Little piggies kill a 6-year-old - Louisiana Police Officers Open Fire On Car, Killing 6-

Good work, boys. Hello Public Relations, we did it again...


"Police officers in Marksville, Louisiana, shot and killed a 6-year-old and critically wounded his father following a vehicle pursuit on Tuesday.

Avoyelles Parish Coroner Dr. L. J. Mayeux later identified the boy as Jeremy Mardis. He was reportedly in the passenger seat of the car when he was fatally struck in the head and chest.

Jeremy is now the youngest person to have been killed by police in the U.S. this year, according to unofficial data collected by The Guardian.

His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle, Louisiana State Police said.

The U.S. Department of Justice recommends that police departments institute policies prohibiting officers from shooting into moving vehicles, primarily because it's not an effective tactic to stop a car that is driving toward an officer."
Louisiana Police Officers Open Fire On Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Passenger
Maybe the father should have acted like an adult not a thug, he is to blame.
Maybe the cops should learn you don't just fire your guns especially when you don't need to and when you might kill a child, which they did. Even a white one, I'll bet that stings.
Maybe you should stop being a racist pos retard.
The blood is on the hands of the father whom put his child in that situation. Nothing you can say will make me believe otherwise.
I don't have to say anything. Ask the cops who now have to live with the fact they killed a little boy...

Unfortunate, but the fault is not theirs, ergo ...
News for you, the ones firing the guns are at fault. They pulled the triggers when it wasn't necessary. Now you know.
News for you retard, you have no idea what was necessary.
Oh but I do, and so do the Feds who say don't use guns in a car chance.
The Feds led by the most incompetent president ever. So what.
Good work, boys. Hello Public Relations, we did it again...


"Police officers in Marksville, Louisiana, shot and killed a 6-year-old and critically wounded his father following a vehicle pursuit on Tuesday.

Avoyelles Parish Coroner Dr. L. J. Mayeux later identified the boy as Jeremy Mardis. He was reportedly in the passenger seat of the car when he was fatally struck in the head and chest.

Jeremy is now the youngest person to have been killed by police in the U.S. this year, according to unofficial data collected by The Guardian.

His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle, Louisiana State Police said.

The U.S. Department of Justice recommends that police departments institute policies prohibiting officers from shooting into moving vehicles, primarily because it's not an effective tactic to stop a car that is driving toward an officer."
Louisiana Police Officers Open Fire On Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Passenger
Maybe the father should have acted like an adult not a thug, he is to blame.
Maybe the cops should learn you don't just fire your guns especially when you don't need to and when you might kill a child, which they did. Even a white one, I'll bet that stings.
Maybe you should stop being a racist pos retard.
All humans are racist, and the cops there make the Hitler Youth look open-minded.
I don't have to say anything. Ask the cops who now have to live with the fact they killed a little boy...

Unfortunate, but the fault is not theirs, ergo ...
News for you, the ones firing the guns are at fault. They pulled the triggers when it wasn't necessary. Now you know.
News for you retard, you have no idea what was necessary.
Oh but I do, and so do the Feds who say don't use guns in a car chance.
The Feds led by the most incompetent president ever. So what.
They can still do math, and figure out that works and what doesn't, like shooting at moving vehicles, which doesn't work, obviously.
The Marshalls were not in danger. All the shots were fired through the driver's side window. The Marshalls were not in danger of being run over. They were aware of the child and could clearly see him before deciding to use deadly force to stop the driver.

The Marshalls made a conscious decision that the priority was the stopping of the driver instead of the safety of the child. Something is drastically perverted when a child's safety is not a priority or as important as the serving of a warrant and LEO ego's.
The Marshalls were not in danger. All the shots were fired through the driver's side window. The Marshalls were not in danger of being run over. They were aware of the child and could clearly see him before deciding to use deadly force to stop the driver.

The Marshalls made a conscious decision that the priority was the stopping of the driver instead of the safety of the child. Something is drastically perverted when a child's safety is not a priority or as important as the serving of a warrant and LEO ego's.
If they could see the boy and still fired, God help them since he's the only one who could.
Good work, boys. Hello Public Relations, we did it again...


"Police officers in Marksville, Louisiana, shot and killed a 6-year-old and critically wounded his father following a vehicle pursuit on Tuesday.

Avoyelles Parish Coroner Dr. L. J. Mayeux later identified the boy as Jeremy Mardis. He was reportedly in the passenger seat of the car when he was fatally struck in the head and chest.

Jeremy is now the youngest person to have been killed by police in the U.S. this year, according to unofficial data collected by The Guardian.

His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle, Louisiana State Police said.

The U.S. Department of Justice recommends that police departments institute policies prohibiting officers from shooting into moving vehicles, primarily because it's not an effective tactic to stop a car that is driving toward an officer."
Louisiana Police Officers Open Fire On Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Passenger

Yo, damn good Democrat Dad?


A white Democrat in Marksville? What is this, 1930?

"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?

The same coroner, Mayeux, claims the kid was hit because he was on the passenger side and in the line of fire.

6-year-old killed when officers shoot at vehicle in central-Louisiana town

Can you please draw me a diagram that shows how its possible for the passenger to be in the line of fire to the driver with the shooter standing in the back of the vehicle?

Does this require some sort of space time warp, or can we just go ahead and presume the coroner a liar or a moron?
"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?
God only knows, and in this case, it doesn't matter, the blood of a child has already been spilled...

It does matter. He killed his child.
No, the cops killed his child. They were the ones firing guns and that is what guns do. They don't stop trucks, they kill things, in this case, a child.

No. His actions killed his child.

The bullet discharge from a shitty cops firearm killed the child.

Using a firearm to stop a moving vehicle by shooting into the driver side is fucking retarded. Its not like the driver is going to make sure to take his foot off the gas before he dies. These cops watched too much TV. Best bet for survival is to jump the fuck out of the way. But they were pissed and wanted to kill. They got their wish.
"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?

The same coroner, Mayeux, claims the kid was hit because he was on the passenger side and in the line of fire.

6-year-old killed when officers shoot at vehicle in central-Louisiana town

Can you please draw me a diagram that shows how its possible for the passenger to be in the line of fire to the driver with the shooter standing in the back of the vehicle?

Does this require some sort of space time warp, or can we just go ahead and presume the coroner a liar or a moron?
Love to know that one as well. Sounds like these two Barney Fifes finally got a chance to shoot somebody and went for it. Hope they can live with themselves now that they've killed an innocent autistic 6-year-old, with five bullets to his head and chest no less.
Sad. Tragic. Heartbreaking.

Shithead Dad fled in a vehicle with his 6 year old son in it....then tried to run over cops in the vehicle.

I feel horrible for the officers. Obviously heart wrenching for the loss of a child.

THE DRIVER is 100% to blame.
"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?
God only knows, and in this case, it doesn't matter, the blood of a child has already been spilled...

It does matter. He killed his child.
No, the cops killed his child. They were the ones firing guns and that is what guns do. They don't stop trucks, they kill things, in this case, a child.

Sorry, but I can't agree with you on this one. The father holds responsibility, because he used his car as a weapon. The question I have is whether or not he actually put the car in reverse and tried to hit the officers. If so, they had the right to fire on him.
Sad. Tragic. Heartbreaking.

Shithead Dad fled in a vehicle with his 6 year old son in it....then tried to run over cops in the vehicle.

I feel horrible for the officers. Obviously heart wrenching for the loss of a child.

THE DRIVER is 100% to blame.
There is no claim being made that the driver tried to run over the officers. Initial investigations show the father backed the pickup into a patrol car. The officers exited the patrol car, positioned themselves on the drivers side of the pickup and fired into the driver's door and window. After seeing the 6-year-old, they made a conscious decision to empty an estimated 10 to 17 shots into the passenger compartment of the pickup truck.
The Marshalls were not in danger. All the shots were fired through the driver's side window. The Marshalls were not in danger of being run over. They were aware of the child and could clearly see him before deciding to use deadly force to stop the driver.

The Marshalls made a conscious decision that the priority was the stopping of the driver instead of the safety of the child. Something is drastically perverted when a child's safety is not a priority or as important as the serving of a warrant and LEO ego's.

The report does not reflect that. You have some secret information?
Good work, boys. Hello Public Relations, we did it again...


"Police officers in Marksville, Louisiana, shot and killed a 6-year-old and critically wounded his father following a vehicle pursuit on Tuesday.

Avoyelles Parish Coroner Dr. L. J. Mayeux later identified the boy as Jeremy Mardis. He was reportedly in the passenger seat of the car when he was fatally struck in the head and chest.

Jeremy is now the youngest person to have been killed by police in the U.S. this year, according to unofficial data collected by The Guardian.

His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle, Louisiana State Police said.

The U.S. Department of Justice recommends that police departments institute policies prohibiting officers from shooting into moving vehicles, primarily because it's not an effective tactic to stop a car that is driving toward an officer."
Louisiana Police Officers Open Fire On Car, Killing 6-Year-Old Passenger

Sucks what happened, but officers are perfectly and legally justified to fire on a car being used as a weapon against them. Car in motion's a lethal weapon as has been upheld time after time.
"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?

The same coroner, Mayeux, claims the kid was hit because he was on the passenger side and in the line of fire.

6-year-old killed when officers shoot at vehicle in central-Louisiana town

Can you please draw me a diagram that shows how its possible for the passenger to be in the line of fire to the driver with the shooter standing in the back of the vehicle?

Does this require some sort of space time warp, or can we just go ahead and presume the coroner a liar or a moron?
Love to know that one as well. Sounds like these two Barney Fifes finally got a chance to shoot somebody and went for it. Hope they can live with themselves now that they've killed an innocent autistic 6-year-old, with five bullets to his head and chest no less.

Doesn't matter how many when one gets it done

Father's fault. Case closed.
You might believe so but that's not actually true. Those holding the guns killed him, and they will live with that for the rest of their lives...

How silly.
Not at all. Ask the cops, they know who just killed a child. Dad sure as fuck didn't shoot him, he was driving...

You mean he was trying to evade the police.
"His father, identified as Chris Few, was driving the vehicle when police opened fire. Mayuex told The Associated Press that Few reached a dead end during the chase, at which point he attempted to reverse the car into the officers. The officers then “discharged their weapons” at the vehicle"

So ....

Why didn't he stop?
God only knows, and in this case, it doesn't matter, the blood of a child has already been spilled...

It does matter. He killed his child.
No, the cops killed his child. They were the ones firing guns and that is what guns do. They don't stop trucks, they kill things, in this case, a child.

So you'd just stand there and let the guy run you down?
Have you considered joining the police force?

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