Little Bobby Jindal throws tantrum ignoring voters and issueing EO legalizing discrimination

Jindal is an unlearned fraud.
And you are not a governor....What's that make you?.....Walked right into that one, jakey.....Here's a steak for your black eye
Too stupid. :lol: Save the steak for Jindal's eye when the court says, "fuck you, Bobby."
What court?.....
In Louisiana, governor's EO's are not subject to legislative or administrative( judicial) review.
Sorry's a tissue for your issue.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

I'm not an Obamaphile.
The fuck you aren't....Cut the shit.
You side with the libs. You post lib.
On this he is Right, and you are Left (in the gutter). Heh heh.
Gee. That was clever. Got anything else?
Bobby Jindal Allows LGBT Discrimination With an Executive Order Care2 Causes

"When a license to discriminate bill that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had personally supported failed to get through the legislature this week, Jindal vowed that he would sign an executive order to “protect religious freedom.” What that adds up to, LGBT rights advocates say, is Jindal legislating from the governor’s office to give the religious the privilege of lawfully discriminating against LGBT people.

The legislation, known as HB 707 or the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act, would have created religious freedom exemptions for anyone opposed to same-sex marriage. Essentially, that would mean that any business or person could refuse to provide services for a married gay couple or honor or recognize a same-sex couple’s marriage.

This was seen as a preemptive strike against a possible Supreme Court ruling at the end of June that would end Louisiana’s ban on marriage equality. LGBT rights groups had lobbied against the bill, saying it essentially licensed discrimination in a way that was even more explicit than the bills that were passed but later amended in Indiana and Arkansas. Fortunately, Democratic lawmakers were able to prevent the Louisiana bill from advancing out of committee this week, effectively killing it in the process.

Governor Jindal decided that he would not allow that to be the end of the matter though and a mere two hours after the bill was defeated on Tuesday, Jindal’s office released a statement that he would create an executive order to accomplish the same aims as the bill."

rest at link

So this is how democracy dies.

So you're saying the faggots have the right to be protected but religious people don't.

At least you're not afraid to show your hypocrisy

How is allowing people to use religion as an excuse to discriminate, "protecting religious freedom"?
Genius...The discrimination thing is the lib/progressive narrative....It's a piece of crap.
No one is advocating for discrimination.
The purpose of these laws to PREVENT discrimination......
Bobby Jindal Allows LGBT Discrimination With an Executive Order Care2 Causes

"When a license to discriminate bill that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had personally supported failed to get through the legislature this week, Jindal vowed that he would sign an executive order to “protect religious freedom.” What that adds up to, LGBT rights advocates say, is Jindal legislating from the governor’s office to give the religious the privilege of lawfully discriminating against LGBT people.

The legislation, known as HB 707 or the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act, would have created religious freedom exemptions for anyone opposed to same-sex marriage. Essentially, that would mean that any business or person could refuse to provide services for a married gay couple or honor or recognize a same-sex couple’s marriage.

This was seen as a preemptive strike against a possible Supreme Court ruling at the end of June that would end Louisiana’s ban on marriage equality. LGBT rights groups had lobbied against the bill, saying it essentially licensed discrimination in a way that was even more explicit than the bills that were passed but later amended in Indiana and Arkansas. Fortunately, Democratic lawmakers were able to prevent the Louisiana bill from advancing out of committee this week, effectively killing it in the process.

Governor Jindal decided that he would not allow that to be the end of the matter though and a mere two hours after the bill was defeated on Tuesday, Jindal’s office released a statement that he would create an executive order to accomplish the same aims as the bill."

rest at link

So this is how democracy dies.

So you're saying the faggots have the right to be protected but religious people don't.

At least you're not afraid to show your hypocrisy

How is allowing people to use religion as an excuse to discriminate, "protecting religious freedom"?
It doesn't.

The issue has nothing to do with "religious freedom."
Regurgitating the lib narrative?
Jindal is an unlearned fraud.
And you are not a governor....What's that make you?.....Walked right into that one, jakey.....Here's a steak for your black eye
Too stupid. :lol: Save the steak for Jindal's eye when the court says, "fuck you, Bobby."
What court?.....
In Louisiana, governor's EO's are not subject to legislative or administrative( judicial) review.
Sorry's a tissue for your issue.
The court will rule the EO is not constitutional, which is of course a reviewable option. Otherwise, Bobby could make you a hired gun with an EO by your logic. Step along. :lol:
Jindal is an unlearned fraud.
And you are not a governor....What's that make you?.....Walked right into that one, jakey.....Here's a steak for your black eye
Too stupid. :lol: Save the steak for Jindal's eye when the court says, "fuck you, Bobby."
What court?.....
In Louisiana, governor's EO's are not subject to legislative or administrative( judicial) review.
Sorry's a tissue for your issue.
The court will rule the EO is not constitutional, which is of course a reviewable option. Otherwise, Bobby could make you a hired gun with an EO by your logic. Step along. :lol:
You far right reactionary social cons are such failures in the American experience.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

I'm not an Obamaphile.
The fuck you aren't....Cut the shit.
You side with the libs. You post lib.
On this he is Right, and you are Left (in the gutter). Heh heh.
Gee. That was clever. Got anything else?

Consider the source, then laugh.
Its the old liberal double standard, do as I say not as I do.

LOL, liberals do not support discrimination through EOs. Jindall can issue all the EOs he wants, the LA legislation has already stated his EOs are more than likely unenforceable.

Did you feel the breeze went my point zoomed over your head?

Shut your dirty little mouth bitch and keep sucking that cock.

I see you self destructed, my work is done here. :laugh:
The far right babies cry all the time.

Jindal is yelling and smelling, it all means nothing.
So what, you people really have a lot of nerve pointing a finger at a governor using his pen after Obama ignores congress and the courts and uses his pen. You're chickens are coming home to roost, eat it.

'you people' such ignorance on your part.

Don't be an idiot, oh wait nm.

You're the one that used the racist term 'you people.'

Now, THAT is funny shit, I don't care who you are!!

That means nothing to me.

Do you own a business open to the public?

Yes I do, a gun shop and I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone I believe doesn't need to be owning a firearm. They may have the right to bear arms, but they don't have the right to buy it from me.

Then I guess you're lucky you've not gotten caught discriminating based on race, religion, etc.

I don't "get caught" because my refusal to sell doesn't have anything to do with race or religion, etc. At least not that can be proven. :)

Then you're just typing to type? The fact is that certain discrimination is against the law...on a state and or a federal level.

That's just PC bullshit. Discrimination happens all the time by all types of people.
So you're saying the faggots have the right to be protected but religious people don't.

At least you're not afraid to show your hypocrisy

How is allowing people to use religion as an excuse to discriminate, "protecting religious freedom"?

A person should be free to associate or not associate with any person or group that they want. Homo's it seems simply want to force the acceptance of their abominable lifestyle on everyone around them.
No, bigot, that's not how it works in this country. You're not allowed to refuse service to a person because you don't approve of their sexual orientation.

You should be able to in a free society. BTW, you are just as bigoted as you allege me to be.
No, dipshit. I don't discriminate against people for their sexual orientation or political or personal beliefs. Don't lump me in with the likes of you

You need to look up the definition of "bigot". Bigot!

That means nothing to me.

Do you own a business open to the public?

Yes I do, a gun shop and I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone I believe doesn't need to be owning a firearm. They may have the right to bear arms, but they don't have the right to buy it from me.

Then I guess you're lucky you've not gotten caught discriminating based on race, religion, etc.

I don't "get caught" because my refusal to sell doesn't have anything to do with race or religion, etc. At least not that can be proven. :)
Then you're deceitful, dishonest, and a liar – and clearly proud of it; typical of most conservatives.

I'm not dishonest, deceitful or a liar. I just don't think everyone that wants a firearm should have one and I'm not obliged to sell them one.
Bobby Jindal Allows LGBT Discrimination With an Executive Order Care2 Causes

"When a license to discriminate bill that Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal had personally supported failed to get through the legislature this week, Jindal vowed that he would sign an executive order to “protect religious freedom.” What that adds up to, LGBT rights advocates say, is Jindal legislating from the governor’s office to give the religious the privilege of lawfully discriminating against LGBT people.

The legislation, known as HB 707 or the Louisiana Marriage and Conscience Act, would have created religious freedom exemptions for anyone opposed to same-sex marriage. Essentially, that would mean that any business or person could refuse to provide services for a married gay couple or honor or recognize a same-sex couple’s marriage.

This was seen as a preemptive strike against a possible Supreme Court ruling at the end of June that would end Louisiana’s ban on marriage equality. LGBT rights groups had lobbied against the bill, saying it essentially licensed discrimination in a way that was even more explicit than the bills that were passed but later amended in Indiana and Arkansas. Fortunately, Democratic lawmakers were able to prevent the Louisiana bill from advancing out of committee this week, effectively killing it in the process.

Governor Jindal decided that he would not allow that to be the end of the matter though and a mere two hours after the bill was defeated on Tuesday, Jindal’s office released a statement that he would create an executive order to accomplish the same aims as the bill."

rest at link

So this is how democracy dies.

Are you saying that democracy died in committee? But of course you are not because that killing of democracy, your words, is what you want, thus not a problem.
Circumventing voters, especially after you asked them their opinion and they gave it, but it didn't go your way, is heinous.

Louisiana survey finds residents more accepting of same-sex marriage, legal pot; however majority still opposes

About 51 percent of those surveyed said they oppose same-sex marriage, while 42 percent favor it. That’s a shift from 39 percent who supported and 56 percent who opposed in the 2013 survey.

So, even a left wing leaning poll says that the majority opposes. Like it or not where is your desire for the "will of the people?"

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