Live At The NRA

Watch it on C-SPAN. VP Pence is closing out his speech. President Trump is next.
It is good to see a President, and Vice President standing up for our Natural Rights which we possess anyway, and are guaranteed by the Constitution to not be infringed by government.
Has he talked about guns yet? Or is he just melting down about fake news and other nonsense again?
NRA... is not pro-gun enough. This country needs to be better armed...
I'm doing my part. I have 3 pistols and a revolver. The revolver shoots .45 Colt or 410ga. shotgun shells. I call it my legal saw-off shotgun.

I have given to my family members shotguns, a Henry Mare's Leg .45Colt lever action pistol, a Ruger New Vaquero .45Colt, a .380 Glock, a .22 Henry "Evil Roy" rifle, a .357 Colt Python, a Smith&Wesson K22 Magnum....and several others.
He reminded Texans how important they were to the creation and protection of the United States of America. As Trump said "we are free and we will die free".

Watch it on C-SPAN. VP Pence is closing out his speech. President Trump is next.
Stay tuned and you can hear the caller comments on 3 different lines:

The call handlers usually don't do much commenting. They just say "thank you for your call" and go to the next caller.
Watch it on C-SPAN. VP Pence is closing out his speech. President Trump is next.
Stay tuned and you can hear the caller comments on 3 different lines:

The call handlers usually don't do much commenting. They just say "thank you for your call" and go to the next caller.
A Democrat lady just called and said:

"I'm a Democrat....and I voted for Trump...and I'm glad I did...and I will vote for him again. Thank you!"
Trump calls for allowing “highly trained” teachers carry concealed weapons in schools: “They love their students and they’re not going to let anybody hurt their students. But you have to give them a chance.”
A professional news organization wrote this chyron

"Trump is in full white supremacist speech mode because the @NRA panders to a mostly white male base that feels threatened by changing demographics & strong communities of color." - Wacky Igor Volsky

"After Parkland, the NRA announced their biggest fundraising haul in 20 years: 2.4 million in March alone. They use that money to buy politicians like Donald Trump and Mike Pence to further their agenda. We have to stop the NRA's money." - Wacky Randy Bryce
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C-SPAN is replaying the speech for those who may have missed it...or want to hear it again.

BlackFlag should pay attention this time.
Another awesome speech by our great president. :2up:

Here’s a vid of the the entire event. President Trump starts at 1:25....
"Trump is SAVAGE! He is quoting what the judge said at the Manafort hearing on stage at the NRA convention. Media heads ROLLING!!!"
Pence: i'm a Christian, a Conservative, and a that order.

actually you're a bigot, a hypocrite, and a fraud - in that order.

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