List the good thing about Obama care...

And right on cue, here's todays WSJ telling us how rates will skyrocket. Cue Snotbeard showing up to tell us how the Journal is all right wing and stuff.
Health-Insurance Costs Set for a Jolt -

Healthy consumers could see insurance rates double or even triple when they look for individual coverage under the federal health law later this year, while the premiums paid by sicker people are set to become more affordable, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of coverage to be sold on the law's new exchanges.

Healthy consumers could see insurance rates double or even triple when they look for individual coverage under the federal health law later this year, while the premiums paid by sicker people are set to become more affordable. Louise Radnofsky reports.

The exchanges, the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's health-care law, look likely to offer few if any of the cut-rate policies that healthy people can now buy, according to the Journal's analysis. At the same time, the top prices look to be within reach for many people who previously faced sky-high premiums because of chronic illnesses or who couldn't buy insurance at all.

Several big provisions in the law taking effect in six months affect rates for the estimated 20% of Americans who don't have coverage through an employer, Medicare or Medicaid. Plans must be available to consumers regardless of their health and must cover certain items such as hospitalization, maternity care and prescription drugs. The exchanges are set to open Oct. 1 selling plans effective Jan. 1.

A review of rates proposed by carriers in eight states shows the likely boundaries for the least-expensive and most costly plans on the exchanges. The lower boundary is particularly important because the government wants to attract healthy people to the exchanges, and they may choose to pay a penalty and take the risk of going without coverage if they believe they can't get an acceptable deal
more at the source.
Interesting artiicle on the effects upon small poor states. The author is a republican but not the trolling kind.

Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

I don't know what the effects will be, but I do think the law is merely step in a path to altering healthcare. I would do it differently. However, much of the oppistion to obamacare is, imo, merely rw screechmonkeys who figure the govt has no role, which pretty much denies fifty years.
Wonder why Republicans must fight those programs intended to help the American people? They fought Social Security tooth and nail, are still fighting it, and still using the same fear tactics they used in the Thirties. One might think Republicans would accept the fact that America, like the other industrial nations is going to have medical care, and then work to make it the best program we can create? Instead 65 years from now Republicans will still be fighting medical care, still trying to make it fail, still trying to convince the American people it will lead to communism, will make Americans weak and less able to do survive the rigors of the frontier? I guess that is just the way our nation works?
Wonder why Republicans must fight those programs intended to help the American people? They fought Social Security tooth and nail, are still fighting it, and still using the same fear tactics they used in the Thirties. One might think Republicans would accept the fact that America, like the other industrial nations is going to have medical care, and then work to make it the best program we can create? Instead 65 years from now Republicans will still be fighting medical care, still trying to make it fail, still trying to convince the American people it will lead to communism, will make Americans weak and less able to do survive the rigors of the frontier? I guess that is just the way our nation works?

Might have something to do with the fact that the programs suck, are counter productive, and ultimately fail.
Wonder why Republicans must fight those programs intended to help the American people? They fought Social Security tooth and nail, are still fighting it, and still using the same fear tactics they used in the Thirties. One might think Republicans would accept the fact that America, like the other industrial nations is going to have medical care, and then work to make it the best program we can create? Instead 65 years from now Republicans will still be fighting medical care, still trying to make it fail, still trying to convince the American people it will lead to communism, will make Americans weak and less able to do survive the rigors of the frontier? I guess that is just the way our nation works?

Might have something to do with the fact that the programs suck, are counter productive, and ultimately fail.

Any ideas on how long it takes them to fail? Seems some of those in other countries have a long life span.
Do Republican programs that help corporations have the same failure rate, or is it just the people programs that fail?
Right. It doesn't happen. No insurance company ever dropped someone just because they became sick. They drop people because on investigation the person lied on the initial application.
Glad we cleared that up.

bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

And of course they told you how they lied on their initial application. Right?

no they did guy had the fucking same company for 30 years....Kaiser.....they said it was a Technicality.....he did not list a job he had 40 years ago or some bullshit like that......the trouble with you Rabbi you believe every thing you are told.....try talking to people that have had this shit happen to them.....maybe if it happened to you or someone you might have a different were the same way in the threads about personal was all about what you were told.....
bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

And of course they told you how they lied on their initial application. Right?

no they did guy had the fucking same company for 30 years....Kaiser.....they said it was a Technicality.....he did not list a job he had 40 years ago or some bullshit like that......the trouble with you Rabbi you believe every thing you are told.....try talking to people that have had this shit happen to them.....maybe if it happened to you or someone you might have a different were the same way in the threads about personal was all about what you were told.....

The real question is whether or not THIS is what was needed to change that dynamic though. I would have preferred making denials illegal unless the INSURANCE company could prove to a judge that it was warranted or something along those lines rather than eliminating insurance companies altogether.

That is, essentially, what Obamacare did except that it kept the insurance companies around drawing a profit for some reason.
yea i dont buy that either....

I provided proof that is exactly the case.

how is finding out you have prostate cancer early and treating it and beating it.....more expensive than waiting until you have it and now you need surgery and chemo and who knows what else?......same thing with Colon is a Colonoscopy every few years more expensive than treating someone who has Colon Cancer?....
And that's why I call him an idiot, Harry. It's either that, or The Rabbi is just so consumed with hatred of President Obama and Democrats that he doesn't allow any facts, or any common sense to invade his bubble.
Funny, there is nothing in there about quality going up. Even if the claim that hospitals are saving money is true, that does not indicate that quality is going up, nor is that necessarily a positive for anyone but the owners of the hospitals.

Didn't you read it?

252 hospitals and physician groups across the U.S. have signed up to join the administration’s accountable care program, in which they share the financial risk of keeping patients healthy.

Under the program, hospitals and physician practices take responsibility for tracking and maintaining the health of elderly and disabled patients. If costs rise beyond an agreed upon level, hospitals may become responsible for reimbursing the government. If they cut the cost of care while maintaining quality, hospitals share in the savings. The government expects the savings may be as much as $1.9 billion from 2012 to 2015. Early indications suggest they are starting to add up.

If there is one thing corporations know how to do, it's cost-benefit analysis.

Of course patient health will go up with regular preventive care that usually involves routine testing, which has been a bloated cost for decades.

There is no reason for an MRI to cost what it does, for example. The technology has been around since the late 1970s. Medical coding also costs billions per year. Over $300 billion per year, according to this: The battle over billing codes |

Obamacare is reforming all of this. Which you very well know. :)
Rabbi... the conversation was about being dropped from the policy if something happens to you like getting LEGITIMATELY sick.....your comment about someone lying to the Ins Company was in response to this statement......

It should be shocking that an insurance company could drop you the moment you become unprofitable.

i understand what you were saying.....but what does that have to do with people who get legitimately sick and get booted off the policy?....

Right. It doesn't happen. No insurance company ever dropped someone just because they became sick. They drop people because on investigation the person lied on the initial application.
Glad we cleared that up.

bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

It's illegal in every State to drop peoples Health Insurance based on Claims Experience.

And even if the Company did, they're still on the hook for the Bills after the Health Insurance goes away. It's called COBRA, ERISA and TEFRA. Look them up. Or not. Just taking my word for it would be your best bet.

No Insurance Company can avoid paying an ongoing claim by canceling the policy holder.


Period. It just can't be done. And anybody that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

Are you 100% positive those are all good points? Why should parents be forced to support their children until the age of 26? Shouldn't they be able to tell them that they are adults and to get their own insurance, and take advantage of the lower rates?

It's an option, not mandatory.

But what parent wouldn't say, even, "You can stay on our policy, and you pay us the difference each month"?

I don't know of any parents that willfully choose for their children to pay more than they have to.

Maybe you're a different type of 'parent'? :confused:
Sowell calls that "the fallacy of unlimited resources." We can think about the lives saved. What you are missing are the lives that would have been saved had more money been available for whatever.
But this is typical lib-speak. Another version of "we're doing this for the children!"

I understand what you are trying to say, but for me, the lives saved from preventative screenings is more important than cost, more preventative screenings means more things-mostly cancer caught early enough to save lives. I can understand some things not being done like a chest xray for example unless there is a problem and I can understand not doing a mammogram until 50. But other than that, I have seen a lot of info. over the years that shows preventative care saves lives and saved healthcare costs. Nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree at this point. It happens.
You dont' get it. How many lives are lost because money that could have been spent on finding cures is spent instead on expensive screenings that are unnecessary?

The only thing unnecessary is that they are expensive.
Well, just talking off the top of my head I can list a few good things.

You will not be denied for a pre-existing condition if you get sick and you won't be kicked off your insurance if you become sick no matter what the condition.

You can stay on your parents plan until you are 26.

You can keep the insurance you have or you can pick one of the exchanges and more info. is coming out about them in October.

If you have Medicare the doughnut hole will slowly start closing and eventually be gone.

More preventative services will be covered under Medicare that were not before.

Medicaid coverage will expand for folks that need it.

I'm sure there's more if I went and looked but this is just a few basic points.

Are you 100% positive those are all good points? Why should parents be forced to support their children until the age of 26? Shouldn't they be able to tell them that they are adults and to get their own insurance, and take advantage of the lower rates?

It's an option, not mandatory.

But what parent wouldn't say, even, "You can stay on our policy, and you pay us the difference each month"?

I don't know of any parents that willfully choose for their children to pay more than they have to.

Maybe you're a different type of 'parent'? :confused:

Many, if not most, Group Health Insurance Plans have two rates -- Single and Family.

Others (though that number is diminishing) offer three rate plans, single, married and family.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether you have one kid or ten kids on your Group Plan, it costs the same.

That's why keeping kids on the plan until age 47 is a good thing for the Insured. Not so good for the Ins Company or the Employer. But who cares about them anyway?
Right. It doesn't happen. No insurance company ever dropped someone just because they became sick. They drop people because on investigation the person lied on the initial application.
Glad we cleared that up.

bullshit.....i met quit a few people in the course of delivering their mail that had that happen to them to the point were they had to sell the house because of medical bills.....i am glad i cleared that up.....

It's illegal in every State to drop peoples Health Insurance based on Claims Experience.

And even if the Company did, they're still on the hook for the Bills after the Health Insurance goes away. It's called COBRA, ERISA and TEFRA. Look them up. Or not. Just taking my word for it would be your best bet.

No Insurance Company can avoid paying an ongoing claim by canceling the policy holder.


Period. It just can't be done. And anybody that says otherwise is an idiot, a liar or both

"an ongoing claim". Yes. But they can drop you before it becomes an ongoing claim.

COBRA is extremely expensive and out of the reach of most middle class families.
Are you 100% positive those are all good points? Why should parents be forced to support their children until the age of 26? Shouldn't they be able to tell them that they are adults and to get their own insurance, and take advantage of the lower rates?

It's an option, not mandatory.

But what parent wouldn't say, even, "You can stay on our policy, and you pay us the difference each month"?

I don't know of any parents that willfully choose for their children to pay more than they have to.

Maybe you're a different type of 'parent'? :confused:

Many, if not most, Group Health Insurance Plans have two rates -- Single and Family.

Others (though that number is diminishing) offer three rate plans, single, married and family.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether you have one kid or ten kids on your Group Plan, it costs the same.

That's why keeping kids on the plan until age 47 is a good thing for the Insured. Not so good for the Ins Company or the Employer. But who cares about them anyway?
The employer should be shielded completely. General Motors would be able to compete better with more modern countries like Japan, Korea, and Germany if it didn't have to shell out $1500 per car in their workers' healthcare costs.

And I don't give a fuck about insurance companies. The health of the citizenship of a nation should not be a for-profit endeavor. I am for universal health care for the majority of the routine medicine performed daily.
You can no longer lose your job and not get medical insurance after you find employment because of an illness that occurred under your previous medical coverage.

You can no longer be denied medical insurance for a childhood illness such as cancer.

Yes, let's require coverage for pre-existing conditions for all insurance. That way, you wouldn't have to buy homeowner's insurance until house catches fire...:cuckoo:

Whoa! You really stumped me with that one!

Given the complete lack of specificity, logic or reason in your response, clearly I have.

You are one hell of a deep thinker, aren't you? Remind me never to get into a debat with you. You are way too smart.

Got it.

Like I said, :cuckoo:
It's mind boggling to watch you idiots absolutely REFUSE to even take one minute to actually learn what the legislation does and does not do.

The legislation is so good that everyone is under penalty if the dont participate.
You are a jerk.

Tell me one person who would rightfully want to not have insurance in this country. I'll wait.

Healthy people in the 19-29 age category.
And if you want to say, they also get sick or have car accidents, they can always get catastrophic coverage for little cost. Except under Obamacare they can't.
It's an option, not mandatory.

But what parent wouldn't say, even, "You can stay on our policy, and you pay us the difference each month"?

I don't know of any parents that willfully choose for their children to pay more than they have to.

Maybe you're a different type of 'parent'? :confused:

Many, if not most, Group Health Insurance Plans have two rates -- Single and Family.

Others (though that number is diminishing) offer three rate plans, single, married and family.

In any case, it doesn't matter whether you have one kid or ten kids on your Group Plan, it costs the same.

That's why keeping kids on the plan until age 47 is a good thing for the Insured. Not so good for the Ins Company or the Employer. But who cares about them anyway?
The employer should be shielded completely. General Motors would be able to compete better with more modern countries like Japan, Korea, and Germany if it didn't have to shell out $1500 per car in their workers' healthcare costs.

And I don't give a fuck about insurance companies. The health of the citizenship of a nation should not be a for-profit endeavor. I am for universal health care for the majority of the routine medicine performed daily.

So.... Aside from you, who else should be allowed to make money?

Should Doctors be able to make money? How about Nurses?

Should welders get paid? Should the guys at the Car Wash? I mean, most them need a bath anyway.

How about Food Workers. Everybody needs to eat so why should performing a public necessity be a for-profit endeavor?

How about Farming? Should Farmers get paid?

Do you think the Fields plow themselves? Do you think the crops harvest themselves?

How about Doctors? Do they just take a pill and they automatically know how to take that pus-oozing pimple off of your face?

Why is nobody allowed to make money but you? Or do you work for free?

Know what I think? I think you're a juvenile, bed-wetting idiot that ought to stay out of discussions you know nothing about.

Which is..... About everything, actually.

How about the government mandated 80% loss ratio? Do you even know what that is?

Didn't think so. Now back and study Econ 101. Maybe you won't flunk it again next year.
I provided proof that is exactly the case.

how is finding out you have prostate cancer early and treating it and beating it.....more expensive than waiting until you have it and now you need surgery and chemo and who knows what else?......same thing with Colon is a Colonoscopy every few years more expensive than treating someone who has Colon Cancer?....
And that's why I call him an idiot, Harry. It's either that, or The Rabbi is just so consumed with hatred of President Obama and Democrats that he doesn't allow any facts, or any common sense to invade his bubble.

he has few good points.....but i dont see anybody showing me how having a Colonoscopy or a PSA blood test every 4-5 years is more expensive than treating the person after they get the disease.....i can understand wasting money testing guys under 50.....but not guys in their 50's.....ill take the test....My Ins Company sends me notices telling me its time to do it....

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