We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

Yes you have explained you have a small mind. Laws come from man, only free men can give up some of their freedom to create laws.
You said inalienable rights, didn't you? Inalienable rights are rights that can't be given away. Supposedly.
One in the same, sort of like using senile to say an old man has cognitive failures and memory loss
If natural rights are the same as biology then do you mean to tell me you only have the right to life until someone takes it from you, then you don't have it anymore because biologically you're dead? In that case where is its utility?
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Obviously dumbasses like you don't either, most don't understand Africa is a continent it's not a damn country. There are many countries on the continent.
Maybe the idiots you hang around.....with that said, he was talking about tribes, not countries. Tribes aren't isolated to countries.
You said inalienable rights, didn't you? Inalienable rights are rights that can't be given away. Supposedly.

If natural rights are the same as biology then do you mean to tell me you only have the right to life until someone takes it from you, then you don't have it anymore because biologically you're dead? In that case where is its utility?
no, it means they can't be TAKEN....that's different then someone willingly alowing some r part of them up, in order to form a more perfect union, for example.

well yes, someone can obviously murder someone. Rights can be violated. Nobody suggested otherwise. If men were angels, we wouldn't need to form a govt, and if govt weren't made of men, we would need no Constitution.

So where do you think laws come from?
no, it means they can't be TAKEN....that's different then someone willingly alowing some r part of them up, in order to form a more perfect union, for example.
That's not what inalienable means you dumb Bingo. Apparently you didn't bother to look it up. Inalienable means they can't be taken or given away. The Founders believed natural rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness where given by God and that the law and the constitution were supposed to protect them, not take them away. Of course they were morons and much of what they believed doesn't make any fucking sense.
well yes, someone can obviously murder someone. Rights can be violated. Nobody suggested otherwise. If men were angels, we wouldn't need to form a govt, and if govt weren't made of men, we would need no Constitution.

So where do you think laws come from?
I think laws come from society and people. If natural rights did anything at all we wouldn't need them, would we? Appears you're admitting they have no use.
You really don't understand that that will never not be fantasy, do you? :laugh:
You complain about being black in America because if slavery

I am telling you what a great deal and lucky break slavery was for you
You complain about being black in America because if slavery
No, I don't but you can't stop fantasizing. I love living in America during a time of soft a frail cuckolded whites like yourself.
I am telling you what a great deal and lucky break slavery was for you
I was never a slave my guy. How lost to sauce of cosplay are you now? :dunno: :laugh:
No, I don't but you can't stop fantasizing. I love living in America during a time of soft a frail cuckolded whites like yourself.

I was never a slave my guy. How lost to sauce of cosplay are you now? :dunno: :laugh:
Most black people born in America are descended from slaves
You are in deep denial

Without white slavers you would probably not be an American
Your in denial you frail white. When slavers were in charge black people were slaves. It's when them and their progeny were cuckolded by Black American civil rights heroes that people of my complexion get to enjoy being American. Stay frail you Brittle Britch. :laugh: I'm loving all this make believe.

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