Live Election Results in Virginia

Democrat Ralph Northam takes the early slight lead in VA-GOV!

Northam running ahead of Clinton in suburbs where Clinton totally blew it out.

run for your lives from MS-13
Can you imagine if Gillespie somehow pulls off a win? The LWNJ's will turn the crazy up to 11....


Mark Herring (D) has won reelection as VA's AG, defeating John Adams (R). This time, looking like a *slightly* bigger margin than '13
"Gillespie was a much stronger candidate -- profile wise -- for NoVa suburbs/exurbs than Cuccinelli in '09 That he is performing so poorly speaks to Trump effect." - Lyin CNN
According to the scum-bag race-baiter, MS-13 is not the problem. Conservatives running down minority children with their cars is the problem.

(I am pretty sure the Russians paid for that commercial, one of many Democrats they funded to incite racial inrest and racial violence...)
Virginia is swamp territory, full of swamp critters like lobbyists, career politicians, and overpaid government bureaucrats. They did not suffer the Obama recession with the rest of us.

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