List some reasons why people approve Barack Obama more worldwide than Donald Trump

Judging by the media's historical mission as propaganda arm of the democrat party it's astonishing that President Trump still maintains the support of the American people. The media tried to turn Jackie Kennedy into a mythical queen even they knew that she was either a dupe of her husband's sexual adventures or a willing partner. The media tried to turn Bill Clinton's wife into a president even though it was clear that she was a world class enabler for her husband's sexual abuse. The point is that ignorant freaking dupes of the mainstream media hate Trump when they ain't got a freaking concept of history. They hate him because the democrat party has become the ignorant or more likely the willing conspirator of foreign based propaganda designed to undermine the fabric of U.S. society and the Constitution.

1. Trump doesn't enjoy majority support of the American people. Lost the election by 3 million votes and current approval rating is 42-54.

2. Jackie Kennedy created her own legacy. She propably did know of her husband affairs and it was up to her to decide want to do with them.

3. Hillary Clinton turned herself from First Lady to Senator Clinton to Secretary of State and she also dealt with her husbands affairs.

4. It is trump himself who makes his reputation. He is an ill-informed self-centered incurious wanker and everyone knows that.

5. Was the meeting with don junior in drumpy tower really that good of a plan by the Democrats. That they could corner the trump family that fast....

6. Putin stated that he wanted trump. He saw that donny would be a boot licker. Enough Russian money from the Putin government followed (laundered) to don over the years that donny could not resist kissing his ass. And that is just what the world saw in their so-called summit.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Even though he plays way, way less golf than Trump, Obama is still much better at it.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Respectful to Women ? You do know Hillary Clinton was Obama's secretary of State, you people couldn't have forgotten who her husband is.
" “all accusers have a right to be believed,” "
Hillary Clinton
"Who is going to find out? These women are trash. Nobody’s going to believe them"
Also Hillary Clinton.
Obama kissed ass and apologized for the US

Obama let everyone take advantage of us

Obama was a globalist

Iran liked hm because he gave them cash, open trade again, and a path to nukes

Putin like him because Barry gave them 20% of our uranium, Crimea, Top secret data of Hillary's server, & 2 years of unchallenged hacking/interference

Hezbollah liked him because he protected their drug operations

Terrorists like him because he financed, supplied, trained, aided, supported, and defended them

The Queen just loved the IPOD Barry gave her that contained recordings of his greatest speeches... :p
(Can you say 'narcissist'? :p )
You are shortsighted, Obama was more aggressive on foreign stage than trump...Russians are laughing at trump being putin's bitch...trump is weakening America's position in the world beyond apologetic. And I say that and I am against US interventions overseas...but the whole world sees america as a weakening power. Less presence on world stage, less advantages, keep that in mind, and that translates to weaker economy here.
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Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

-Has respect for alliances.
-Was not unpredictable.
-Didn't run a campaign on the premise that the word can go and fuck itself.
-Didn't try to use any terrorist incidents when they occur as a way to promote his xenophobia and at the same time criticize lawmakers in the affected country.
-Didn't openly court the regimes hostile to the allies, when at the same time hinting that he would dissolve the alliance itself.
-Oh and he could convey coherent trains a thought when communicating American positions.
Obama did not have 80% of the news media smearing him night and day.

I agree. They were so in love with him they never bothered to investigate him while he was running for office.

The same media sent over 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin. None of them ever tried to dig up anything on Obama.

They sure are some fair and balanced media who report the news. Not hardly.
Obama did not have 80% of the news media smearing him night and day.
Ever wonder why?? Because most loved him
I guess it just doesn't register with you that they are not to love or hate any of them.

Obama gave away free American shit. OF course, they loved him.

There a line in a song that goes like this.

I have dozens of friends and the fun never ends; As long as I'm buying.

Trump told them to pay for their own shit and they don't like it.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?


The Kenyan is a soft spoken, cautious, calculated fast talker with no nutsack. The world loves a POTUS that comes across as a pushover, a spineless little bitch.
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?


The Kenyan is a soft spoken, cautious, calculated fast talker with no nutsack. The world loves a POTUS that comes across as a pushover, a spineless little bitch.
But they really love a lying pussy grabbing bully whose only cause in life is to enrich himself
Approval ratings for US leadership falls dramatically as as Donald Trump is elected - in-depth analysis
List some reasons why people approve of Barack Obama rather than Donald Trump
I'll start
- Respectful to women
- Delivers his promises
- Love for our Troops
-Better Medicare
-Has compassion
-In good shape and not lazy

What else would you add?

Let me add something very obviously missing in the orange douchbag A loving relationship with his family like Obama has shown for the 8 years as president
Present your case for the first Obama "fact" that can convince anyone.


2. 'Obama-pologist'

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America - Washington Free Beacon

3. Obama allowed everyone to take advantage of us
Trump, unlike Obama, demanded NATO nations to pay their fair share - and they did

Trump successfully re-negotiated trade deals for better / more fair deals for America

Obama paid ransoms for the release of US hostages - Trump brought Americans being held abroad home without paying ransoms

4. Obama was a globalist
- Pro Open Borders
- Refusal To Enforce Existing US Immigration Laws
- Aided / Abetted Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities
- Aided Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals
- Obama, Merkel defend merits of globalism - CNNPolitics

5. Iran - Barry's Personal UN-Constitutional 'TREATY'
After every other nation walked away from the negotiating table...
While Iran's Military was practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers...
While a top Iranian official mocked Obama by saying he was desperate enough to sign anything...
While Iran's leader led public chants od 'Death To America'...
While it was proven Iran had already violated the Temp deal stipulations...
Without demanding the release of US hostages be part of the deal...
Barak Obama negotiated and signed his own personal TREATY with Iran, a violation of the US soon as it was signed he then raced off to the UN without showing the treaty 1st to Congress to have the UN / the world Acknowledge and Ratify it with their understanding that the 'United States' had already agreed to it ... which it had NOT.
* What Barry negotiated was a deal between BARAK OBAMA and Iran, NOT the United States and Iran

Sect of State John Kerry, testifying before Congress, answered the question of why wasn't the Iran Treaty a 'Treaty' by saying 'the Treaty Clause of the Constitution is DEAD'. He argued that because Congress could not pass treaties that the President wanted in a timely manner or not at all that this was justification for a President to violate the Constitution and do it on his own...the same justification Obama gave for admittedly violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress to impose his own 'Law' / 'Edict' - his 'Dreamer' edict - as 'law of the land'.
*** Obama Administration: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead | Investor's Business Daily

"I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.

The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:"Frankly it's become physically impossible."

The Senate was never conferred with and never voted to pass Obama's personal TREATY, making what he did UN-Constitutional!

5. 'Obama plays Santa Clause To Putin'

o Obama breaks US Promise to defend Ukraine's sovereign border, does nothing during Russian build up on border and during military invasion / annexation.
*** Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

"When President Obama declared Friday that “there will be costs” for any Russian intervention in Ukraine, you could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin — followed by the sound of Russian military vehicles roaring into Crimea and seizing control of the peninsula. “Costs?” Vladimir Putin must have thought. Just like the “costs” Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?"

o Hillary got $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, Obama got Putin's permission to commit an International War Crime by Invading Syria, and Putin got 20% of the US Supply of Uranium
*** What we know about the Russian uranium scheme involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration

"Besides being responsible for signing off on the Uranium One deal, the Obama administration
granted a U.S. temporary work visa to Russian nuclear industry executive Vadim Mikerin in December 2011 and renewed it in August 2014, according to court records that came to light on Tuesday. Mikerin engaged in illegal conduct as early as 2009 but was not arrested and charged with extortion until a few months after the Obama administration renewed his work visa."

o Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing

*** Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

*** Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

*** Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Merry Christmas, snowflake.
Well for someone who the OP thinks was approved of he sure got laughed at a lot.
Present your case for the first Obama "fact" that can convince anyone.

View attachment 237025

2. 'Obama-pologist'

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America - Washington Free Beacon

3. Obama allowed everyone to take advantage of us
Trump, unlike Obama, demanded NATO nations to pay their fair share - and they did

Trump successfully re-negotiated trade deals for better / more fair deals for America

Obama paid ransoms for the release of US hostages - Trump brought Americans being held abroad home without paying ransoms

4. Obama was a globalist
- Pro Open Borders
- Refusal To Enforce Existing US Immigration Laws
- Aided / Abetted Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities
- Aided Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals
- Obama, Merkel defend merits of globalism - CNNPolitics

5. Iran - Barry's Personal UN-Constitutional 'TREATY'
After every other nation walked away from the negotiating table...
While Iran's Military was practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers...
While a top Iranian official mocked Obama by saying he was desperate enough to sign anything...
While Iran's leader led public chants od 'Death To America'...
While it was proven Iran had already violated the Temp deal stipulations...
Without demanding the release of US hostages be part of the deal...
Barak Obama negotiated and signed his own personal TREATY with Iran, a violation of the US soon as it was signed he then raced off to the UN without showing the treaty 1st to Congress to have the UN / the world Acknowledge and Ratify it with their understanding that the 'United States' had already agreed to it ... which it had NOT.
* What Barry negotiated was a deal between BARAK OBAMA and Iran, NOT the United States and Iran

Sect of State John Kerry, testifying before Congress, answered the question of why wasn't the Iran Treaty a 'Treaty' by saying 'the Treaty Clause of the Constitution is DEAD'. He argued that because Congress could not pass treaties that the President wanted in a timely manner or not at all that this was justification for a President to violate the Constitution and do it on his own...the same justification Obama gave for admittedly violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress to impose his own 'Law' / 'Edict' - his 'Dreamer' edict - as 'law of the land'.
*** Obama Administration: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead | Investor's Business Daily

"I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.

The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:"Frankly it's become physically impossible."

The Senate was never conferred with and never voted to pass Obama's personal TREATY, making what he did UN-Constitutional!

5. 'Obama plays Santa Clause To Putin'

o Obama breaks US Promise to defend Ukraine's sovereign border, does nothing during Russian build up on border and during military invasion / annexation.
*** Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

"When President Obama declared Friday that “there will be costs” for any Russian intervention in Ukraine, you could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin — followed by the sound of Russian military vehicles roaring into Crimea and seizing control of the peninsula. “Costs?” Vladimir Putin must have thought. Just like the “costs” Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?"

o Hillary got $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, Obama got Putin's permission to commit an International War Crime by Invading Syria, and Putin got 20% of the US Supply of Uranium
*** What we know about the Russian uranium scheme involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration

"Besides being responsible for signing off on the Uranium One deal, the Obama administration
granted a U.S. temporary work visa to Russian nuclear industry executive Vadim Mikerin in December 2011 and renewed it in August 2014, according to court records that came to light on Tuesday. Mikerin engaged in illegal conduct as early as 2009 but was not arrested and charged with extortion until a few months after the Obama administration renewed his work visa."

o Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing

*** Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

*** Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

*** Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Merry Christmas, snowflake.

And all the while our markets almost tripled ,,75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains ,,unemployment down from 9 to 4% A man in the office not a lying perverted bully Poor little pubarino easy sob sob
Present your case for the first Obama "fact" that can convince anyone.

View attachment 237025

2. 'Obama-pologist'

Five Times Obama Has Apologized for America - Washington Free Beacon

3. Obama allowed everyone to take advantage of us
Trump, unlike Obama, demanded NATO nations to pay their fair share - and they did

Trump successfully re-negotiated trade deals for better / more fair deals for America

Obama paid ransoms for the release of US hostages - Trump brought Americans being held abroad home without paying ransoms

4. Obama was a globalist
- Pro Open Borders
- Refusal To Enforce Existing US Immigration Laws
- Aided / Abetted Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities
- Aided Human Traffickers, MS13, violent illegals
- Obama, Merkel defend merits of globalism - CNNPolitics

5. Iran - Barry's Personal UN-Constitutional 'TREATY'
After every other nation walked away from the negotiating table...
While Iran's Military was practicing bombing runs on mock US carriers...
While a top Iranian official mocked Obama by saying he was desperate enough to sign anything...
While Iran's leader led public chants od 'Death To America'...
While it was proven Iran had already violated the Temp deal stipulations...
Without demanding the release of US hostages be part of the deal...
Barak Obama negotiated and signed his own personal TREATY with Iran, a violation of the US soon as it was signed he then raced off to the UN without showing the treaty 1st to Congress to have the UN / the world Acknowledge and Ratify it with their understanding that the 'United States' had already agreed to it ... which it had NOT.
* What Barry negotiated was a deal between BARAK OBAMA and Iran, NOT the United States and Iran

Sect of State John Kerry, testifying before Congress, answered the question of why wasn't the Iran Treaty a 'Treaty' by saying 'the Treaty Clause of the Constitution is DEAD'. He argued that because Congress could not pass treaties that the President wanted in a timely manner or not at all that this was justification for a President to violate the Constitution and do it on his own...the same justification Obama gave for admittedly violating the Constitution by By-passing Congress to impose his own 'Law' / 'Edict' - his 'Dreamer' edict - as 'law of the land'.
*** Obama Administration: Constitution's Treaty Clause Is Dead | Investor's Business Daily

"I sat there leading the charge on the Disabilities Treaty which fell to, basically, ideology and politics." That treaty was blocked in the Senate last year.

The treaty clause of the U.S. Constitution, Article II, Section 2, Clause 2, is very clear: The president "shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur." But according to Kerry, the Senate isn't passing treaties anymore, so we can just forget that pesky little section of our underlying legal document. Let's parse Kerry's words:"Frankly it's become physically impossible."

The Senate was never conferred with and never voted to pass Obama's personal TREATY, making what he did UN-Constitutional!

5. 'Obama plays Santa Clause To Putin'

o Obama breaks US Promise to defend Ukraine's sovereign border, does nothing during Russian build up on border and during military invasion / annexation.
*** Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

"When President Obama declared Friday that “there will be costs” for any Russian intervention in Ukraine, you could hear the laughter emanating from the Kremlin — followed by the sound of Russian military vehicles roaring into Crimea and seizing control of the peninsula. “Costs?” Vladimir Putin must have thought. Just like the “costs” Obama imposed on the Assad regime in Syria?"

o Hillary got $145 million from THE Russian who led the KGB Bank's effort to acquire Uranium One, Obama got Putin's permission to commit an International War Crime by Invading Syria, and Putin got 20% of the US Supply of Uranium
*** What we know about the Russian uranium scheme involving Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration

"Besides being responsible for signing off on the Uranium One deal, the Obama administration
granted a U.S. temporary work visa to Russian nuclear industry executive Vadim Mikerin in December 2011 and renewed it in August 2014, according to court records that came to light on Tuesday. Mikerin engaged in illegal conduct as early as 2009 but was not arrested and charged with extortion until a few months after the Obama administration renewed his work visa."

o Obama knew about Russian interference in 2014 and did nothing

*** Obama team was warned in 2014 about Russian interference

*** Obama White House Knew of Russian Election Hacking, but Delayed Telling

*** Top Democrat says Obama shares responsibility for Russia's meddling

Merry Christmas, snowflake.

And all the while our markets almost tripled ,,75 straight months of 6 digit employment gains ,,unemployment down from 9 to 4% A man in the office not a lying perverted bully Poor little pubarino easy sob sob

Still trying to bash the man who had more votes than anyone before and neglecting the all time sack of crap defiling our wh now One would think you're almost a racist
Let me add something very obviously missing in the orange douchbag A loving relationship with his family like Obama has shown for the 8 years as president
Yeah...Trump is NOTHING like Slick Willy or the 100+ Democrats who sexually harassed / assaulted women while in office for DECADES ands instead of stopping it created a committee whose sole responsibility for exist8ing was to use tax dollars to pay for the silence of their victims...


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