Lindell pulls ads from FOX news

The left loves Fox News. They know who

Rupert "Biden in a landslide - call AZ early for traitor Joe, because I know we have enough fraud ballots ready to go" Murdoch

Who was also 100% for Bill "finish the job" Clinton in 1992.
Yet you rely on them to tell you what to think.

Where do fox and EMH agree?

Marijuana - no
Israel - no
Fiscal conservatism - no
Whether the United States exists to serve fund defend and expand Israel - no
Covid threat - no

You are either a liar, an invalid, or both....
Good to see Lindell and Fox battling.

Mental Midget Wrestling.
Fox spit on its base last November and is still paying a steep price. Lindell pulled a 50 million dollar ad campaign. It's more fun watching the DC clowns throwing threats out at State governments that are legislating specific protections so that the fraud of 2020 will be impossible next year. They are crying and wailing like little bitches, especially in JawJa.
Yea, Fox doesn't need any more legal threats from Dominion.

“It's unfortunate Mr Lindell has chosen to pause his commercial time on Fox News given the level of success he's experienced in building his brand through advertising on the number on cable news network,” the network said in a statement.​
If Fox News did decline Mr Lindell's ad, it may have been to protect itself, as Mr Lindell has frequently repeated claims about companies like Dominion Voting System, which prompted the company to sue the CEO for $1.3bn in damages.​

But my hunch is, Crackhead Mike is low on money. Umpteen national chains have pulled his product and he's got almost as many legal problems as his pals Donnie, Rudy, Mo and Sid :cool-45:
Already a thread on this. Surely you saw it.
Another symposium with MrPillow? I'll bet you drool with anticipation -
That's okay - They are washable!


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