Little girl stands firm in face of street preacher's homophobic rant

What makes you think that where there is anything to do with sexuality in an even that celebrates sexuality in such a way, that young children should be involved in it at all ? Should young children be allowed to go to a movie that is celebrating sex in some sort of way, or should they have to wait until they are of age to do so ?

Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.

You see a threat in the above?

Chris, you really are getting weird.

Well, what exactly did you mean by that comment? "I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here."

I do not feel compelled to discuss my conversations with another poster with you. You are not part of that conversation. Chill out, for crying out loud.....
A loony....:cuckoo:
Yes the man focusing on the child as if the child knew what was going on was wrong, because even if the child knew sort of what was going on, it was only because the child was being coached to know, and then the child may have felt that it was all a game somehow that was being played maybe.

To focus on such a young child like that, he has to be crazy IMO.
He probably saw the child as someone he needed to reach, where as the older adults would be unreachable at that point, but he still went about it the wrong way. I disagree with his methods completely.
And that little girl stood firm and made him look like the crazy jack wagon he is.

It didn't take sacrificing a little girl to do that, moron. Go to your protests and your rallies. Leave the little children and babies out of it. It is not appropriate to take such a young child to such a venue.
"Sacrificing a little girl".....what video are YOU watching? That girl was awesome...pwned that idiot street preacher and got admiration and high fives from the adults around her.

And you define that as "sacrificing"......You get confused by the concept, don't you?

So . . . because she sat there and looked at him and got high 5s, she "pwned" (stupid word BTW) him? Grow the fuck up.
What makes you think that where there is anything to do with sexuality in an even that celebrates sexuality in such a way, that young children should be involved in it at all ? Should young children be allowed to go to a movie that is celebrating sex in some sort of way, or should they have to wait until they are of age to do so ?

Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.

You see a threat in the above?

Chris, you really are getting weird.

Well, what exactly did you mean by that comment? "I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here."

I do not feel compelled to discuss my conversations with another poster with you. You are not part of that conversation. Chill out, for crying out loud.....

That is very informative. Thank you. I've already figured out just what kind of person you are, and it isn't looking good.
There is no game, except for in your polluted mind. You did put words in my mouth that I never said and then you answered a question directed at me, correct?
This is getting weirder and weirder. Are you ok? Shagged out after a long day blaming parents for not being just like you?

So, did you or did you not attribute words to me that I did not say? Did you or did you not answer a question that was addressed to moi? :lol: You are the crazy one here lady. Your agenda is the only thing you care about apparently.
There you go again. :rofl: You and that street preacher have a lot in common.

Such as? What exactly do we have in common. Elaborate on your comment please. Otherwise it is nothing but character assassination because you know I am correct but don't want to admit it because you are being a stubborn biddy.

Poor Chris.

Seek help for yourself, seriously. Your agenda has polluted your mind.
Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.

You see a threat in the above?

Chris, you really are getting weird.

Well, what exactly did you mean by that comment? "I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here."

I do not feel compelled to discuss my conversations with another poster with you. You are not part of that conversation. Chill out, for crying out loud.....
A loony....:cuckoo:

Yes, everyone knows you are a loony. :p You don't have to keep telling us.
What makes you think that where there is anything to do with sexuality in an even that celebrates sexuality in such a way, that young children should be involved in it at all ? Should young children be allowed to go to a movie that is celebrating sex iYOu n some sort of way, or should they have to wait until they are of age to do so ?

Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:
This is getting weirder and weirder. Are you ok? Shagged out after a long day blaming parents for not being just like you?

So, did you or did you not attribute words to me that I did not say? Did you or did you not answer a question that was addressed to moi? :lol: You are the crazy one here lady. Your agenda is the only thing you care about apparently.
There you go again. :rofl: You and that street preacher have a lot in common.

Such as? What exactly do we have in common. Elaborate on your comment please. Otherwise it is nothing but character assassination because you know I am correct but don't want to admit it because you are being a stubborn biddy.

Poor Chris.

Seek help for yourself, seriously. Your agenda has polluted your mind.
Tell us more about your imaginary threats and human sacrifices.
So, did you or did you not attribute words to me that I did not say? Did you or did you not answer a question that was addressed to moi? :lol: You are the crazy one here lady. Your agenda is the only thing you care about apparently.
There you go again. :rofl: You and that street preacher have a lot in common.

Such as? What exactly do we have in common. Elaborate on your comment please. Otherwise it is nothing but character assassination because you know I am correct but don't want to admit it because you are being a stubborn biddy.

Poor Chris.

Seek help for yourself, seriously. Your agenda has polluted your mind.
Tell us more about your imaginary threats and human sacrifices.

Sorry, anyone who would celebrate a 6-year-old child being in such a predicament for their own selfish reasons is a sicko. Seriously a sicko.
What makes you think that where there is anything to do with sexuality in an even that celebrates sexuality in such a way, that young children should be involved in it at all ? Should young children be allowed to go to a movie that is celebrating sex iYOu n some sort of way, or should they have to wait until they are of age to do so ?

Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

You are the loony one. This is simple to those of us who are NOT loony, you do not put or allow your child to be put in such a situation for your own selfish reasons. End of story.
What makes you think that where there is anything to do with sexuality in an even that celebrates sexuality in such a way, that young children should be involved in it at all ? Should young children be allowed to go to a movie that is celebrating sex iYOu n some sort of way, or should they have to wait until they are of age to do so ?

Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

Yea. She didn't place herself into the situation, after all. She certainly didn't film herself taking the preacher on either.This girl's parents undoubtedly set the whole thing up.

They're basically using her like an ideological attack dog.
Beagle, I am sure that I know you from a thread years and years ago. I really have no desire to cover old ground with you, here.

What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
That child was not in any danger...that child was not "sacrificed"...that child pwned that loony street preacher. That child WON. Perhaps that bothers you....but that child's parents aren't raising a paranoid coward either.
What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
That child was not in any danger...that child was not "sacrificed"...that child pwned that loony street preacher. That child WON. Perhaps that bothers you....but that child's parents aren't raising a paranoid coward either.

You don't know that. The parents or guardian of this child do not know that unless they can read this man's mind. The child won what exactly? What did this child win? This is part of your sickness showing. Using a child as a tool for an agenda. It's simple to those of us who are not crazy and out of control with an agenda so much so that we would sacrifice our children for it. It's sickening and it's disgusting. Go confront the man yourself. Don't use the child to make a point. That is wrong.
What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
That child was not in any danger...that child was not "sacrificed"...that child pwned that loony street preacher. That child WON. Perhaps that bothers you....but that child's parents aren't raising a paranoid coward either.

Are you being serious? You can't be. A paranoid coward? Man oh man, you really do need therapy.
Little Girl Does Not Give a Fuck About Street Preacher s Homophobic Rant

So, to those of the Christian Right: Are you as smart as a fifth grader?

While I support gay marriage, I have a problem with this. This child is just a baby. She doesn't understand the issues and is not old enough or knowledgeable enough to make an informed decision about such issues. I think it's quite clear that a person (probably one of her parents) gave her a flag and told her to stand and wave it around. They are USING the child as a pawn, and that is wrong no matter what. Who would expose a young impressionable child to such bitterness and ugliness?

Yea. She didn't place herself into the situation, after all. She certainly didn't film herself taking the preacher on either.This girl's parents undoubtedly set the whole thing up.

They're basically using her like an ideological attack dog.

Exactly, Sgt_Gath. She was used as a tool for an agenda. That is all there is to it.
Bode, as far as Chris is concerned, this is all about the rainbow flag. It has nothing to do with the child.

Look dummy, anyone can look at my post history and see that I support SSM. What I do NOT support is using children as pawns. Understand? This was a dumb ass OP you created here. Not very many people are going to be supportive of using a child for an agenda. Get it?
What does this mean? A threat of some kind? Thank you for showing us your TRUE colors.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
That child was not in any danger...that child was not "sacrificed"...that child pwned that loony street preacher. That child WON. Perhaps that bothers you....but that child's parents aren't raising a paranoid coward either.

I'm sorry, but what in the heck did she "win," exactly? She just stood there holding out a damn flag. The preacher wasn't even aggressive towards her.

The long and the short of it is that her parents used her as a cheap political prop, just they could get a few seconds of video and post it on YouTube.
Only a crazy person would think that was a threat of some kind.

Sorry, but you and your friend are the crazy ones. Anyone with a functioning brain cell can determine that by your attitude here in this thread. You are no better than that preacher for celebrating exposing a child to such nonsense. You are sick. Seek help.
Again, you're a loony. You see threats where there are blame a little girl's parents for the actions of a crazy street preacher....better yet, you claim the girl was "sacrificed". A loony. :cuckoo:

As a parent, it is your job to PROTECT your child, not to use her as a tool. Are you starting to understand yet?
That child was not in any danger...that child was not "sacrificed"...that child pwned that loony street preacher. That child WON. Perhaps that bothers you....but that child's parents aren't raising a paranoid coward either.

I'm sorry, but what in the heck did she "win," exactly? She just stood there holding out a damn flag. The preacher wasn't even aggressive towards her.

The long and the short of it is that her parents used her as a cheap political prop, just they could get a few seconds of video and post it on YouTube.

I thought the preacher was quite aggressive considering she is a small child. She should not have been the one to take the brunt of his rage here. Would you ever say such things to a 6-year-old? I think he was crazy to be honest. I think that about most "street" preachers. :wink_2:

I agree with your second paragraph though. :D

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