Lindsey Graham: Iran should be 'ready for severe pain'

This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Well, just maybe if your people quick provoking others...

Iran negotiated a plan of action in good faith. My people have reneged on the agreement and initiated economic war against the people of Iran.

So yes, my people are the provocateurs.

Really? All before withdrawal of the plan-

Under the 2010 United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929 Iran is prohibited from undertaking "any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using ballistic missile technology".[1] After the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was signed in July 2015, there have been a series of missile tests performed by Iran:

  • On 10 October 2015, Iran tested precised Emad missile that has a declared range of 1700 km and a new precision guidance system[2]
  • On 21 November 2015, Iran reportedly carried out a test of the Ghadr 110, having a range variously reported between 1500 and 2000 km.[3]
  • On 8 and 9 March 2016, Iran test fired several missiles, including the Qiam 1.

  • And after Trump became president, but before we withdrew from the deal
    • On 29 January 2017, Iran tested the medium-range Khorramshahr ballistic missile that flew 600 miles before exploding, in a failed test of a reentry vehicle.[4]
    • On 23 September 2017, Iran tested another ballistic missile after showing it off at a military parade in Tehran.[5]

Fuck the UN, Booboo. Now Iran shouldn't be messing around like they are, though. :eusa_naughty:

We do not need to be interfering in their country further than keeping the shipping lanes open and free. Maybe blow up 1-2 of their naval bases. Hey, it's not our fault they wanna be acting like German U-boats and all.
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

------------------------------ I don't know , the TRUMP seems to have gone squishy and has become 'euro type' since the DRONE was shot down Tehon . Well actually squishy as he distributes thousands of illegals through out the USA and now squishy because he doesn't want to hurt his enemies and their military bases and infrastructure Tehon .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Doubtful. Trump is an isolationist - that is proven over and over again - and in no way wants a war. Iran as well does not want a war, they are well aware that the leadership will not survive it.

What Iran wants is an enemy to parade in front of their people to keep the current regime in power. To that end, they are likely to get it at an immense cost to the Iranian population through economic pressure. As far as Israel goes, yes they are likely to strike Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is simply a statement of fact. That is also unlikely to end in a full scale war.

Before too many days pass Trump will be selling a war and all the good little Trumpbots will dutifully get on board.

---------------------------------- IF its a Military strike on infrastructure and military infrastructure using missiles and such that should do the job , --- if it even happens . Its sorta like 'tit for tat' or payback for the 'Iranians' shooting down the DRONE Occupied .
Oh, please. Good faith when Iran admitted they would continue their program after the agreement? That is not good faith.
You mean the agreement the US broke?
No, the one Iran broke soon after signing it.
Iran does not operate under good faith - we know that.

I am unsure how the US canning its agreement, thereby also not acting in good faith, actually helps anything though. No one really wants war here and it is not Trump escalating tensions there at this moment but there is no way to state that he has not been escalating tension there pretty much since he took office.

There is a debate around weather or not that is a good thing.
-------------------------------- isn't the single and ONLY issue being payback for shooting down the USA DRONE ??
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Israel has a lot of success in knocking out a country's nuke sites. I'm rooting for them again.

I think it goes further than just a few limited targets this time. Israel may not have a more favorable President than it has now in the White House.

That's probably one of the reasons why he aborted the strike. There were only 3 sites targeted.

Plus if he hit them, even after all the havoc Iran has caused in the past two weeks, the Iranian sleazeballs would have been clamoring for war
but begging for the UN to set up "negotiations."

Our sanctions are crippling Iran. They cannot feed their own let alone support all their proxy Armies.
They know negotiations with us will come at a high price so they want the UN to step in and try and force
America into another bad deal, by easing sanctions on that Middle Eastern scum.

Trump stopped us just in time. We didn't respond. But we did add more sanctions, to further bring them to their knees.
The US is behaving like the Country that wants peace and does not want war.

Iran is left with running out of cash in 3 months, or doing something really stupid next time. Our allies, (The good ones and even the
bad one's cannot say anything bad about us. The Dems agree on a strike). Thus if they go really stupid...Everything military of
importance that they have will be in rubble.

The Donald is brilliant. The next 4 years with him at the helm are going to be great.

He didn't "abort the strike." He made that story up to show what a hero he is and to simultaneously send a message to Iran that they almost took it in the ass this time. Which they didn't, but hey--he didn't go running to stop 150 people from dying either.
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Israel has a lot of success in knocking out a country's nuke sites. I'm rooting for them again.

I think it goes further than just a few limited targets this time. Israel may not have a more favorable President than it has now in the White House.

That's probably one of the reasons why he aborted the strike. There were only 3 sites targeted.

Plus if he hit them, even after all the havoc Iran has caused in the past two weeks, the Iranian sleazeballs would have been clamoring for war
but begging for the UN to set up "negotiations."

Our sanctions are crippling Iran. They cannot feed their own let alone support all their proxy Armies.
They know negotiations with us will come at a high price so they want the UN to step in and try and force
America into another bad deal, by easing sanctions on that Middle Eastern scum.

Trump stopped us just in time. We didn't respond. But we did add more sanctions, to further bring them to their knees.
The US is behaving like the Country that wants peace and does not want war.

Iran is left with running out of cash in 3 months, or doing something really stupid next time. Our allies, (The good ones and even the
bad one's cannot say anything bad about us. The Dems agree on a strike). Thus if they go really stupid...Everything military of
importance that they have will be in rubble.

The Donald is brilliant. The next 4 years with him at the helm are going to be great.

He didn't "abort the strike." He made that story up to show what a hero he is and to simultaneously send a message to Iran that they almost took it in the ass this time. Which they didn't, but hey--he didn't go running to stop 150 people from dying either.

----------------------------------- THATS 150 enemy 'iranians' responsible for shooting down the USA Drone / USA property Old Lady .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Israel has a lot of success in knocking out a country's nuke sites. I'm rooting for them again.

I think it goes further than just a few limited targets this time. Israel may not have a more favorable President than it has now in the White House.

That's probably one of the reasons why he aborted the strike. There were only 3 sites targeted.

Plus if he hit them, even after all the havoc Iran has caused in the past two weeks, the Iranian sleazeballs would have been clamoring for war
but begging for the UN to set up "negotiations."

Our sanctions are crippling Iran. They cannot feed their own let alone support all their proxy Armies.
They know negotiations with us will come at a high price so they want the UN to step in and try and force
America into another bad deal, by easing sanctions on that Middle Eastern scum.

Trump stopped us just in time. We didn't respond. But we did add more sanctions, to further bring them to their knees.
The US is behaving like the Country that wants peace and does not want war.

Iran is left with running out of cash in 3 months, or doing something really stupid next time. Our allies, (The good ones and even the
bad one's cannot say anything bad about us. The Dems agree on a strike). Thus if they go really stupid...Everything military of
importance that they have will be in rubble.

The Donald is brilliant. The next 4 years with him at the helm are going to be great.

He didn't "abort the strike." He made that story up to show what a hero he is and to simultaneously send a message to Iran that they almost took it in the ass this time. Which they didn't, but hey--he didn't go running to stop 150 people from dying either.

----------------------------------- THATS 150 enemy 'iranians' responsible for shooting down the USA Drone / USA property Old Lady .

Tell that to Trump. He's the one who saved them.
Israel has a lot of success in knocking out a country's nuke sites. I'm rooting for them again.
I think it goes further than just a few limited targets this time. Israel may not have a more favorable President than it has now in the White House.

That's probably one of the reasons why he aborted the strike. There were only 3 sites targeted.

Plus if he hit them, even after all the havoc Iran has caused in the past two weeks, the Iranian sleazeballs would have been clamoring for war
but begging for the UN to set up "negotiations."

Our sanctions are crippling Iran. They cannot feed their own let alone support all their proxy Armies.
They know negotiations with us will come at a high price so they want the UN to step in and try and force
America into another bad deal, by easing sanctions on that Middle Eastern scum.

Trump stopped us just in time. We didn't respond. But we did add more sanctions, to further bring them to their knees.
The US is behaving like the Country that wants peace and does not want war.

Iran is left with running out of cash in 3 months, or doing something really stupid next time. Our allies, (The good ones and even the
bad one's cannot say anything bad about us. The Dems agree on a strike). Thus if they go really stupid...Everything military of
importance that they have will be in rubble.

The Donald is brilliant. The next 4 years with him at the helm are going to be great.
He didn't "abort the strike." He made that story up to show what a hero he is and to simultaneously send a message to Iran that they almost took it in the ass this time. Which they didn't, but hey--he didn't go running to stop 150 people from dying either.
----------------------------------- THATS 150 enemy 'iranians' responsible for shooting down the USA Drone / USA property Old Lady .
Tell that to Trump. He's the one who saved them.
---------------------------- AGREE and that's so far . Seems to me that TRUMP is both an illegal Alien distributor in the USA and is taking on 'euro type' pacifist traits Old Lady .
Lindsey Graham: Iran should be 'ready for severe pain'

She’ll beat them with her purse
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Doubtful. Trump is an isolationist - that is proven over and over again - and in no way wants a war. Iran as well does not want a war, they are well aware that the leadership will not survive it.

What Iran wants is an enemy to parade in front of their people to keep the current regime in power. To that end, they are likely to get it at an immense cost to the Iranian population through economic pressure. As far as Israel goes, yes they are likely to strike Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is simply a statement of fact. That is also unlikely to end in a full scale war.

Before too many days pass Trump will be selling a war and all the good little Trumpbots will dutifully get on board.

---------------------------------- IF its a Military strike on infrastructure and military infrastructure using missiles and such that should do the job , --- if it even happens . Its sorta like 'tit for tat' or payback for the 'Iranians' shooting down the DRONE Occupied .

The only advantage of a drone over a conventional aircraft is that it is expendable. The loss of one requires no response as no one died. Trump said this the other day and may be the first thing he ever said I totally agree with. The warhawks are pressing hard though. All they have to do is convince Trump that an attack will make him more popular or win him the election and Iran is toast. Since regime change is the ultimate goal a limited war will escalate into a decades long occupation.
I agree about the election . My only complaint is that TRUMP is FOS and the shooting down of a legally operated DRONE requires payback Occupied .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Doubtful. Trump is an isolationist - that is proven over and over again - and in no way wants a war. Iran as well does not want a war, they are well aware that the leadership will not survive it.

What Iran wants is an enemy to parade in front of their people to keep the current regime in power. To that end, they are likely to get it at an immense cost to the Iranian population through economic pressure. As far as Israel goes, yes they are likely to strike Iran's nuclear capabilities. That is simply a statement of fact. That is also unlikely to end in a full scale war.

Before too many days pass Trump will be selling a war and all the good little Trumpbots will dutifully get on board.

---------------------------------- IF its a Military strike on infrastructure and military infrastructure using missiles and such that should do the job , --- if it even happens . Its sorta like 'tit for tat' or payback for the 'Iranians' shooting down the DRONE Occupied .

The only advantage of a drone over a conventional aircraft is that it is expendable. The loss of one requires no response as no one died. Trump said this the other day and may be the first thing he ever said I totally agree with. The warhawks are pressing hard though. All they have to do is convince Trump that an attack will make him more popular or win him the election and Iran is toast. Since regime change is the ultimate goal a limited war will escalate into a decades long occupation.

----------------------------------- And it won't be WAR . It'd just be a HUGE missile strike on military infrastructure and regular important infrastructure . After that the next move is up to the enemy 'iran' Occupied .
I agree about the election . My only complaint is that TRUMP is FOS and the shooting down of a legally operated DRONE requires payback Occupied .
This entire incident stinks of being a deliberate provocation. With Bolton leading the charge to murder Iran do not assume we are ever in the right or justified in anything. These same people lied us into two wars, do not trust them.
Iran negotiated a plan of action in good faith. My people have reneged on the agreement and initiated economic war against the people of Iran.

So yes, my people are the provocateurs.

The 'agreement' you speak of was just that -- An agreement. Not a treaty. It was between ONE person and another Country. It was NOT a Treaty agreed to and ratified by the representatives of The People in the US Senate.

And ONE person has the right to walk away from the 'agreement'. So Trump did.

suck on it

obama might have been one of YOUR people, but he wasn't one of mine.

He was scummiest scumbag cocksucker to ever sit in the Half-White House.

No wonder you love him.
Iran negotiated a plan of action in good faith. My people have reneged on the agreement and initiated economic war against the people of Iran.

So yes, my people are the provocateurs.

The 'agreement' you speak of was just that -- An agreement. Not a treaty. It was between ONE person and another Country. It was NOT a Treaty agreed to and ratified by the representatives of The People in the US Senate.

And ONE person has the right to walk away from the 'agreement'. So Trump did.

suck on it

obama might have been one of YOUR people, but he wasn't one of mine.

He was scummiest scumbag cocksucker to ever sit in the Half-White House.

No wonder you love him.
Yeah our relationship wit Iran is so much better now. At the end of the Obama administration war with Iran was a remote possibility and now look at this stupid mess. Standing on the brink of more Trillions being poured down another mideast money pit when the same warhawk assholes claim we are too broke to help our own people.
Yeah our relationship wit Iran is so much better now. At the end of the Obama administration war with Iran was a remote possibility and now look at this stupid mess. Standing on the brink of more Trillions being poured down another mideast money pit when the same warhawk assholes claim we are too broke to help our own people.

Did you know (of course you didn't) that even WHILE the negotiations between the Lying Cocksucker and THE Traitor john kerry were going on that Iran opened every single Parliamentary session with chants of, "Death To America!"
As crowd chants 'Death to America,' Khamenei backs nuclear talks

They did that prior to the negotiations, too.

And still do it to this day.

What do you think they mean when they chant "Death To America" in their Parliament?

Maybe you should ask CNN. Or Jon Stewart. Or Bill Maher what they think it means because you sure as FUCK don't have a clue

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