Lincoln statue is now racist !

it seems that the white man that signed the emancipation proclamation is an evil whitey also ! maybe all statues and art depicting whites should be removed ....would that satisfy the communist blm and their weak white democrat supporters and slaves ?? maybe we should ask one of their white slave bitches ......hey moonglow yall want to tear them all down ?
Well he definitely was a racist. He only freed Blacks to punish the southern inbreds. He even offered them a deal which included making slavery legal for eternity. Their dumb asses turned it down luckily.
That tug of war over slavery had been going on for how many years in Congress before the Civil War? Well, the cries to abolish slavery had begun by 1800. England outlawed slavery in 1807. All we did was make it illegal to import any more. So in the south they started breeding programs instead. By 1820, Congress was making sure no free state was admitted unless an equal slave holding state was admitted, too. How many Presidents did we have from 1800 to 1861 who did absolutely nothing? At least he did it.

Maybe his reasons were more complicated than the hero stories we were raised on, but he finally ended an abomination. A lot of people think that was worth honoring.
Why not honor John Brown who fought knowing that he was going to die to free Black people? Abe does get a very slight pass but it would bother me if they tore it down.
he gets a pass ! i slight pass! who the fuck are you to decide who gets what you stupid communist bastard.
I'm me.

If I say he gets a slight pass then thats exactly what the fuck he gets. You better be glad I gave him that much slack. If you dont like that then tough shit.
Well as you said you are a nobody.
I didnt say I was nobody. I said someone else was a nobody. Matter of fact I cant even remember his name.
So your somebody? Like the head of the cult of Dementia? Are you hiding in Bidens basement with him stroking his leg hair?
Or is there something else you want to admit to doing?
Thats right. I'm a somebody. Your superior in all aspects of life.
Roflol. Man what kind of drugs are you on little one? I thought the whole idea was equality. But you really want it to be black superior. Bet that doesn't work out.
White people dont like equality so I am removing the option. We taught yall twice and you still wanna be racists. Well you had your chance. Now you got to deal with reality.
The reality is simple you can either be equal or you can be less then equal.
I love the idea that you taught us twice. I guess you missed all the other riots. Funny part is you really think that riots and looting help your cause.
it seems that the white man that signed the emancipation proclamation is an evil whitey also ! maybe all statues and art depicting whites should be removed ....would that satisfy the communist blm and their weak white democrat supporters and slaves ?? maybe we should ask one of their white slave bitches ......hey moonglow yall want to tear them all down ?
Well he definitely was a racist. He only freed Blacks to punish the southern inbreds. He even offered them a deal which included making slavery legal for eternity. Their dumb asses turned it down luckily.
That tug of war over slavery had been going on for how many years in Congress before the Civil War? Well, the cries to abolish slavery had begun by 1800. England outlawed slavery in 1807. All we did was make it illegal to import any more. So in the south they started breeding programs instead. By 1820, Congress was making sure no free state was admitted unless an equal slave holding state was admitted, too. How many Presidents did we have from 1800 to 1861 who did absolutely nothing? At least he did it.

Maybe his reasons were more complicated than the hero stories we were raised on, but he finally ended an abomination. A lot of people think that was worth honoring.
Why not honor John Brown who fought knowing that he was going to die to free Black people? Abe does get a very slight pass but it would bother me if they tore it down.
I like this one of Harriet, too.

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