Lindsey Graham: As POTUS Vows U.S. Military Force Against Non-Compliant Congress

Is threatening a military coup an act of treason (Article 3, Section 3)?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
My oh my, I do believe he worked himself up into a tizzy.

Treason? Hahahahaha. That's a good one.
Graham is crazy as they come. Thanks to gerrymandering, he'll be feeding at the public trough forever.

But, if the dumb 2nd amendment fools really think their little pop guns are any match against US military, they're as crazy as Graham.

And let this be a lesson to partisan Democrats, this why you dont' give up your fuckin guns.

Oh wait, never mind. We already know how utterly ignorant they are.


as the F18's flew over the RW militant camp, camo uniforms, AR 15's, and combat boots hit the ground and patriot asses headed for the hills in a cloud of dust ..
Graham is crazy as they come. Thanks to gerrymandering, he'll be feeding at the public trough forever.

But, if the dumb 2nd amendment fools really think their little pop guns are any match against US military, they're as crazy as Graham.

And let this be a lesson to partisan Democrats, this why you dont' give up your fuckin guns.

Oh wait, never mind. We already know how utterly ignorant they are.


as the F18's flew over the RW militant camp, camo uniforms, AR 15's, and combat boots hit the ground and patriot asses headed for the hills in a cloud of dust ..

All 40 thousand of them.
I think there should be a Congressional Hearing regarding Graham's comment. We can get Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy on this and then we can have two years of hearings, because they are so good at it.
What say you? :dance:
I think there should be a Congressional Hearing regarding Graham's comment. We can get Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy on this and then we can have two years of hearings, because they are so good at it.
What say you? :dance:

It's almost as if you liberals actually endorse Graham's comments, is t because Graham came out this week and said "Obama loves America and is a Patriot."
Graham is crazy as they come. Thanks to gerrymandering, he'll be feeding at the public trough forever.

But, if the dumb 2nd amendment fools really think their little pop guns are any match against US military, they're as crazy as Graham.

And let this be a lesson to partisan Democrats, this why you dont' give up your fuckin guns.

Oh wait, never mind. We already know how utterly ignorant they are.


as the F18's flew over the RW militant camp, camo uniforms, AR 15's, and combat boots hit the ground and patriot asses headed for the hills in a cloud of dust ..

Instead of taking a strong stance against Graham and other like-minded Neocons, you decide to tear down Constitutionalists. Maybe it's because Graham is a fecal faggot fudge packing fiend.

I think there should be a Congressional Hearing regarding Graham's comment. We can get Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy on this and then we can have two years of hearings, because they are so good at it.
What say you? :dance:

Naw ... There's no future for the GOP in investigating the truth.
No, this is not a joke, he really said this. The man must be tried and hung for treason immediately. Without a doubt this qualifies as levying War against the United States. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse than Obama, then again, Lindsey Graham just said that Obama loves America and that Obama is a Patriot.

Lindsey Graham As President I would Use the Military Against Congress - Freedom Outpost

And here’s the first thing I would do if I were president of the United States. I wouldn’t let Congress leave town until we fix this. I would literally use the military to keep them in if I had to. We’re not leaving town until we restore these defense cuts. We are not leaving town until we restore the intel cuts.

Exclusive Audio As POTUS Sen. Graham Vows U.S. Military Force Against Non-Compliant Congress Ben Swann Truth In Media

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

Senator Lindsey Graham I Have No Doubt Obama Loves America and He Is A Patriot Sons of Liberty Media

Ah you sure got your panties in a wad.

No- not treason. Speaking your opinion is not treason- and since Lindsey Graham is not running for President and will never be elected President, it is in no way an actual threat other than in the minds of the Konspriacy Kooks.

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