Litwin. What 'Ukraine' can offer to the West except Big Mouth, Swastika, Khochlushkas, Lard, Guestworkers and WWIII with Russia?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Be honest Litwin, please explain, why the West shall risk WWIII, which benefits it can receive?
Europeans don't say they are going to brothel, they say they going to Khochlushka now, because more as 70% all whores (male and female) in EU are from Ukraine.
The country is completely ruined by corruption and mafia, anything is either stolen or closed.
Also, which benefits will have the West except WWIII and billions of tax money funneled in pockets of Ukrainian politicians.
Sorry, forgotten, more as 80% all beggars in EU are Ukrainians
orry, forgotten, more as 80% all beggars in EU are Ukrainians
Something tells me that at least this part is nonsense.

I hope you haven't forgotten to add beggars controlled by Ukrainian beggar mafia in Europe.
By the way.

Litwin has nothing to say, the main exports of so called 'Ukraine are whores ( male and female), ambitions and preparation for WWIII
"West" has much bigger problems than fighting a war with Russia over Ukraine.

This generation will be fighting Russia ?
Kennedy-Reagan generation was real deal, Americans on the moon generation was real deal where Russia should be shitting its pants, but not with current Americans.

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"Lactatia", 8 year old American drag-queen... What the fuck is wrong with your generation ?

8 year old Drag-queen is not even Hispanic to blame American decline on immigration
Ukrainian politicians, like hairdressers - every new one asks: "What kind of bungler cut your hair before?!".
And he cuts even worse...
Be honest Litwin, please explain, why the West shall risk WWIII, which benefits it can receive?
Europeans don't say they are going to brothel, they say they going to Khochlushka now, because more as 70% all whores (male and female) in EU are from Ukraine.
The country is completely ruined by corruption and mafia, anything is either stolen or closed.
Also, which benefits will have the West except WWIII and billions of tax money funneled in pockets of Ukrainian politicians.
Sorry, forgotten, more as 80% all beggars in EU are Ukrainians
well, as a mongol, you know that you are the lowest of the low ? you represent here MONGOL ULUS JUCHI !

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According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland (the Lublin Triangle) are an alternative to the "Russian World".
Yes, Kuleba, it's hard not to agree that the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are success stories. Oh yes! A manual on how to fuck up and lost everything, including the country.
According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Kuleba, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland (the Lublin Triangle) are an alternative to the "Russian World".
Yes, Kuleba, it's hard not to agree that the history of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania are success stories. Oh yes! A manual on how to fuck up and lost everything, including the country.



Russia has gas.
Germany has money.
Why should Ukraine be in this simple scheme, which has neither one nor the other?
Can anyone explain this?

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