Lindsey Graham: Iran should be 'ready for severe pain'

Yeah our relationship wit Iran is so much better now. At the end of the Obama administration war with Iran was a remote possibility and now look at this stupid mess. Standing on the brink of more Trillions being poured down another mideast money pit when the same warhawk assholes claim we are too broke to help our own people.

Did you know (of course you didn't) that even WHILE the negotiations between the Lying Cocksucker and THE Traitor john kerry were going on that Iran opened every single Parliamentary session with chants of, "Death To America!"

They did that prior to the negotiations, too.

And still do it to this day.

What do you think they mean when they chant "Death To America" in their Parliament?

Maybe you should ask CNN. Or Jon Stewart. Or Bill Maher what they think it means because you sure as FUCK don't have a clue
I don't care about "death to America" chants. They are practically meaningless patriotic displays. I do care that some of the people who run our country are practically chanting "death to Iran" in the president's ear.
I agree about the election . My only complaint is that TRUMP is FOS and the shooting down of a legally operated DRONE requires payback Occupied .
This entire incident stinks of being a deliberate provocation. With Bolton leading the charge to murder Iran do not assume we are ever in the right or justified in anything. These same people lied us into two wars, do not trust them.
--------------------- yeah , well i'll trust the USA as I pick a side . Its only PRACTICAL thinking for me as an American Occupied
all this fear of WAR , I just don't understand it . 'iran' would probably lose and that's what needs to be done .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
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I agree about the election . My only complaint is that TRUMP is FOS and the shooting down of a legally operated DRONE requires payback Occupied .
This entire incident stinks of being a deliberate provocation. With Bolton leading the charge to murder Iran do not assume we are ever in the right or justified in anything. These same people lied us into two wars, do not trust them.
--------------------- yeah , well i'll trust the USA as I pick a side . Its only PRACTICAL thinking for me as an American Occupied
How about this? Don't pick a side when both sides are wrong. What we have here are a few monstrous people in both our countries who just want to see the world burn.
ALL 'iranians' are monstrous as they are 'shia muslim' and they support their 'mullahs' and 'ayatolahs' .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
---------------------------- see Terrys post just above Occupied . That's what I envision and that is not WAR .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
These things ALWAYS escalate. Any attack by us will lead to another prolonged and ruinous conflict. Our leaders still seek the sort of broad capitulation we had in WW2 but that will never happen in the middle east, not even if we use nukes.
YOU might be correct , the 'iranians' won't bend knees so send them ALL to their virgins Occupied .
.......Don't pick a side when both sides are wrong. What we have here are a few monstrous people in both our countries who just want to see the world burn.

We know who the monstrous Islamo-Fascist terrorist mullahs are in Iran.

Exactly who do you think the monsters are in America? It must be the Democrats, right? The part of Infanticide and sexual perverts and socialism, right?

Well, sick disgusting monsters though the Democrats may be, we still must protect our national interests for ALL Americans, so you are wrong.

These things ALWAYS escalate. Any attack by us will lead to another prolonged and ruinous conflict

Have you heard of Operation Praying Mantis? Great response, and did not escalate into war.
ALL 'iranians' are monstrous as they are 'shia muslim' and they support their 'mullahs' and 'ayatolahs' .
There is no criticism of Iran society that is not also true of Saudi Arabia and we sell them billions in weapons. In some ways, especially for women, Iran is a far more progressive society.
There is no criticism of Iran society that is not also true of Saudi Arabia and we sell them billions in weapons. In some ways, especially for women, Iran is a far more progressive society.

The Saudis help us in many many ways. The Iranians are an Islamo-Fascist state sponsor of terrorism.

The Saudi government have never attacked us. The Iranians have killed American soldiers all over the place.

The Saudis may have rotten people living in their kingdom, but we have Democrats here: Just as bad.
There is no criticism of Iran society that is not also true of Saudi Arabia and we sell them billions in weapons. In some ways, especially for women, Iran is a far more progressive society.

The Saudis help us in many many ways. The Iranians are an Islamo-Fascist state sponsor of terrorism.

The Saudi government have never attacked us. The Iranians have killed American soldiers all over the place.

The Saudis may have rotten people living in their kingdom, but we have Democrats here: Just as bad.
Quit trying to boil everything down to us versus them. Our alliances in the middle east are so untrustworthy as to push the definition of alliance. The people we prop up would never stick their necks out for us. None of them deserve our support that is only given to protect our sources of energy and not out of any shared values.
Quit trying to boil everything down to us versus them.

Why. That's what it is.

Our alliances in the middle east are so untrustworthy as to push the definition of alliance

Our two biggest allies, Israel and the Saudies, have been very very trustworthy and have come through for us many times. You're wrong. You must watch fake news.
Both of them tell us to go get bent if we try to tell them how not to use the weapons we give them. What kind of one-sided military alliance is that? Both of them could suck us into a shooting war by deliberately doing stuff we tell them not to do.
Quit trying to boil everything down to us versus them.

Why. That's what it is.

Our alliances in the middle east are so untrustworthy as to push the definition of alliance

Our two biggest allies, Israel and the Saudies, have been very very trustworthy and have come through for us many times. You're wrong. You must watch fake news.

They just get us into wars. That is all. Our wars in the ME are the cause of many American men and women deaths and maiming. Let them fight their own wars, with friends like that , who needs enemies.

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