LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

And these guys envision taking on an Army Infantry Company or even a Rifle Squad? Some one better pull some heads out of old stinky. They are fortunate it is the FBI talking to them. A short barrage of 40mm HE along with the 60 mm mortars assigned will make quick and short of these yard birds and then mop up with troops, machine guns and grenades. All one idiot needs to do is loose one round from his gun store purchased black rifle and hunting season is closed permanently. And trying to run away will not help unless that person is very, very fast, which he/she is not. A 60 mm Mortar has a range of over two miles and the Scout Personnel will be watching where they go. These people are very stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course that is why those Government folks who are in charge don't want the Active Military involved. The theory is very simple, "mess with the bull and you will get the horn." An Army Rifle Company is not trained to fight fair, by any measure. U.S.Army Infantry is "The Queen of Battle", designed to close with and destroy the enemy. The Marine Corp Infantry is equally efficient and capable of the same.

Wow, sounds like you are anxious to have the military turned loose upon the citizenry. Little problem with that isn't there? Say the Posse Comitatus Act?

You should re read your sig line . . . . sounds a bit like . . you.

You must be kidding! No military person wants a second citizen blood bath with reference to the Confederacy. My point was to show the stupidity of confronting a trained force with civilian wannbes. If these vigilantes want to organize and fight for their freedom as they espouse, they are dumber than they look. I have taken an oath, many years ago, to defend this nation from enemies both foreign and domestic and vigilantes are domestic terrorists. They are belligerents, calling for defiance and disorder thru armed force as we have seen. The FBI is lenient as we have seen. Then some idiot volunteer vigilante decides to show his/her stupidity and use a weapon. When that happens on a large scale which civilian agencies cannot control, the military will be brought in and the issue settled. It is important not to be on the wrong side of things. As for my "sig line" I understand what you imply, but you don't understand me. You, my friend speak like the enemy and seem to think that way. Freedom is in that respect it's own worst enemy. Have a nice day and relax.
Oregon Standoff is over....cons lose.
Notice how none of the GOP candidates came to their rescue....and neither did the NRA.
Obvious Trailer Daesh. Those assholes probably set the ranchers vs BLM and related causes back a decade. Plus, even more valuable resources will have to be focused on domestic terrorism.
No possibility of parole when using a gun in the crime. Life is a long time.
This is what happens when folks experience the dreaded "up side down syndrome". When they read the preamble to the U.S. Constitution the first letter of the first word "We" flips upside down and reads "Me the people". There is no "ME" in the Constitution, anywhere in the Constitution. There is a reason for that and individuals are that reason. As a Nation we are a collective "we". Does that rule out the "me" factor", no! The Constitution clearly states that fact. The Constitution also does not address "secession" from the Union either, but it is clear that it must involve an act or declaration of war. If that is the intent, then one must be prepared to die. How many secessionists are prepared to die and how many are prepared for someone other than themselves, to die. I submit there are very few in the first category and many in the second. Contrary to that fact, every service member has taken an oath to do just that against foe both foreign and domestic. And for me that oath was for my entire life, not simply my time in service which I believe holds true for most professional military members. I do not want to see the results of a second American Revolution as it will not be pretty and minor, such as Ruby Ridge/Waco/and the latest in Utah. "We" is not "Me" in any sense of the word. And stupid events always start with an "M" before switching to a "W". The American Revolution started that way, we simply lucked out due to time time lag involved for Great Britain. Had she already been in Mexico or Canada, things would have differed greatly, a fact our founders depended upon. It is also a fact the current government understands, as should the "We the people". If you do not accept that, go find another piece of real estate, not owned by someone, and start anew, as this hunk of land is taken.
I am loving the fact that Cliven Bundy's last free moments were spent crammed into an economy airline seat.

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