List some reasons why people approve Barack Obama more worldwide than Donald Trump

Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Respectful to Women ? You do know Hillary Clinton was Obama's secretary of State, you people couldn't have forgotten who her husband is.
" “all accusers have a right to be believed,” "
Hillary Clinton
"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them"
Also Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the way you talk about Hillary, you make it seem that Bill had unprotected sex with a porn star.
Present your case for the first Obama "fact" that can convince anyone.

View attachment 237025

2. 'Obama-pologist'

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America - Washington Free Beacon

3. Obama allowed everyone to take advantage of us
Trump, unlike Obama, demanded NATO nations to pay their fair share - and they did

Trump successfully re-negotiated trade deals for better / more fair deals for America

Obama paid ransoms for the release of US hostages - Trump brought Americans being held abroad home without paying ransoms

4. Obama was a globalist
- Pro Open Borders
- Refusal To Enforce Existing US Immigration Laws
- Aided / Abetted Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities
- Aided Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals
- Obama, Merkel defend merits of globalism - CNNPolitics

5. Iran - Barry's Personal UN-Constitutional 'TREATY'
After every other nation walked away from the negotiating table...
While Iran's Military was practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers...
While a top Iranian official mocked Obama by saying he was desperate enough to sign anything...
While Iran's leader led public chants od 'Death To America'...
While it was proven Iran had already violated the Temp deal stipulations...
Without demanding the release of US hostages be part of the deal...
Barak Obama negotiated and signed his own personal TREATY with Iran, a violation of the US soon as it was signed he then raced off to the UN without showing the treaty 1st to Congress to have the UN / the world Acknowledge and Ratify it with their understanding that the 'United States' had already agreed to it ... which it had NOT.
* What Barry negotiated was a deal between BARAK OBAMA and Iran, NOT the United States and Iran

Sect of State John Kerry, testifying before Congress, answered the question of why wasn't the Iran Treaty a 'Treaty' by saying 'the Treaty Clause of the Constitution is DEAD'. He argued that because Congress could not pass treaties that the President wanted in a timely manner or not at all that this was justification for a President to violate the Constitution and do it on his own...the same justification Obama gave for admittedly violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress to impose his own 'Law' / 'Edict' - his 'Dreamer' edict - as 'law of the land'.
*** Obama Administration: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead | Investor's Business Daily

"I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.

The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:"Frankly it's become physically impossible."

The Senate was never conferred with and never voted to pass Obama's personal TREATY, making what he did UN-Constitutional!

5. 'Obama plays Santa Clause To Putin'

o Obama breaks US Promise to defend Ukraine's sovereign border, does nothing during Russian build up on border and during military invasion / annexation.
*** Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

"When President Obama declared Friday that “there will be costs” for any Russian intervention in Ukraine, you could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin — followed by the sound of Russian military vehicles roaring into Crimea and seizing control of the peninsula. “Costs?” Vladimir Putin must have thought. Just like the “costs” Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?"

o Hillary got $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, Obama got Putin's permission to commit an International War Crime by Invading Syria, and Putin got 20% of the US Supply of Uranium
*** What we know about the Russian uranium scheme involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration

"Besides being responsible for signing off on the Uranium One deal, the Obama administration
granted a U.S. temporary work visa to Russian nuclear industry executive Vadim Mikerin in December 2011 and renewed it in August 2014, according to court records that came to light on Tuesday. Mikerin engaged in illegal conduct as early as 2009 but was not arrested and charged with extortion until a few months after the Obama administration renewed his work visa."

o Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing

*** Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

*** Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

*** Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Merry Christmas, snowflake.

So you admit the Russians helped Donald Trump get elected?
Let me add something very obviously missing in the orange douchbag A loving relationship with his family like Obama has shown for the 8 years as president
Yeah...Trump is NOTHING like Slick Willy or the 100+ Democrats who sexually harassed / assaulted women while in office for DECADES ands instead of stopping it created a committee whose sole responsibility for exist8ing was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims...

Oh please ,,stop blowing smoke up our asses Dems are guilty of sex abuse probably less than republicans are and how many republicans used that slush fund to pay off those they abused sexually Are you really the pot calling the kettle black? And our BIG problem now is not the bullshit thrown by republicans at hillary and obama but the scumbag thats in our wh NOW
So you admit the Russians helped Donald Trump get elected?
You SERIOUSLY need to work on your reading comprehension ability, snowflake, or either get better at lying. YOU are the only one who said that.
So you admit the Russians helped Donald Trump get elected?
You SERIOUSLY need to work on your reading comprehension ability, snowflake, or either get better at lying. YOU are the only one who said that.
Easy come easy go
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump | The New Yorker

Oct 1, 2018 - Donald Trump has adopted many contradictory positions since taking office, but he has been unwavering on one point: that Russiaplayed no ...
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to increase political ... More sanctions were imposed against Russia by theTrump administration in March .... to attacking Clinton, and by the fall of 2016 to directly help Trump's campaign, because Putin thought he would ease economic sanctions.
Moscow–Washington hotline · ‎Timeline of Russian · ‎Foreign electoral intervention

Russian Meddling Helped Trump Win in 2016 - Bloomberg

Jul 24, 2018 - Yes, Russian Election Sabotage Helped Trump Win.Republicans want you to think that meddling didn’t figure in the 2016 election result. ... It’s a Republican talking point: Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election, but it didn’t affect the outcome.
Oh please ,,stop blowing smoke up our asses Dems are guilty of sex abuse probably less than republicans are and how many republicans used that slush fund to pay off those they abused sexually Are you really the pot calling the kettle black? And our BIG problem now is not the bullshit thrown by republicans at hillary and obama but the scumbag thats in our wh NOW

Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress

Hypocritical little f*ers like you are attacking Trump for having a consensual affair BEFORE he ran for office and entering into a non-disclosure agreement in which he used his own money to pay for the woman to keep quiet while approx. 100 Democrats ... WHILE IN OFFICE ... CRIMINALLY sexually harassed and sexually assaulted women ... and instead of stopping it and holding those guilty accountable they created a committee whose sole reason for existing was to CRIMINALLY use tax payer dollars to pay for the silence of their victims.

What a lying, hypocritical partisan douche bag you are!

Obama went on an apology tour.

Obama agreed with our enemies, and some of our allies that America is a COLONIAL POWER that exploits the populace of other countries.

Obama wanted to Fundamentally Transform (destroy) America.

Obama was an APPEASER, and bowed down to everyone.

Obama was "Black".

Obama was ultra Liberal/Progressive (Communist).

That's why the world liked him, but did NOT RESPECT HIM.
Oh please ,,stop blowing smoke up our asses Dems are guilty of sex abuse probably less than republicans are and how many republicans used that slush fund to pay off those they abused sexually Are you really the pot calling the kettle black? And our BIG problem now is not the bullshit thrown by republicans at hillary and obama but the scumbag thats in our wh NOW

Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress

Hypocritical little f*ers like you are attacking Trump for having a consensual affair BEFORE he ran for office and entering into a non-disclosure agreement in which he used his own money to pay for the woman to keep quiet while approx. 100 Democrats ... WHILE IN OFFICE ... CRIMINALLY sexually harassed and sexually assaulted women ... and instead of stopping it and holding those guilty accountable they created a committee whose sole reason for existing was to CRIMINALLY use tax payer dollars to pay for the silence of their victims.

What a lying, hypocritical partisan douche bag you are!

Republicans left no doubt what they think of women - The Washington ...

Oct 7, 2018 - You cannot say a party that embraces a deeply misogynistic president who bragged about sexually assaulting women and mocked and taunted ...
Why Conservative Women Are Ok with Harassment - Harper's Bazaar

Sep 26, 2018 - Sexual assault is no big deal, it's just boys being boys” has become a pretty consistent line amidst not just men, but women in theGOP.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Respectful to Women ? You do know Hillary Clinton was Obama's secretary of State, you people couldn't have forgotten who her husband is.
" “all accusers have a right to be believed,” "
Hillary Clinton
"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them"
Also Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the way you talk about Hillary, you make it seem that Bill had unprotected sex with a porn star.
No he just used his political position and power to get sex. Hillary and the press covered for him.
Obama went on an apology tour.

Obama agreed with our enemies, and some of our allies that America is a COLONIAL POWER that exploits the populace of other countries.

Obama wanted to Fundamentally Transform (destroy) America.

Obama was an APPEASER, and bowed down to everyone.

Obama was "Black".

Obama was ultra Liberal/Progressive (Communist).

That's why the world liked him, but did NOT RESPECT HIM.
And now with the moron in office they respect America ??? They laugh at us Putins boy is a farce Un laughs at him ,Iran tells him to stick it The worst pos ever to enter our wh and republicans are to blame
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Respectful to Women ? You do know Hillary Clinton was Obama's secretary of State, you people couldn't have forgotten who her husband is.
" “all accusers have a right to be believed,” "
Hillary Clinton
"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them"
Also Hillary Clinton.
Wow, the way you talk about Hillary, you make it seem that Bill had unprotected sex with a porn star.
No he just used his political position and power to get sex. Hillary and the press covered for him.
How man CEO's use their position for sexual favors?
List some reasons why people approve of Donald Trump rather than Obama
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy
let me add:
Obamas hate America/whites/cops--which I've linked many times on USMB

Obamacare was DUMBSHIT!:
taxed people if they didn't get it
wasted millions!
Employees: No work at Obamacare processing centers, and bosses knew

What else would you add?
Respectfull to women,Trump,? The pusy grabber that on average pays 100k to get laid. Good shape?: That fat peice of shit can not even get off a golf cart. Has compasion. shuts down the governemnet and sais do not worry about those not getting paid. Not lazy? The entire worlds leaders showed up to a grave yard in Frtance but dumb fuck lazy ass could not go because it was raining. The fat lazy ass falied to visit the troops on christmas lazy again. Delevers on promises, still waiting on the check from m,exico for the wall. So in short you are a flat lying piece of shit.
trump history
Ms. Craig and her colleagues David Barstow and Russ Buettner examined Mr. Trump’s finances for more than a year.

Among the highlights:

The future president was a millionaire by age 8, thanks to his father.

The younger Trump said he once got a “small” loan of $1 million from his father to start his business. It was closer to $60 million at the time, and never repaid.

The older Trump repeatedly rescued his son from financial ruin.

In a move that seemed designed to avoid gift taxes, the Trumps “grossly lowered” the value of the property in Fred Trump’s empire.

Here are more key takeaways.

Inflating costs and passing them on to tenants
Donald Trump’s father, Fred, built housing for low- and middle-income residents in Brooklyn and Queens


In 1992, he formed a company that purchased equipment for his buildings.

But a Times investigation found that the company’s main purpose was to let the Trumps pad the prices of those purchases and stick tenants with the bill in the form of improper rent increases. Millions flowed to Donald Trump and his relatives.

State officials are now investigating.

A podiatrist’s timely diagnosis
I know it was a favor,” in return for which her father got any problems with the building attended to quickly.

Undocumented and employed by Trump
my colleague Miriam Jordan wrote. Ms. Morales, who entered the country illegally from Guatemala, even met Mr. Trump.

Trump Foundation shuts down

Easy come easy go
How Russia Helped Swing the Election for Trump | The New Yorker

Oct 1, 2018 - Donald Trump has adopted many contradictory positions since taking office, but he has been unwavering on one point: that Russiaplayed no ...
Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections - Wikipedia

The Russian government interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election to increase political ... More sanctions were imposed against Russia by theTrump administration in March .... to attacking Clinton, and by the fall of 2016 to directly help Trump's campaign, because Putin thought he would ease economic sanctions.
Moscow–Washington hotline · ‎Timeline of Russian · ‎Foreign electoral intervention

Russian Meddling Helped Trump Win in 2016 - Bloomberg

Jul 24, 2018 - Yes, Russian Election Sabotage Helped Trump Win.Republicans want you to think that meddling didn’t figure in the 2016 election result. ... It’s a Republican talking point: Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election, but it didn’t affect the outcome.

Hillary took $145 million from the Russians, NOT Trump

Hillary and Obama gave Putin 20% of US uranium, NOT Trump

Obama found out about Russian interference in 2014, NOT Trump

Hillary colluded with/paid foreign spies and Russians for their help, NOT Trump

Trump won his Party's nomination - Hillary didn't

Hillary cheated in debates - NOT Trump

The Russians did not change 1 vote from Hillary to Trump

CONSERVATIVES were not duped by the Russians on social media into organizing and marching for them - DEMOCRATS / Snowflakes did

CONSERVATIVE GROUPS did not willingly take Russian cash to spread racial division and violence...

... BUT you keep reciting that Fake News Liberal mythological conspiracy theory BS..... :p
Oh please ,,stop blowing smoke up our asses Dems are guilty of sex abuse probably less than republicans are and how many republicans used that slush fund to pay off those they abused sexually Are you really the pot calling the kettle black? And our BIG problem now is not the bullshit thrown by republicans at hillary and obama but the scumbag thats in our wh NOW

Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress

Hypocritical little f*ers like you are attacking Trump for having a consensual affair BEFORE he ran for office and entering into a non-disclosure agreement in which he used his own money to pay for the woman to keep quiet while approx. 100 Democrats ... WHILE IN OFFICE ... CRIMINALLY sexually harassed and sexually assaulted women ... and instead of stopping it and holding those guilty accountable they created a committee whose sole reason for existing was to CRIMINALLY use tax payer dollars to pay for the silence of their victims.

What a lying, hypocritical partisan douche bag you are!

Republicans left no doubt what they think of women - The Washington ...

Oct 7, 2018 - You cannot say a party that embraces a deeply misogynistic president who bragged about sexually assaulting women and mocked and taunted ...
Why Conservative Women Are Ok with Harassment - Harper's Bazaar

Sep 26, 2018 - Sexual assault is no big deal, it's just boys being boys” has become a pretty consistent line amidst not just men, but women in theGOP.
100 Democrats ... WHILE IN OFFICE ... CRIMINALLY sexually harassed and sexually assaulted women ... and instead of stopping it and holding those guilty accountable they created a committee whose sole reason for existing was to CRIMINALLY use tax payer dollars to pay for the silence of their victims.

What a lying, hypocritical partisan douche bag you are!
Present your case for the first Obama "fact" that can convince anyone.

View attachment 237025

2. 'Obama-pologist'

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America - Washington Free Beacon

3. Obama allowed everyone to take advantage of us
Trump, unlike Obama, demanded NATO nations to pay their fair share - and they did

Trump successfully re-negotiated trade deals for better / more fair deals for America

Obama paid ransoms for the release of US hostages - Trump brought Americans being held abroad home without paying ransoms

4. Obama was a globalist
- Pro Open Borders
- Refusal To Enforce Existing US Immigration Laws
- Aided / Abetted Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities
- Aided Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals
- Obama, Merkel defend merits of globalism - CNNPolitics

5. Iran - Barry's Personal UN-Constitutional 'TREATY'
After every other nation walked away from the negotiating table...
While Iran's Military was practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers...
While a top Iranian official mocked Obama by saying he was desperate enough to sign anything...
While Iran's leader led public chants od 'Death To America'...
While it was proven Iran had already violated the Temp deal stipulations...
Without demanding the release of US hostages be part of the deal...
Barak Obama negotiated and signed his own personal TREATY with Iran, a violation of the US soon as it was signed he then raced off to the UN without showing the treaty 1st to Congress to have the UN / the world Acknowledge and Ratify it with their understanding that the 'United States' had already agreed to it ... which it had NOT.
* What Barry negotiated was a deal between BARAK OBAMA and Iran, NOT the United States and Iran

Sect of State John Kerry, testifying before Congress, answered the question of why wasn't the Iran Treaty a 'Treaty' by saying 'the Treaty Clause of the Constitution is DEAD'. He argued that because Congress could not pass treaties that the President wanted in a timely manner or not at all that this was justification for a President to violate the Constitution and do it on his own...the same justification Obama gave for admittedly violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress to impose his own 'Law' / 'Edict' - his 'Dreamer' edict - as 'law of the land'.
*** Obama Administration: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead | Investor's Business Daily

"I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.

The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:"Frankly it's become physically impossible."

The Senate was never conferred with and never voted to pass Obama's personal TREATY, making what he did UN-Constitutional!

5. 'Obama plays Santa Clause To Putin'

o Obama breaks US Promise to defend Ukraine's sovereign border, does nothing during Russian build up on border and during military invasion / annexation.
*** Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

"When President Obama declared Friday that “there will be costs” for any Russian intervention in Ukraine, you could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin — followed by the sound of Russian military vehicles roaring into Crimea and seizing control of the peninsula. “Costs?” Vladimir Putin must have thought. Just like the “costs” Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?"

o Hillary got $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, Obama got Putin's permission to commit an International War Crime by Invading Syria, and Putin got 20% of the US Supply of Uranium
*** What we know about the Russian uranium scheme involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration

"Besides being responsible for signing off on the Uranium One deal, the Obama administration
granted a U.S. temporary work visa to Russian nuclear industry executive Vadim Mikerin in December 2011 and renewed it in August 2014, according to court records that came to light on Tuesday. Mikerin engaged in illegal conduct as early as 2009 but was not arrested and charged with extortion until a few months after the Obama administration renewed his work visa."

o Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing

*** Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

*** Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

*** Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Merry Christmas, snowflake.

The only snowflakes that I see are the ones in your post.

1. President Barack Hussein Obama was merely following international protocol with the state visit. I'm pretty sure President Barack Huseein Obama after the crown prince murdered a journalist in cold blood would not have bowed, graveled and carried Saudi Gold to save a military contract.

2. The free beacon? How did they cover trumps "Russia has done bad things, the United States have done bad things" moral equivalence to the Russian poisoning of ex-pats Russians in England? If president Barack Hussein Obama apologized its because we truly had something to apologize for. Much like the next President of the United States will have to do for our current president.

3. A. trump has had no major or minor leaps with NATO countries paying more for NATO. You have offered no proof of that.

B. trump, Canada and Mexico have signed what? What benefits are you claiming? That trump can import maga hats duty free...

C. President Barack Hussein Obama paid what ranson and to whom? All I see is our president don paying the ransom of national prestige to Russia and North Korea for them playing him as a fool. And BTW how have those negoiations worked out for the administration?

4. Yes, President Barack Hussein Obama realizes like every other criticallly thinking leader of the world that globalism is not something a nation can deny.

- In regard to your immigration cannards, show me the proof of open borders or a refusal to enforce the existing laws. The MS-13 poop is just a typical conservative lie. Easy to bat down as ignorance.

5. Again with the typical conservative noice machine lies. Show the proof that Iran was not in compliance with the Nuclear Agreement they signed with us. Even the don administration has admitted they were in compliance, so you will have to show that as well.

And all the rest about Russia and President Barack Hussein Obama, wow.

The president who licks Putin's....See the Mueller Investigation, the so-called summit, the end-less trying to relax Obama sancations on Russia, beauty pagent dating for a trump tower, the pee-tape....

Also, stop citing anhything from a guy who can't spell Mark like a real man.
The comparison is unfair to Donny as he is so far adrift in the President stakes.

This carrot is more presidential than that little shit.


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