List the good thing about Obama care...

Wonder why Republicans must fight those programs intended to help the American people? They fought Social Security tooth and nail, are still fighting it, and still using the same fear tactics they used in the Thirties. One might think Republicans would accept the fact that America, like the other industrial nations is going to have medical care, and then work to make it the best program we can create? Instead 65 years from now Republicans will still be fighting medical care, still trying to make it fail, still trying to convince the American people it will lead to communism, will make Americans weak and less able to do survive the rigors of the frontier? I guess that is just the way our nation works?

Might have something to do with the fact that the programs suck, are counter productive, and ultimately fail.

Any ideas on how long it takes them to fail? Seems some of those in other countries have a long life span.
Do Republican programs that help corporations have the same failure rate, or is it just the people programs that fail?

Well Social Security is bankrupt. That took about 75 years. Medicare took about 50. Obamacare will take about 20. Maybe less.
Right. It doesn't happen. No insurance company ever dropped someone just because they became sick. They drop people because on investigation the person lied on the initial application.
Glad we cleared that up.

bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

It's illegal in every State to drop peoples Health Insurance based on Claims Experience.

And even if the Company did, they're still on the hook for the Bills after the Health Insurance goes away. It's called COBRA, ERISA and TEFRA. Look them up. Or not. Just taking my word for it would be your best bet.

No Insurance Company can avoid paying an ongoing claim by canceling the policy holder.


Period. It just can't be done. And anybody that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both

yes it can.....they dug up something on this one guy from his app .....he did not fill out a place he worked or lived way back they dropped him for so called falsifying his app.....he showed me their letter.....they did this after 30 years of having this Ins and of course now after he gets seriously Ill and is now costing them these fuckers go back and scour his past history just so they can find something to get rid of him for....nice guys.....
Many, if not most, Group Health Insurance Plans have two rates -- Single and Family.

Others (though that number is diminishing) offer three rate plans, single, married and family.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether you have one kid or ten kids on your Group Plan, it costs the same.

That's why keeping kids on the plan until age 47 is a good thing for the Insured. Not so good for the Ins Company or the Employer. But who cares about them anyway?
The employer should be shielded completely. General Motors would be able to compete better with more modern countries like Japan, Korea, and Germany if it didn't have to shell out $1500 per car in their workers' healthcare costs.

And I don't give a fuck about insurance companies. The health of the citizenship of a nation should not be a for-profit endeavor. I am for universal health care for the majority of the routine medicine performed daily.

So.... Aside from you, who else should be allowed to make money?

Should Doctors be able to make money? How about Nurses?

Should welders get paid? Should the guys at the Car Wash? I mean, most them need a bath anyway.

How about Food Workers. Everybody needs to eat so why should performing a public necessity be a for-profit endeavor?

How about Farming? Should Farmers get paid?

Do you think the Fields plow themselves? Do you think the crops harvest themselves?

How about Doctors? Do they just take a pill and they automatically know how to take that pus-oozing pimple off of your face?

Why is nobody allowed to make money but you? Or do you work for free?

Know what I think? I think you're a juvenile, bed-wetting idiot that ought to stay out of discussions you know nothing about.

Which is..... About everything, actually.

How about the government mandated 80% loss ratio? Do you even know what that is?

Didn't think so. Now back and study Econ 101. Maybe you won't flunk it again next year.

Nice red herring, jerk.

Do you believe that the CEOs of non-profits don't receive salaries? They all do that work for free, because they call it a non-profit?

If you are competing for Board Moron, you'll have to try harder than The Rabbi.
Might have something to do with the fact that the programs suck, are counter productive, and ultimately fail.

Any ideas on how long it takes them to fail? Seems some of those in other countries have a long life span.
Do Republican programs that help corporations have the same failure rate, or is it just the people programs that fail?

Well Social Security is bankrupt. That took about 75 years. Medicare took about 50. Obamacare will take about 20. Maybe less.

Social Security and Medicare are not bankrupt.

The gubmint just doesn't have the money to honor the bonds issued to SS and Medicare.

Complicated. But they aren't bankrupt.

There's this other little tidbit of a difference in the prgrams.....

Both SS and Medicare had BROAD Bi-Partisan support.

Not one Republican voted for this abomination.

And I believe in Universal Care. I just don't believe in obamacare. it's an abortion
bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

And of course they told you how they lied on their initial application. Right?

no they did guy had the fucking same company for 30 years....Kaiser.....they said it was a Technicality.....he did not list a job he had 40 years ago or some bullshit like that......the trouble with you Rabbi you believe every thing you are told.....try talking to people that have had this shit happen to them.....maybe if it happened to you or someone you might have a different were the same way in the threads about personal was all about what you were told.....
I realize I am arguing with an overpaid federal employee but even you can appreciate the irony that your view is based on nothing more than what your mail route people told you and yet you accuse me of believing everything I am told.
An insurance company dropping an insured for a claim is illegal and a breach of contract. Millions of lawyers woudl take that case on contigency in a heartbeat. Why didnt they? Because the guy was lying to you, and probably himself, and made up a bullshit story about not listing a job 40 years ago. And you believed him.
bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

It's illegal in every State to drop peoples Health Insurance based on Claims Experience.

And even if the Company did, they're still on the hook for the Bills after the Health Insurance goes away. It's called COBRA, ERISA and TEFRA. Look them up. Or not. Just taking my word for it would be your best bet.

No Insurance Company can avoid paying an ongoing claim by canceling the policy holder.


Period. It just can't be done. And anybody that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both

yes it can.....they dug up something on this one guy from his app .....he did not fill out a place he worked or lived way back they dropped him for so called falsifying his app.....he showed me their letter.....they did this after 30 years of having this Ins and of course now after he gets seriously Ill and is now costing them these fuckers go back and scour his past history just so they can find something to get rid of him for....nice guys.....

That's a lie.

It can't be done like that. It just can't be done.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Look up the term "Contestable Period"
Any ideas on how long it takes them to fail? Seems some of those in other countries have a long life span.
Do Republican programs that help corporations have the same failure rate, or is it just the people programs that fail?

Well Social Security is bankrupt. That took about 75 years. Medicare took about 50. Obamacare will take about 20. Maybe less.

Social Security and Medicare are not bankrupt.

The gubmint just doesn't have the money to honor the bonds issued to SS and Medicare.

Complicated. But they aren't bankrupt.

There's this other little tidbit of a difference in the prgrams.....

Both SS and Medicare had BROAD Bi-Partisan support.

Not one Republican voted for this abomination.

And I believe in Universal Care. I just don't believe in obamacare. it's an abortion

SS was sold as an "insurance scheme" to cover people. It was never any such thing. It is an entitlement that is paid for with a special tax on working people. When there were 15 or so people working for every retiree it was fine. Now that there are 2 people working for every retiree it is unsustainable. Thus bankrupt.
It's illegal in every State to drop peoples Health Insurance based on Claims Experience.

And even if the Company did, they're still on the hook for the Bills after the Health Insurance goes away. It's called COBRA, ERISA and TEFRA. Look them up. Or not. Just taking my word for it would be your best bet.

No Insurance Company can avoid paying an ongoing claim by canceling the policy holder.


Period. It just can't be done. And anybody that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both

yes it can.....they dug up something on this one guy from his app .....he did not fill out a place he worked or lived way back they dropped him for so called falsifying his app.....he showed me their letter.....they did this after 30 years of having this Ins and of course now after he gets seriously Ill and is now costing them these fuckers go back and scour his past history just so they can find something to get rid of him for....nice guys.....

That's a lie.

It can't be done like that. It just can't be done.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Look up the term "Contestable Period"

Harry only believes what people tell him. It is useless arguing with him. He saw the letter. So he knows it must be true.
Well Social Security is bankrupt. That took about 75 years. Medicare took about 50. Obamacare will take about 20. Maybe less.

Social Security and Medicare are not bankrupt.

The gubmint just doesn't have the money to honor the bonds issued to SS and Medicare.

Complicated. But they aren't bankrupt.

There's this other little tidbit of a difference in the prgrams.....

Both SS and Medicare had BROAD Bi-Partisan support.

Not one Republican voted for this abomination.

And I believe in Universal Care. I just don't believe in obamacare. it's an abortion

SS was sold as an "insurance scheme" to cover people. It was never any such thing. It is an entitlement that is paid for with a special tax on working people. When there were 15 or so people working for every retiree it was fine. Now that there are 2 people working for every retiree it is unsustainable. Thus bankrupt.

As in 'morally banrupt'?

Okay, but not fiscally bankrupt.

SS and/or Medicare can be easily fixed. The problem is that the thieving motherfukkers in the dimocrap party are spending twice what they're taking in -- Buying votes.

This makes it difficult for them to repay what they took from SS and Medicare and spent. The money is not there, it's spent and all we got is some promissory notes from a corrupt government.

Don't matter, it can be easily fixed.

Medicare? If the socialists (dimocraps) get their way, they'll just role that into obamacare in a few years.

Hope you got plans for your future. If you don't, the gubmint does.
yes it can.....they dug up something on this one guy from his app .....he did not fill out a place he worked or lived way back they dropped him for so called falsifying his app.....he showed me their letter.....they did this after 30 years of having this Ins and of course now after he gets seriously Ill and is now costing them these fuckers go back and scour his past history just so they can find something to get rid of him for....nice guys.....

That's a lie.

It can't be done like that. It just can't be done.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Look up the term "Contestable Period"

Harry only believes what people tell him. It is useless arguing with him. He saw the letter. So he knows it must be true.

was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....
That's a lie.

It can't be done like that. It just can't be done.

Stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Look up the term "Contestable Period"

Harry only believes what people tell him. It is useless arguing with him. He saw the letter. So he knows it must be true.

was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....

Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys
Harry only believes what people tell him. It is useless arguing with him. He saw the letter. So he knows it must be true.

was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....

Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys
Yeah, experience like that doesnt mean dick to guys like Harry, who are fixated on the explanation that big corporations are screwing the little guy to explain every phenomenon.
Hot avatar btw.
Harry only believes what people tell him. It is useless arguing with him. He saw the letter. So he knows it must be true.

was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....

Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys

who printed out the paper the guy showed me from Kaiser saying what i just told you?.....and i dont steal Playboys......Girls maybe....
was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....

Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys
Yeah, experience like that doesnt mean dick to guys like Harry, who are fixated on the explanation that big corporations are screwing the little guy to explain every phenomenon.
Hot avatar btw.

so what happened to what you were saying about fraud Rabbi? seems that was what they were accusing this guy of.....Different story now because someone told you that does not happen?......dont worry your Doppelganger on the Left,Dean, does the same thing .....
was i supposed to think the guy printed the fucking letter himself?.....did YOU just not get through telling me about "Falsifying" your Application?.....that's what this guy was being accused now its a different story? are the rights version of Dean cant accept anything that just doesn't fit in with what you are told to and Dean should get a room deserve each other....

Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys
Yeah, experience like that doesnt mean dick to guys like Harry, who are fixated on the explanation that big corporations are screwing the little guy to explain every phenomenon.
Hot avatar btw.



Never Ride Faster Than Your Angel Can Fly
People in the Health Care industry, and Insurance salesmen etc aren't getting the truth on this either. The y may not be able to cut people off legally, but they have done that ANYWAY. The people have to spend big bucks to sue them, and the big corps stall until they DIE or can't afford to continue, or even START, suing.

Doctors, Nurses, Insurance people are kept in the dark as least as much as the dupes and the general do we even KNOW how many people this has happened to. The insurance companies aren't telling, even their own people. They and Pubs just LOVE ignorance and secrecy...Big money for Big Health...
Twenty Five years in the Property and Casualty, Life, Health and Annuities Insurance Industry and a Series 7 in the Financial Services Industry with over 400 combined Classroom Hours of education, not counting Continuing Education.

I KNOW what the FUKK I am talking about. I have had Attorneys seek out my opinion.


Stop stealing my Playboys
Yeah, experience like that doesnt mean dick to guys like Harry, who are fixated on the explanation that big corporations are screwing the little guy to explain every phenomenon.
Hot avatar btw.

so what happened to what you were saying about fraud Rabbi? seems that was what they were accusing this guy of.....Different story now because someone told you that does not happen?......dont worry your Doppelganger on the Left,Dean, does the same thing .....

No, your customer committed fraud on his insurance application. How do I know? Because if he hadnt he would have gotten a lawyer and sued the insurance company for violating its contract.
And quit stealing playboys.

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