List some reasons why people approve Barack Obama more worldwide than Donald Trump

The comparison is unfair to Donny as he is so far adrift in the President stakes.

This carrot is more presidential than that little shit.

Thanks for the example of abandoning facts for emotional rants like this. :p
The comparison is unfair to Donny as he is so far adrift in the President stakes.

This carrot is more presidential than that little shit.

Thanks for the example of abandoning facts for emotional rants like this. :p
You are one to speak of facts ?? Ignoring the lying racist perverted bully in our WH but bashing good people with wonderful children so unlike trumps spawn ?.....Talk of facts Tell us of the trump history and what he brings to our WH
Easy come easy go
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump | The New Yorker

Oct 1, 2018 - Donald Trump has adopted many contradictory positions since taking office, but he has been unwavering on one point: that Russiaplayed no ...
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to increase political ... More sanctions were imposed against Russia by theTrump administration in March .... to attacking Clinton, and by the fall of 2016 to directly help Trump's campaign, because Putin thought he would ease economic sanctions.
Moscow–Washington hotline · ‎Timeline of Russian · ‎Foreign electoral intervention

Russian Meddling Helped Trump Win in 2016 - Bloomberg

Jul 24, 2018 - Yes, Russian Election Sabotage Helped Trump Win.Republicans want you to think that meddling didn’t figure in the 2016 election result. ... It’s a Republican talking point: Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election, but it didn’t affect the outcome.

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, NOT Trump

Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium, NOT Trump

Obama found out about Russian interference in 2014, NOT Trump

Hillary colluded with/paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, NOT Trump

Trump won his Party's nomination - Hillary didn't

Hillary cheated in debates - NOT Trump

The Russians did not change 1 vote from Hillary to Trump

CONSERVATIVES were not duped by the Russians on social media into organizing and marching for them - DEMOCRATS / Snowflakes did

CONSERVATIVE GROUPS did not willingly take Russian cash to spread racial division and violence...

... BUT you keep reciting that Fake News Liberal mythological conspiracy theory BS..... :p

Evidence from the noice machine hopes fools will believe, but fact show.

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, NOT Trump

- The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium, NOT Trump

- The Obama Administration (thru 8 Federal agencies) allowed the sale of a uranian company to mine in the US for US consumption.

Obama found out about Russian interference in 2014, NOT Trump

- Our intelligence community found out about carter page and his dealings with Putin's Russia.

Hillary colluded with/paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, NOT Trump

- The Clinton campaign hired an American company for opposition research. They didn't meet with Russian operatives in trump tower or endlessly lie about contacts with Russian agents.

Trump won his Party's nomination - Hillary didn't

- Still wondering who ran against trump.

Hillary cheated in debates - NOT Trump

- It was so awful of her to bring facts and present them.

The Russians did not change 1 vote from Hillary to Trump

- The Russian influence just caused a man to shot up a pizza joint and.....

CONSERVATIVES were not duped by the Russians on social media into organizing and marching for them - DEMOCRATS / Snowflakes did

- See previous post and now explain it.

CONSERVATIVE GROUPS did not willingly take Russian cash to spread racial division and violence...

- Please explain how a Russian operative gained excess to the nra and how millions of dollars in donations from Russian sources ended up in nra accounts. BTW try to get around the guilty plea...

... BUT you keep reciting that Fake News Liberal mythological conspiracy theory BS.....

- Fake news is something that YOU believe in to hide YOURSELF from facts.
Most people still do not understand who Barack Obama is and what he did as Prez. When it all comes out, he will have single digit support. He is a bigoted cocksucker who sold out America, made $10 trillion vanish, punished innocent patriots, promoted kleptocratic and treasonous bigots, discriminated like no other President in history, and knowingly harmed America over fraud and treason.

All it takes is the first pop from Matt Whitaker, and QUEER-O's descent into the mud will commence....

If every one would admit that when our party is in power we tend to pay less attention, look for the good, make excuses for the mistakes. due diligence is needed no matter who's in charge.
The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Sorry, I could not get past your 1st lie / spin.

Evidence shows the man who made the $145 million 'donation' to Hillary was THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Easily-manipulated / conned snowflakes like yourself actually believe that is a 'coincidence' You also believe these are 'coincidences':

Hillary just happened to be on the committee tasked with either approving or denying Russia the permission to buy Uranium One.

Former US AG Eric Holder, the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured...for Perjury, also sat on that committee with Hillary. Both KNEW of the Russian crimes perpetrated associated with the Russian effort to buy Uranium One and neither one said a word - they hid the information from the committee. (The crimes being committed included BRIBERY of Uranium and POLITICAL officials who had influence over them getting that permission to buy Uranium One.)

Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the KGB BANK for a one-hour speech. Clinton attempted to meet with Uranium Agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them HE MET DIRECTLY WITH PUTIN HIMSELF.

(I guess we are to believe this was another 'Chance Meeting' as was the one with US AG Loretta Lynch before the announcement Hillary would not be indicted for her crimes - perhaps slick Willy just happened to be 'in the neighborhood' while giving that speech and suddenly got the urge to talk 'grandkids' with Vlad?! :p )

An FBI Whistleblower has come forward - under the Whistleblower Act protection - with evidence that the FBI - run by then FBI Director Robert Mueller - NEVER investigated Hillary receiving $145 million from the Lead Russian in their Uranium One deal...and evidence showing Mueller and the FBI HID the evidence of the Russian crimes until the deal was done.

- Evidence also shows that despite knowing about the crimes, Barry signed off on the deal anyway after Hillary, Holder, and their committee agreed to vote to allow Russia to buy Uranium One.

*** Liberal Billionaire Admits To Manufacturing 'Evidence' Linking GOP To Russia

D@mn - those are a LOT of coincidences, none of which, according to snowflakes, have anything to do with each other or how the Obama administration handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Vlad and the Russians ... after Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin 2 years earlier that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election.

USA got to be recognized and treated as Top Dog , feck them allies 'general mattis' .

There is no "Top Dog" outside juvenile fantasyland.
--------------------------- Top Dog because the USA will feck you up if we have to Pogo !!

As I just said ---- Fantasyland.

The world is not about "fecking up people". Even if that were a real word. The fact that you think it is tells us you have a loooooong way to go before you graduate into adulthood.
Obama went on a worldwide apology tour in which he kowtowed to tyrants and disparaged America. Of course he is popular with people who want to see American destroyed or put under the yoke to fund kleptocracies around the world.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?



Queer Barry Obama is a globalist who sought to end American sovereignty and make us a vassal of the global elite. Trump supports America.
USA got to be recognized and treated as Top Dog , feck them allies 'general mattis' .

There is no "Top Dog" outside juvenile fantasyland.
--------------------------- Top Dog because the USA will feck you up if we have to Pogo !!

As I just said ---- Fantasyland.

The world is not about "fecking up people". Even if that were a real word. The fact that you think it is tells us you have a loooooong way to go before you graduate into adulthood.
---------------------------- see post 110 to have things explained to you about 'mrobama' Pogo .
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?


The answer is simple. Obama gave away millions of US dollars without anything in return. Trump refuses to do so.

What foreign leader would be unhappy with Obama and happy with Trump? Duh
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?



Queer Barry Obama is a globalist who sought to end American sovereignty and make us a vassal of the global elite. Trump supports America.
You know of a president that got more votes than Obama??

I moved on her like a bitch. And she was married!


I’m automatically attracted to beautiful women — I just start kissing them, it’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pussy.

Well, we never had to worry about Queer Barry grabbing women by the pussy. Boys by the cock is another issue....
Obama did not have 80% of the news media smearing him night and day.
Ever wonder why?? Because most loved him

Laugh at this dotards
As of the 2016 presidential election Obama's total count of 69.5 millionvotes still stands as the largest tally ever won by a presidential candidate.
68 million of those votes were illegal Mexicans.

Nah, just 4 million in California.
The Clinton Foundaton raised $145 for the fight against AIDS and water projects for poor nations.

Sorry, I could not get past your 1st lie / spin.

Evidence shows the man who made the $145 million 'donation' to Hillary was THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One.

Easily-manipulated / conned snowflakes like yourself actually believe that is a 'coincidence' You also believe these are 'coincidences':

Hillary just happened to be on the committee tasked with either approving or denying Russia the permission to buy Uranium One.

Former US AG Eric Holder, the 1st Presidential Cabinet Member in US History to ever be Censured...for Perjury, also sat on that committee with Hillary. Both KNEW of the Russian crimes perpetrated associated with the Russian effort to buy Uranium One and neither one said a word - they hid the information from the committee. (The crimes being committed included BRIBERY of Uranium and POLITICAL officials who had influence over them getting that permission to buy Uranium One.)

Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 by the KGB BANK for a one-hour speech. Clinton attempted to meet with Uranium Agency officials, and when he failed to get an audience with them HE MET DIRECTLY WITH PUTIN HIMSELF.

(I guess we are to believe this was another 'Chance Meeting' as was the one with US AG Loretta Lynch before the announcement Hillary would not be indicted for her crimes - perhaps slick Willy just happened to be 'in the neighborhood' while giving that speech and suddenly got the urge to talk 'grandkids' with Vlad?! :p )

An FBI Whistleblower has come forward - under the Whistleblower Act protection - with evidence that the FBI - run by then FBI Director Robert Mueller - NEVER investigated Hillary receiving $145 million from the Lead Russian in their Uranium One deal...and evidence showing Mueller and the FBI HID the evidence of the Russian crimes until the deal was done.

- Evidence also shows that despite knowing about the crimes, Barry signed off on the deal anyway after Hillary, Holder, and their committee agreed to vote to allow Russia to buy Uranium One.

*** Liberal Billionaire Admits To Manufacturing 'Evidence' Linking GOP To Russia

D@mn - those are a LOT of coincidences, none of which, according to snowflakes, have anything to do with each other or how the Obama administration handed over 20% of the US supply of uranium to Vlad and the Russians ... after Barry told Medvedev to pass on to Putin 2 years earlier that he would be more 'flexible' after re-election.

Sure, claim a lie. But the only lying currently has been by YOU.

FACT CHECK: Hillary Clinton Gave 20 Percent of United States' Uranium to Russia in Exchange for Clinton Foundation Donations?

So now you can admit lying or play the Snopes is a Liberal website card and play the stupid card.

Your chance.

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