We are living through the latest example of democracy eventually failing.

I’ve explained repeatedly, natural rights, rights humans are born with, are not legal rights, created by man, depended on laws created by man.
You have not explained, you've claimed. How do you know we're born with these natural rights? If we were to put a newborn babies blood under a microscope could we see the natural rights that way?
When you say your right to live is depended on laws, you are saying it’s dependent on man, or govt. Thats not true, it exist even with our legal rights.
I did not say that. I don't even know what a right to life is. I have a right to seek legal recourse if my property is stolen or damaged and I have a legal right to use violence against someone else in defense of my person and property. That's not the same as a right to life.
Now we can go round and round but at the end, that is what you are saying
We keep going round and round because you keep trying to make up things I didn't say instead of explaining what natural rights are, where they come from and what utility they have.
You have not explained, you've claimed. How do you know we're born with these natural rights? If we were to put a newborn babies blood under a microscope could we see the natural rights that way?

I did not say that. I don't even know what a right to life is. I have a right to seek legal recourse if my property is stolen or damaged and I have a legal right to use violence against someone else in defense of my person and property. That's not the same as a right to life.

We keep going round and round because you keep trying to make up things I didn't say instead of explaining what natural rights are, where they come from and what utility they have.
Your inability to comprehend isn’t from not being explained to
There you go with the strange Liberish words again


If anyone is living in an alternate universe its you and the other far lefties who post here
Bitch please. You just spent two pages imagining an America without black people. You understand what cosplay is. :laugh:
If you manage to tell the truth what differnce does it make?

In fact you really dont know and just like to twist the lion’s tail to hear him roar
I don't know what this means. You aren't a lion. Or maybe the cowardly Lion from the wizard of Oz. You cuck whites have pretty much just taken it as we tear statues to your shit heroes down and strike their names from our military bases except for that one time you got real angry and ran over a woman.
I dont

But if that happens and America sinks down into african-style disfunction thats a shame

Hopefully wiser and less bitter heads than yours will prevail
Hope and Shame.... I don't care about your emotions you Simp. Jesus fucking Christ..... :lmao:
Your inability to comprehend isn’t from not being explained to
You didn't explain it. How do we detect natural rights? Can we see them? Touch them? Hear them? Feel them? Taste them? What evidence do you have the they really exist and that we're born with them?
You aren't a lion
I was talking about the white boogey man that libs use to inspire hate in black people

You have s common hangup about white people which is the only skin color missing from your resume

Oh well, you can't win ‘em all
I don't take my cues on what a thoughtful and moral democracy looks like from a bunch of slavers... :laugh: ... that's stupid. It's like cooking tips from Hannibal Lecter
You shouldn’t listen to yourself either. How many slaves work for you?

You shouldn’t listen to yourself either. How many slaves work for you?

No slaves work for me, clown. Also have you ever clicked the about us button on that hilarious fucking website? :dunno: :laugh: Is Justin Dillion, former musician going to tell me how many slaves I own? Is this before or after Ms.Cleo gives me the lottery numbers?

Justin Dillon
a onetime musician who
got involved in the
anti-slavery movement
hosting benefit concerts​
Last edited:
At your request

And the fact remains, without slavery most blacks would still be in africa
That's not a fact you moron. That's your imagination. Your fantasy. The fact is you only know how things turned out because you have hindsight. Any way you imagine things playing out if slavery didn't exist is still just that. Your imagination. There's no getting around that fact.
I was talking about the white boogey man that libs use to inspire hate in black people

Who called you a boogeyman? I sure as fuck didn't. You frail fucktards are a joke to me, not a concern.
You have s common hangup about white people which is the only skin color missing from your resume

Oh well, you can't win ‘em all
Unlike you frail fucktards I don't have a problem recognizing an enemy or finding solutions for them.
The guardrails the Founders put in the Constitution to protect America from the well-known and inevitable decline of a democracy still require a moral and thoughtful citizenry. We have neither. Look at this list of reasons given for the decline of the Roman republic:

There Was An Imbalance Of Power Between The Aristocracy And The Rest Of Society
They Broke Into Factions Who Prioritized Their Own Aims Over Their Republic
Ancient Democracies Limited Voting To Select Citizens
Demagogues Were Able To Easily Persuade A Misled Populace
Political Campaigns Were Expensive And Mired In Controversy
Certain Individuals Had Their Own Personal Military
Senators Stalled Vital Legislation With Filibusters
Senators Began Using Violence To Get Rid Of Political Adversaries
Participation In Long-Running Wars Caused Regional Instability
Autocratic Powers Rigged Democratic Systems To Put Themselves In Power
All People Were Free To Live As They Pleased

As the Bible says, there is nothing new under the sun. The Founders tried to protect against the inevitable. They understood how fragile a democracy is and how dependent it is on the character of the citizens.

John Adams stated it this way, “Public virtue cannot exist in a Nation without private Virtue, and public Virtue is the only Foundation of Republics.

George Washington said: “Virtue or morality is a necessary spring of popular government,”[6] and “Human rights can only be assured among a virtuous people.”

Benjamin Franklin said: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”

James Madison stated: “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical [imaginary] idea.”

Thomas Jefferson wrote, “No government can continue good but under the control of the people; and … their minds are to be informed by education what is right and what wrong; to be encouraged in habits of virtue and to be deterred from those of vice … These are the inculcations necessary to render the people a sure basis for the structure and order of government.”

Samuel Adams said: “Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt. He therefore is the truest friend of the liberty of his country who tries most to promote its virtue.”

Patrick Henry stated that: “A vitiated [impure] state of morals, a corrupted public conscience, is incompatible with freedom.”

John Adams stated: “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

I guess there is something cool about being witness to this shit show as it happens, but it's actually terrifying for those of us with children.
Democracy can't work when Democrats cheat elections, Democracy isn't failing, the enforcement of it is.
You frail fucktards are a joke to me, not a concern. Unlike you frail fucktards I don't have a problem recognizing an enemy or finding solutions for them.

You have very thin skin and easily lose your composure

I expected better from a big tough hood warrior
Democracy comes in many forms, but in its purest form it is usually disastrous. The collective IQ of any committee decreases with the number of people on it. Look at how well California does with its ballot propositions.

The best system is the one we theoretically have. The People elect representatives whose job it is to inform themselves on the issues of the day and develop laws and cast their votes for the betterment of the overall community. Surely, you elect some idiots and charlatans, but the hope is that what eventually comes out of the legislature makes sense.

The problem with OUR legislatures (state and federal) is that they are needlessly full-time, so they are constantly getting into mischief. Imagine any collective entity with a rules committee. After 250 years, how often does it have to meet? Every six months? Having a full-time legislature is the dumbest single thing about our Federal government.
One only need to look at Texas to see how ridiculous your assertion is.
The black slave experience exposes the falsity of "the ones doing all the work, creating and inventing, will prosper the most."
I had to read what that fucking idiot said twice because I couldn’t believe it the first time I read it.
Better for us all.... just watch the news each day... the world has no one leading but a dictatorship that uses slave labor... China... its time the USA takes back control here and abroad...
We need to put Iran back in the cellar and break them once and for all... we need to convince Putin his best interest is to pull back from Ukraine and we need to halt or slow down this crazy war on fossil fuels...
Let the USA start its engines again because what we have now is not working for anyone no matter who you are.... except an elected politician who is entrenched...
So boots on the ground--again--in the Middle East and Ukraine this time.

Wow. Terrible ideas.
Bullshit. Slavery was nothing more than inexpensive labor. Cheap overhead. Had nothing to do with founding principles and the system they created.
Slavery legacy is nothing more than opportunity for those who want to destroy those founding principles.

You sad little man.

It’s also the reason the south is still backwards 160 +/- years after slavery officially ended.
You know I am right
I know the differnce between facts and your imagination. Apparently you don't. :laugh:
There is little chance that backward tribesmen from africa could reach the New World unless white people brought them here
You repeating it over and over won't make magically make it anything more than make believe. :itsok:

The difference between me and you is I don't have to cosplay. Actual facts are on my side. Like the fact that you have little to no chance of stopping whites from being outnumbered by all the other minorities in this country. In fact whites 18 and under no longer enjoy demographic dominance.
You have very thin skin and easily lose your composure

I expected better from a big tough hood warrior

I've never called myself any of those things but for some reason you all seem to think I'm a tough warrior. Thank you I guess. :dunno:

To be honest though, I don't think coming here to present facts to you is particularly tough. It's only your fragility in receiving them that makes me look tough in comparison.

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