Lindsey Graham: Iran should be 'ready for severe pain'

Iran is making every attempt to keep the negotiation agreement alive. They are acting in good faith.

The US is trying to sabotage the agreement.

The were screaming "DEATH TO AMERICA" shortly after agreeing to Lurch's green-light to a nuke in ten years. I wouldn't let Kerry mow my lawn and since Barry is an America-hating muslime, well aware of Iran's intentions, Israel has every right to take matters into their own hands. I don't blame them for wanting us to do it or help them do it....we created Israel and we have an obligation to defend her.
Quit trying to boil everything down to us versus them.

Why. That's what it is.

Our alliances in the middle east are so untrustworthy as to push the definition of alliance

Our two biggest allies, Israel and the Saudies, have been very very trustworthy and have come through for us many times. You're wrong. You must watch fake news.
Both of them tell us to go get bent if we try to tell them how not to use the weapons we give them. What kind of one-sided military alliance is that? Both of them could suck us into a shooting war by deliberately doing stuff we tell them not to do.
------------------------------------ USA Sells them weapons and that's the end of the deal as far as i'm concerned . Use the weapons to shred 'kashoogis' or 'houtis' or 'Iranians' or whoever you like Saudi king .
Quit trying to boil everything down to us versus them.

Why. That's what it is.

Our alliances in the middle east are so untrustworthy as to push the definition of alliance

Our two biggest allies, Israel and the Saudies, have been very very trustworthy and have come through for us many times. You're wrong. You must watch fake news.
Both of them tell us to go get bent if we try to tell them how not to use the weapons we give them. What kind of one-sided military alliance is that? Both of them could suck us into a shooting war by deliberately doing stuff we tell them not to do.
------------------------------ USA Sells them weapons and that's that Occupied .
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran. All roads lead through Israel. He states, in no uncertain terms, that Israel is going to initiate the war and draw the US in.

The neocons will in all likelihood get their war. And the neo-con man in the White House is going to "sell" it to the American people.

Oh, yeah. Graham is the bad guy, and the Ayatollah and his gang are good guys, huh. You're the enemy within.
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
The neocon, Lindsey Graham, wasn't suggesting the US respond with a surgical strike. He stated quite plainly that Israel was going to initiate a war which would then draw the US in.

This is not even a new idea, this has been floating around Washington for a number of years. All that has taken place in US/Iranian relations has been foretold in this strategy report by Brookings Institute.
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
The neocon, Lindsey Graham, wasn't suggesting the US respond with a surgical strike. He stated quite plainly that Israel was going to initiate a war which would then draw the US in.

This is not even a new idea, this has been floating around Washington for a number of years. All that has taken place in US/Iranian relations has been foretold in this strategy report by Brookings Institute.
Israel can't initiate anything. Iran has been at war with Israel and the US for 40 years.
This vile human being (I'm being polite) has telegraphed the US entry into war with Iran.........

No he hasn't. Many presidents, including Obama and Clinton, have responded to attacks with measured responses.

To say that it is either war or nothing is a dishonest extremist false statement.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces is not the same as "war". What is "vile" is to suggest that it is.

A single naval and air strike against Iran that disables all their forces would be a great response
The neocon, Lindsey Graham, wasn't suggesting the US respond with a surgical strike. He stated quite plainly that Israel was going to initiate a war which would then draw the US in.

This is not even a new idea, this has been floating around Washington for a number of years. All that has taken place in US/Iranian relations has been foretold in this strategy report by Brookings Institute.
Israel can't initiate anything. Iran has been at war with Israel and the US for 40 years.
Iran is not at war. The war is being directed against them by provocateurs, Israel and the US, in hopes that Iran will respond in such a way that it will initiate the war that the provocateurs clearly want. See here;

Iran signed an association agreement that was intended to bring them into the world community. They have remained faithful to the agreement despite the attempts to sabotage it.
'iran' shot down one of the USA Assets plus 'iran' has been an enemy going back over 40 years Tehon .
They are not my enemy, pismoe.

The Iranian people aren't our enemy...they dig America and want to be like us. If Barry had sent them some rifles and ammunition during their "Green Revolution" in 2009, they'd have gotten rid of the mullah perverts on their own. Trump will win this...he always everything.
'iran' shot down one of the USA Assets plus 'iran' has been an enemy going back over 40 years Tehon .
They are not my enemy, pismoe.
-------------------------------- symbolically , yeah they are Tehon . [chuckle]
Why, because you say so?

'iran' shot down one of the USA Assets plus 'iran' has been an enemy going back over 40 years Tehon .
They are not my enemy, pismoe.
-------------------------------- symbolically , yeah they are Tehon . [chuckle]
----------------------------------- you say nothing plain , you must be a lefty lib that thinks he is smart . Fact remains that if punitive action is taken on the 'iranians' it will be to pay monetarily and symbolically for a 150 million dollar DRONE that the 'iranians' shot down Tehon .
The 'agreement' you speak of was just that -- An agreement. Not a treaty. It was between ONE person and another Country.
It was a joint plan of action between multiple countries and ONE person reneged.
Both of them tell us to go get bent if we try to tell them how not to use the weapons we give them.........

So what. So would France or England.
We SELL them weapons. We don't GIVE them anything.

Your ignorance is amusing in a sad sort of way. Often wrong but never uncertain...

U.S. $38B military aid package to Israel sends a message

WASHINGTON — The United States agreed Wednesday to provide Israel a record $38 billion in new military aid over the next decade. The pact is a sign of the two nations' close alliance despite major differences over Iran's nuclear program and other policies.

The agreement, which equates to $3.8 billion a year, is the largest bilateral military aid package ever and includes $5 billion for missile defense, additional F-35 joint strike fighters and increased mobility for its ground forces.

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