Littered With Lies


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Littered With Lies

1 Jul 2024 ~~ By Trevor Thomas

The day after Joe Biden turned in the horrific debate performance that many of us knew was coming, and after countless Democrat apparatchiks finally had to admit what many of us have long known -- that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as U.S. President -- Biden got out on the campaign trail and declared,
Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong.

Prior to this, immediately after the debate, and just after treating her husband like a five-year-old who had just finished his tee-ball game, Jill Biden led the faithful in declaring Donald Trump a liar. As Joe Biden continues to resist calls to drop out of the race (though, that could change soon), the American Left is clinging to two particular refrains when it comes the race for the White House: Donald Trump is a liar and a “threat to democracy.”
The “threat to democracy” accusation is getting Democrats virtually nowhere. In a richly hilarious bit of irony, a recent Washington Post poll found that Trump beat Biden by double digits (44% to 33%) in who would best protect America from “threats to democracy.” (Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for the Democrat lackeys at the Post to publish these results?!)
The Democrat platform has long been a mountain of lies. On everything from abortion to “universal health care,” the Democrat Party has lied repeatedly, for decades. Since at least the early 1970s, in order to justify killing the most helpless and innocent among us -- the unborn -- the American Left has continuously dehumanized the unborn. They have told countless lies about the consequences of killing a child in the womb. They have even gone so far as to attempt to justify what could only be described as infanticide.
The numerous lies surrounding abortion were born from the Left’s lies on sex. With devastating consequences, the Left has preached to generations of Americans the pagan principle “Do as thou wilt” when it comes to matters in the sexual realm. Thus, millions of Americans have been deceived into believing that they can have sex whenever they like, with whoever they like, without consequence. And, of course, if an unwanted child results, the left demands the “right” to kill it.
The Left lies as if it were its native language. For many years now I have said that one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today is the Democrat Party. In John 8:44, speaking of Satan, Jesus declares, “When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” Given how frequently and demonstrably the Left lies, it seems my claim is spot on.

Democrat political and ideology's are their religion and thus are faith-based; while for Republicans political beliefs are simply political beliefs, their religion being a separate and higher belief system that merely informs their political beliefs. This is why Democrats constantly go into frenzies of anger and hatred when their political beliefs are held up to scrutiny and intellectually debated—it is their religion being called into question.
Their beliefs are as if their judgement, is immune from any need to verify. You mentioned many of them but some more are: poverty causes crime; sex education decreases sexual activity among youth; being “authentic” is a desirable goal for humans; racial characteristics trump cultural one; “natural” trumps human creation.

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