Little Boy Gay Mayor Wants to Eliminate All Things Thomas Jefferson

Exactly what makes liberals think they can win elections by insulting America, the public and America's founding? This trend, of course, started under the most chip-on-shoulder, treasonous, American-scolding, resentment-filled spoiled punk to ever slither into the WH, Obamaggot. Hell, Joe "Bidet" recently told our ultimate backstabbing, fake-ally enemy, Europe, that "America is an embarrassment."
Little Boy Gay Mayor says that the man that wrote the Declaration of Independence should have his named removed from monuments, schools and events. PC liberals want to destroy the legacy of the Founders that gave them the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. When they fucked Old Hickory around on the currency I knew this was the beginning of the leftist Orwellian attacks on the men who built this country.
Buttigieg backs far-left idea of erasing Thomas Jefferson's name: 'It's the right thing to do'
They must remove the concept of true liberalism to install their communist ideal.

It is a history scrub. Cultural Marxism.

We must start fighting back...literally.

Kill a commie for mommy.
Cultural Marxism is correct. Send your white kids from the suburbs to university so they can be accused of being racist, privileged, white kids. Guilt them into hating their white parents. Even though their parents worked hard for everything they got, the lame and lazy college professors will try to teach them otherwise.

Less to worry about since less whites will be getting into college. It's hard to beat those who get poverty/ race points on their SAT scores.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

George Orwell, 1984
Check with dOnald tRump on the rewriting history thing.

Do you have something in mind or did you throw out the first thing that popped into your head?
I heard he wants to replace Jefferson with Liberace.

Piss off real Americans to pander to the America hating left.

I predict soon, our Democrat candidates will advocate banning the racist American flag

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that things named after President Thomas Jefferson should be renamed because that’s the “right thing to do.”

Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who became the rising star of the 2020 Democratic primary, echoed the far-left calls to rename buildings or events that carry the names of prominent U.S. figures on the grounds that they were owners of slaves
Buttigieg backs far-left idea of erasing Thomas Jefferson's name: 'It's the right thing to do'

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Butt boy faggot should be charged and sentenced.

You need to calm down! He may be an idiot and gay, but that is not treason by any stretch of the imagination, dumbass! If that were the case, we could lock up every libtard in this country. Hyperbole in this instance is moronic!

Look up the definition of treason and show me how it fits!
Banning guns and having open borders is treason.
the last beacon of hope, America, will vanish if we dont elect "Buttplug" president!
Should we remove Thomas Jefferson from the Declaration of Independence?

You don't live here, fuck off with that. Your king is into hookers n blow. I'm not mad at him, but fuck off when it comes to things American, bitch.

Odd how no Muslim problems in Spain are ever published. Are there any? Or did y'all just "cut 'em"?

Or...deny them entry? What's up with Spain n Muslims in 2k19?
Piss off real Americans to pander to the America hating left.

I predict soon, our Democrat candidates will advocate banning the racist American flag

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg said Friday that things named after President Thomas Jefferson should be renamed because that’s the “right thing to do.”

Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind., who became the rising star of the 2020 Democratic primary, echoed the far-left calls to rename buildings or events that carry the names of prominent U.S. figures on the grounds that they were owners of slaves
Buttigieg backs far-left idea of erasing Thomas Jefferson's name: 'It's the right thing to do'

Hmm... Pretty misleading headline there. Buttigieg's answer was regarding a question about the decision of Indiana Democrats to rename their yearly "Jefferson-Jackson" dinner to something less disagreeable.

And that makes sense to me. Democrats have long since jettisoned any semblance Jeffersonian democracy. No point in faking it.
the last beacon of hope, America, will vanish if we dont elect "Buttplug" president!
Should we remove Thomas Jefferson from the Declaration of Independence?

You don't live here, fuck off with that. Your king is into hookers n blow. I'm not mad at him, but fuck off when it comes to things American, bitch.

Odd how no Muslim problems in Spain are ever published. Are there any? Or did y'all just "cut 'em"?

Or...deny them entry? What's up with Spain n Muslims in 2k19?
Yeah, I keep forgetting this schizophrenic jester isn't even an American.
the last beacon of hope, America, will vanish if we dont elect "Buttplug" president!
Should we remove Thomas Jefferson from the Declaration of Independence?

You don't live here, fuck off with that. Your king is into hookers n blow. I'm not mad at him, but fuck off when it comes to things American, bitch.

Odd how no Muslim problems in Spain are ever published. Are there any? Or did y'all just "cut 'em"?

Or...deny them entry? What's up with Spain n Muslims in 2k19?
Yeah, I keep forgetting this schizophrenic jester isn't even an American.
Something to keep in mind. ;)

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