Little Bobby Jindal throws tantrum ignoring voters and issueing EO legalizing discrimination

Well? Shouldn't everyone enjoy the same freedom to not be forced to support sodomite relationships?

Absolutely! And, i want to know who on this board has committed sodomy with his/her spouse, so I won't be forced to deal with them anymore!

Maybe I had better think that over. It could get rather lonesome here.....
No, dipshit. I don't discriminate against people for their sexual orientation or political or personal beliefs. Don't lump me in with the likes of you

The fuck you don't - you openly and adamantly hate Christians.

You know people can read what you post here, right?
I hate Christians? So, I hate my beloved devout Christian aunt? I hate my deceased father who was a Christian his whole life? How about you show a post of mine where I said that I hate Christians before throwing that accusation around, you asshat? You know people can see you making an ass out of yourself, don't you?
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

'you people' such ignorance on your part.

Don't be an idiot, oh wait nm.

You're the one that used the racist term 'you people.'

I don't consider it a racist term, go ahead try to make a case that I used it in a racist context so we can all point and laugh at you.
I don't consider it a racist term, go ahead try to make a case that I used it in a racist context so we can all point and laugh at you.

"You People" is used by the sub-species of human such as Ann Romney and you. It's time for Ann and you to grow up.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

I'm not an Obamaphile.

Link to even one post of yours calling Obama out on him using his pen? I won't hold my breath waiting.

Go find the Israel nuclear disclosure threads. The kindly go fuck yourself.

Awww you mad bro? Look if you start a threat that's dripping with hypocrisy and double standards expect to be called out on it.
Got your ass kicked, dintcha, hmmm :lol:
The Courts will put the EO on hold within a week, and when SCOTUS rules at the end of June on marriage equality, the Louisiana court will quash the governor's EO. Need to learn how to play politics, little one.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

I'm not an Obamaphile.

Link to even one post of yours calling Obama out on him using his pen? I won't hold my breath waiting.

Go find the Israel nuclear disclosure threads. The kindly go fuck yourself.

Awww you mad bro? Look if you start a threat that's dripping with hypocrisy and double standards expect to be called out on it.
Got your ass kicked, dintcha, hmmm :lol:
The Courts will put the EO on hold within a week, and when SCOTUS rules at the end of June on marriage equality, the Louisiana court will quash the governor's EO. Need to learn how to play politics, little one.

I know I'll regret asking but what are you babbling about now?
Its the old liberal double standard, do as I say not as I do.

LOL, liberals do not support discrimination through EOs. Jindall can issue all the EOs he wants, the LA legislation has already stated his EOs are more than likely unenforceable.
I'm not an Obamaphile.

Link to even one post of yours calling Obama out on him using his pen? I won't hold my breath waiting.

Go find the Israel nuclear disclosure threads. The kindly go fuck yourself.

Awww you mad bro? Look if you start a threat that's dripping with hypocrisy and double standards expect to be called out on it.
Got your ass kicked, dintcha, hmmm :lol:
The Courts will put the EO on hold within a week, and when SCOTUS rules at the end of June on marriage equality, the Louisiana court will quash the governor's EO. Need to learn how to play politics, little one.
I know I'll regret asking but what are you babbling about now?
Too stupid! Look and learn.
Jindal signed a bill requiring creationism to be taught in public schools, along side of evolution. Now, this is somewhat curious, because Jindal has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Brown. This means that Jindal is either a fraud, or else, somehow got through an Ivy league college without learning anything.

Frankly, I would be hard pressed to decide which.
Bobby Jindal Allows LGBT Discrimination With an Executive Order Care2 Causes

"When a license to discriminate bill that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had personally supported failed to get through the legislature this week, Jindal vowed that he would sign an executive order to “protect religious freedom.” What that adds up to, LGBT rights advocates say, is Jindal legislating from the governor’s office to give the religious the privilege of lawfully discriminating against LGBT people.

The legislation, known as HB 707 or the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act, would have created religious freedom exemptions for anyone opposed to same-sex marriage. Essentially, that would mean that any business or person could refuse to provide services for a married gay couple or honor or recognize a same-sex couple’s marriage.

This was seen as a preemptive strike against a possible Supreme Court ruling at the end of June that would end Louisiana’s ban on marriage equality. LGBT rights groups had lobbied against the bill, saying it essentially licensed discrimination in a way that was even more explicit than the bills that were passed but later amended in Indiana and Arkansas. Fortunately, Democratic lawmakers were able to prevent the Louisiana bill from advancing out of committee this week, effectively killing it in the process.

Governor Jindal decided that he would not allow that to be the end of the matter though and a mere two hours after the bill was defeated on Tuesday, Jindal’s office released a statement that he would create an executive order to accomplish the same aims as the bill."

rest at link

So this is how democracy dies.
You are bitching about the governor of Louisiana issuing an EO?....
You some pair of brass balls.
God damned hypocrite.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

I'm not an Obamaphile.

Link to even one post of yours calling Obama out on him using his pen? I won't hold my breath waiting.

Go find the Israel nuclear disclosure threads. The kindly go fuck yourself.
No..YOU produce it.
We're not doing your work for you.
Jindal is an unlearned fraud.
And you are not a governor....What's that make you?.....Walked right into that one, jakey.....Here's a steak for your black eye
Too stupid. :lol: Save the steak for Jindal's eye when the court says, "fuck you, Bobby."

IBM, and the Louisiana legislature, fearing more corporate sanctions, are doing the same. I always knew that sooner or later, Jindal was going to find out that he does not really run Louisiana.

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