans. They moved from the south to the north to work in low skilled manufacturing jobs and then they were sent out of the country putting them out of work. Then illegal aliens come in an further displaced them. Not only them but other Americans. 8 million illegal alien are in our workforce sending billion earned here back to Mexico to go into Mexico economy. Those jobs need to be released for unemployed Americans and that will lower the unemployment rate and money they earn will go back into our economy. Unemployment solved. Obama and supporter of amnesty want to further displace the American workers.
Deporting 20 million illegal aliens will open up jobs for unemployed Americans and bring down the unemployment rate and off unemployment, off food stamps and other government assistance.
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I just posted a thread in the healthcare and education site and both pointed to illegal aliens.
Why is it that ALL our problems point to illegal aliens. Cost of education, our economy, unemployment, crime, healthcare our state budgets and federal budgets.:confused:

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