List of celebrities who promised to move out of USA if Trump won.....


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Celebs who said they’d leave country if Trump won
Trump has made a YUGE step toward making America great again and he hasnt even taken office yet!

but but but...

they were just following a script, they didn't really mean it
Why are they moving to CANADA and not Mexico?

Fucking racists!

Enjoy that Canadian healthcare system. :badgrin:
How many of these lying bubbleheads are actually going to deliver on this hollow threat?

My guess is NONE....but every 1 who moves out of the country is a victory for us all.

Can we start with Miley Cyrus and Lena Dunham? PLEASE LEAVE.
We should all be supportive of the decision these people made to leave America.

Canada will have that good Walter White meth very soon.
Weren't there several politicians making the same threat/promise? To them all, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out :badgrin:

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