Lincoln Thinkin’


Sep 23, 2010
Remember when the smartest woman in the world did not have enough executive ability to get a simple translation right:

[ame=]U.S. Gift to Russia Lost in Translation - YouTube[/ame]​

Let’s face it she was not translating the Encyclopedia Britannica into Russian. Is it any wonder the brain trust —— Clinton, Taqiyya, Biden —— screwed up everything else as John Bolton details:

[ame=]Obama Snubs Putin - White House Cancels Meeting With Russian President - John Bolton On The Record - YouTube[/ame]​

John Bolton: Obama giving Putin 'the strong hand'
Warns president making 'big mistake because we certainly are in competition'
Published: 10 hours ago

John Bolton: Obama giving Putin ?the strong hand?

And talk about chutzpah! The people who admire Hillary Clinton still claim Sarah Palin is stupid:

[ame=]Palin Mocked In 2008 For Warning Putin May Invade Ukraine If Obama Elected - YouTube[/ame]​

Palin mocked in '08 for Ukraine-invasion warning
'Strange' comment that Obama election would embolden Putin dismissed as 'extremely far-fetched'
Published: 7 hours ago

Palin mocked in ?08 for Ukraine-invasion warning

Here’s my take on failed foreign policy.

All of America’s enemies base their foreign policy on one threat. “We’ll walk out of the United Nations if you try to stop us from doing anything.” In fact, Russia and China already walked out except for their Security Council veto. They are too smart to walk out on that.

The Muslim world does not have a SC veto; so they play it differently, but the threat, and the results, are the same. Everybody gets what they want except the U. S. of A.

Lincoln Thinkin’

Stinkin’ Lincoln was willing to burn America to the ground in order to preserve the Union. UN-loving quislings have always been willing to do worse in order to preserve the United Nations. America’s foreign policy has never been more complicated than that.

NOTE: Since 1945, America’s war policy was dictated by Woodrow Wilson’s infamous Peace Without Victory. Peace Without Victory has come to mean defeat for America.

This is the question every American must answer. Is saving America more important than saving the United Nations?
The choice is simple. Get out of the UN and take back our sovereignty or stay in and lose everything we have. Israel needs to get out of the UN too.

Flanders, I understand Israel doesn't have a seat on the Security Council. Why is that? Do you know how they justify keeping Israel out?
We need to reconsider our relationship with the U.N., particularly in the coming area of retrenchment and the pensioning of the government neo-cons.

That said, anyone who listens to neo-cons such as Bolton and Palin on world affairs has a screw loose.
Flanders, I understand Israel doesn't have a seat on the Security Council. Why is that? Do you know how they justify keeping Israel out?

To Jeremiah: A little background first.

The five permanent members of the SC hold all of the power in their veto. The Republic of China was one of the original five members.

From 1949 until 1971 Communist China was kept out of the United Nations altogether. In 1971 Communist China was not only seated, it replaced the Republic of China on the permanent Security Council. That meant that two Communist Countries had seats with veto power.

Incidentally, young folks do not remember how the America-haters screamed for Communist China to be seated in the United Nations.

To me, seating Communist China demonstrates the inherent trap in Lincoln Thinkin’. Communist China wanted membership for the sole purpose of that seat on the permanent Security Council.

NOTE: In 1950, President Truman stopped Communist expansion in Korea because the Soviet Union missed a Security Council meeting. Had Communist China been a member at the time the Chicoms would have vetoed the “Police Action.”

Now, scroll down to the final listing and you’ll see Israel listed among the 69 countries that were never on the Security Council.

In answer to your question. I believe that Israel is the only country on the list that is there for purely political reasons. The Muslim world does not have a veto, but it does have enough clout with Russia and Communist China to insure a veto against Israel.

In truth, the 10 rotating SC members are for show. Frankly, that’s the way it should remain.

Finally, it’s too late now, but America missed two chances to make the United Nations work for America’s benefit:

1. Communist China should have been allowed to join the United Nations only on the condition it NOT get the Republic of China’s seat on the Security Council.

2. Russia should not have gotten the Security Council seat held by the defunct Soviet Union.

The sad truth is: Lincoln Thinkin’ says that a global institution controlling every nation is better than a world full of sovereign nations.
The choice is simple. Get out of the UN and take back our sovereignty or stay in and lose everything we have. Israel needs to get out of the UN too.

Totally agree with your statement
All of America’s enemies base their foreign policy on one threat. “We’ll walk out of the United Nations if you try to stop us from doing anything.” In fact, Russia and China already walked out except for their Security Council veto. They are too smart to walk out on that.

The Administration’s reaction to events in the Ukraine proves my point. The Ukraine will show that saving the United Nations dictates every Administration decision.

Let me be clear. America should not get involved in another European war. WWI gave the world the League of Nations. WWII gave the world the United Nations. Enough is enough. Putin can have the whole damn continent if Europeans do not stop him. No matter what happens America should be increasing its military strength and retaliatory capabilities not running to the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) for solutions.

Serendipitously, prepare to defend against Russia’s appetites and you automatically defend against Communist China and Islam’s jihad. You can’t find a better bargain than that.
All of America’s enemies base their foreign policy on one threat. “We’ll walk out of the United Nations if you try to stop us from doing anything.” In fact, Russia and China already walked out except for their Security Council veto. They are too smart to walk out on that.

You gotta love this. Putin is doing Americans a good turn by shoving the United Nations right up the collective ass of America's UN-loving traitors.

Russia on Saturday vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution against Sunday's referendum in Crimea on whether to secede from Ukraine and join Russia.

The drafted resolution was defeated 13-1. China, a close ally of Russia, abstained from the vote.

March 15, 2014, 12:02 pm
Russia vetoes UN resolution on Crimea
By Mario Trujillo

Russia vetoes UN resolution on Crimea | TheHill

NOTE: Don’t be fool by the 13 to 1 count. The five permanent members of the Security Council hold the only votes that mean anything.
Three cheers for Putin:

The United Nations Security Council voted Saturday March 15th on a draft resolution addressing the Ukrainian crisis. Thirteen members voted in favor. China abstained. Only Russia, not surprisingly, voted no, which killed the resolution because of Russia’s veto power.

The Frog gave me a laugh with this one:

In the best line of all the statements made by members of the Security Council following the vote, France’s UN Ambassador, Gerard Araud, exclaimed that “Russia vetoed the UN Charter.”

American scum veto the US Constitution all of the time. Just about everything Barack Taqiyya does vetoes the Constitution.

Governors veto the Constitution every time they sign a bill that violates the Second Amendment. That’s a whole lot of vetoes when you consider the more than 40,000 gun control laws on the books.

Governor Brewer of Arizona recently vetoed the First Amendment when she vetoed a bill that protected religious freedom.

The Supreme Court itself vetoes the Constitution every time it rules for political reasons à la HillaryCare II.

Bottom line: Araud is barking up the wrong tree if he thinks Americans are going to cry about the UN Charter.

The Frog also said:

Today Russia stands exposed as an outlaw state operating in the same manner that led to two World Wars. As French UN Ambassador Araud noted, “We are going back to 1914, and we are in 2014.”

Russia Vetoed the UN Charter
By Joseph A. Klein Saturday, March 15, 2014

Russia Vetoed the UN Charter

I’ll wager that Araud won’t mind going back to 2014 if Americans get dragged into another European war. And you can be certain the Frog won’t complain if Americans let themselves get suckered into fighting for the United Nations in 2014. After all, that is what it is all about.
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All of the cries for Barack Taqiyya to get tough are scarier than Putin. Even if the community organizer gets tough with Russia it will not alter what he is. Better to first sort out what “get tough” means before demanding it from a president who has never demonstrated any loyalty to this country?

Does get tough mean the US should go to war over the Ukraine? Taqiyya the Liar is not going to do that. American Communists encouraged Communist expansion throughout the Cold War; most notably in Vietnam and Latin America. Russia is the grand old man of Communism. That fact alone guarantees Putin has nothing to fear from Democrats who control the White House and the US Senate.

In Taqiyya’s case get tough means giving more authority to the United Nations. If he gets a whiff of Americans accepting that outcome they will find out he is tougher than nails.

NOTE: Personally, I have no objection to fighting a war for profit or for territory. The fact is that America won two World Wars and did not acquire one inch of new territory. So aside from self-defense, that leaves profit as the only legitimate reason for going to war. Under no circumstance should Americans fight for a garbage political agenda like making the world safe for democracy. More than any other reason Americans should NEVER go to war for another country’s sovereignty when our leaders are doing their best to hand America’s sovereignty to the United Nations.

NOTE: Self-defense has to be as clear as the attack on Pearl Harbor. Korea and Vietnam were wars of self-defense, yet the American Left did not want to fight either one. Islam declared war on the US, yet Democrats refuse to fight what is clearly a war of self-defense. Hell, Taqiyya the Liar bans words that even hint at self-defense:

[ame=]Obama Bans Jihad and Islamic Extremism Terrorism Terms - YouTube[/ame]​

In any event, Americans will realize they were suckered into fighting another European war after the shooting stops should war against Russia come.

Let me be clear. America should not get involved in another European war. WWI gave the world the League of Nations. WWII gave the world the United Nations. Enough is enough. Putin can have the whole damn continent if Europeans do not stop him. No matter what happens America should be increasing its military strength and retaliatory capabilities not running to the UNIC (United Nations/International Community) for solutions.

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