Little fact about Abortion

The same way he effects the rate of gas prices.....his policies, fact, his very rhetoric....remember??

How can you folks both claim Democrats love abortions and essentially forces mothers to have them -- and then ask "but bro, what does the president have to do with abortions, bro"
For the rulers to maintain control they must split the population and make us hate each other enough to not even talk.

That's the purpose of Dem vs GOP, Fox vs MSNBC.

If we communicate we might unite under the idea that the enemy is them.

Be wary of those trying to keep division, like you for instance.
No. I don’t remember and I don’t believe Ds love abortion or force it on anyone. No one believes this shit, but fools like you.
"No one believes this shit"

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Democrats Celebrate Mother's Day By Supporting Abortion <<-- didn't see you on that post whining like a bitch...

Dems Push Abortion For Poor Blacks <<-- didn't see you on that post whining like a bitch...

And here is a fun one that I am sure you right-wingers jerked off too -- a law requiring abortions for black or Jewish people..

But what you are saying is -- reactionary right-wingers routinely say shit they don't believe -- and you expect the rest of us to take anything else you say seriously??
Good. Then you Democrats won't have a problem when the SC overturns Roe vs. Wade.
Women, have made these decisions on their own and have reduced having abortions by nearly half, again....through their own free will, their own circumstances and their own conscience.... and....their own inner souls....if you believe in all of that stuff.....

every year....they've gone down since the peak in the mid 70s. That's real progress!

Forcing them to bear a child, via BIG GOVERNMENT making that decision for them, is just plain's their decision to make, or in religious terms, again, if you believe, it's their sin to make or not make.... and fewer and fewer and fewer women, on their own, are making the decision of not having an abortion.... "Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be....speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

My real issue is the government has no power granted in the constitution to even know such a personal thing, as to whether a single or married woman has had sex and is pregnant....we have a right to privacy in such personal matters!!! Holy crap!!! Why would anyone think it's okay for the govt to make such an intrusion, especially early on?

I'd like to see no abortions....but I think that is the woman's decision to make, via their own free will or conscience.
Women, have made these decisions on their own and have reduced having abortions by nearly half, again....through their own free will, their own circumstances and their own conscience.... and....their own inner souls....if you believe in all of that stuff.....

every year....they've gone down since the peak in the mid 70s. That's real progress!

Forcing them to bear a child, via BIG GOVERNMENT making that decision for them, is just plain's their decision to make, or in religious terms, again, if you believe, it's their sin to make or not make.... and fewer and fewer and fewer women, on their own, are making the decision of not having an abortion.... "Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be....speaking words of wisdom, let it be."

My real issue is the government has no power granted in the constitution to even know such a personal thing, as to whether a single or married woman has had sex and is pregnant....we have a right to privacy in such personal matters!!! Holy crap!!! Why would anyone think it's okay for the govt to make such an intrusion, especially early on?

I'd like to see no abortions....but I think that is the woman's decision to make, via their own free will or conscience.
Abortion is murder.....throw the moms in jail, give the abortion doctors possible death penalties -- and if the doctor's staff ain't willing to testify against that murdering mom and doctor -- throw the book at them too.....this is about protecting our children....until they get born........
"Darling, I know you want to have an abortion, but consider this -- a Democrat is President."

"You're right, sweetheart. We should keep the baby."
True, I mean what future would the infant have with democrats in power?

Getting past the abortion doctors is the easy part, then when they are born they have to deal with a public education system that will try to convince them they are the wrong gender, and that they are either a victim or victimizer due to the color of their skin. Then to drive the nail in what is left of their hearts, they will spend such outrageous sums of money that they will have no fiscal future.
It is very confusing. On the one hand, they want to celebrate abortion not occurring under a democrat, but on the other hand, convince us that abortion is just fine.

Very odd those democrats.

It's like the approval rating under Biden continuing to remain about 78% among democrats. The approval rating remains the same despite their retirement being cut in half by stock market loses, and inflation eating away what is left of that, and continual shortages, and wars abroad under a democrat that don't go well for the world, and a President with dementia that can get up and talk about his hairy legs and black children he calls roaches, which is a clear racial slur.

Oh, and more people dying of Covid under Biden than they ever did Trump.

This can only mean that politics is more of a cult than anything. They just sit around waiting for their leader to tell them to drink the cool aid, and when they do, tells the world just how wonderful it is.
The Democrats vision of “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare”...

But thanks for trying to change the subject..
There has been a general decrease in abortions since the mid 80s...

But the most successful at actually reducing them are Democratic Presidents...

View attachment 661183

Obama been the most successful... If you are against abortion and you are results driven, on this topic it would be wise to vote Democrat...

For graph

Underlying Data:

This is the evidence, voting GOP is actively voting to reduce the decrease...

The Democrats vision of “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare” seems to be far more successful.

How the abortion debate moved away from "safe, legal, and rare"

You know you are going against the current meta, right?

It used to be "Abortion should be safe, legal and rare".

Now it's "Shout your Abortion"
If you think abortion is so great that every woman who chooses to should have one, why are you boasting that under Democrat Presidents, fewer women do?

The Democrats vision of “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare”...

Democrats want fewer Abortions because abortions are not a healthy method of contraception but is far better than an unwanted pregnancy...
There has been a general decrease in abortions since the mid 80s...

But the most successful at actually reducing them are Democratic Presidents...

View attachment 661183

Obama been the most successful... If you are against abortion and you are results driven, on this topic it would be wise to vote Democrat...

For graph

Underlying Data:

This is the evidence, voting GOP is actively voting to reduce the decrease...

The Democrats vision of “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare” seems to be far more successful.

How the abortion debate moved away from "safe, legal, and rare"

Well your links and data are old.

They predate the current administration which thus far is wildly more radical than any other administration and is far more left than any previous left ones.
The Democrats vision of “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare”...

But thanks for trying to change the subject..

That used to be the vison.

Maher: 'Safe, Legal, and Rare' Is 'Not Where the Democrats Are Now' on Abortion

He added that there isn’t bipartisanship on the issue and “Democrats aren’t there either. The phrase in that era, Clinton era, his phrase, safe, legal, and rare. And I think that’s when Democrats were aligned with most Americans. I think that’s what most Americans want, safe, legal, and rare. That’s not where the Democrats are now. They don’t say that anymore. In fact, their own caucus on this in the House this week said, we don’t want to call it ‘choice’ anymore. Because something, something racism, [it’s] ‘decision’ now. They’re even talking about using ‘pro-abortion.’ No one should be pro-abortion.”
You know you are going against the current meta, right?

It used to be "Abortion should be safe, legal and rare".

Now it's "Shout your Abortion"
I think that is still the mantra of the moderate Democratic party, who are still in charge of the Democratic party...

Democratic position is not reducing Abortion by reducing access but through education and availability reduce demand...

But the actual results far favour the Democratic position over the GOP position...
I think that is still the mantra of the moderate Democratic party, who are still in charge of the Democratic party...

Democratic position is not reducing Abortion by reducing access but through education and availability reduce demand...

But the actual results far favour the Democratic position over the GOP position...

The moderates are still running the party?


The results are skewed depending on how you ask the questions. Look at NY State that has basically legalized abortion right up to the moment of childbirth requiring only a single doctor to say it was needed for the health of the mother. Not the life of the mother, just the health.

That's moderate to you?

Abortion rights people could have had say a 20 week limit on abortions for anything but mother's life threatening conditions for decades and that would have placated many abortion opponents, but they wanted the whole enchilada, and using Roe as a shield they didn't want to budge.

Now they lose their shield, and they gotta actually defend what they want.
This is one of the major problems in US politics...

Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party, has he changed from 'Safe, Legal and Rare'?
Have you actually got proof about it...

Democrats is a big tent and a few have a few strange ideas but the leadership knows the direction..

You are taking your information of how Democrats feel and speak about something from Breitbart, seriously, would you expect the truth from them as Democrat experts...
This is one of the major problems in US politics...

Joe Biden is the leader of the Democratic Party, has he changed from 'Safe, Legal and Rare'?
Have you actually got proof about it...

Democrats is a big tent and a few have a few strange ideas but the leadership knows the direction..

You are taking your information of how Democrats feel and speak about something from Breitbart, seriously, would you expect the truth from them as Democrat experts...

Joe Biden has a much influence on the Democrat Party as a pop tart does.

Big Tent?

There is only 1 pro-life democrat left, and he's from Texas.

All Briebart was doing was quoting Bill Mahr who actually is a moderate Democrat.
Who’s hoping?

Counterquestion: Why did no one threaten, blackmail and/or convince your mother to agree to let someone kill you in her body while she was pregnant with you?

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