LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

What about it was 'nightmarish'? These 4 idiots could have had a great nights sleep and done last night what the waited until this morning to do.

On the same note, they could have done this weeks ago. The FBI has carefully trying to keep these poor fools alive, trying to talk them down from their jibbering hysterics. How many times did they shrilly scream for the FBI to kill them? How many times did they insist they be killed? How many times did they talk of suicide?

Aliens? WWII being faked? Vaccine conspiracies?

The true batshit craziness of the militia movement was on full display. The gave us a terrifying look at the fucking wasteland of insanity that is the militia mindset.
Lets hope no one else tries to run a police blockade and reach for a gun this time.
I was hoping they would! Why should my tax dollars be used to keep these morons in jail for the next 30 years? They are terrorists - send them to GTMO!
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

What about it was 'nightmarish'? These 4 idiots could have had a great nights sleep and done last night what the waited until this morning to do.

On the same note, they could have done this weeks ago. The FBI has carefully trying to keep these poor fools alive, trying to talk them down from their jibbering hysterics. How many times did they shrilly scream for the FBI to kill them? How many times did they insist they be killed? How many times did they talk of suicide?

Aliens? WWII being faked? Vaccine conspiracies?

The true batshit craziness of the militia movement was on full display. The gave us a terrifying look at the fucking wasteland of insanity that is the militia mindset.

explains KG in ways that never would have been comprehensible.
The FBI scum kidnapped 74 year old Cliven Bundy for flying to Portland last night....can't believe the sheeple are standing for this shit.
^^^ ...the coward says as he sits behind his computer.

Get off your fat dumb ass and go get 'em, Dirty Harry!
And these guys envision taking on an Army Infantry Company or even a Rifle Squad? Some one better pull some heads out of old stinky. They are fortunate it is the FBI talking to them. A short barrage of 40mm HE along with the 60 mm mortars assigned will make quick and short of these yard birds and then mop up with troops, machine guns and grenades. All one idiot needs to do is loose one round from his gun store purchased black rifle and hunting season is closed permanently. And trying to run away will not help unless that person is very, very fast, which he/she is not. A 60 mm Mortar has a range of over two miles and the Scout Personnel will be watching where they go. These people are very stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course that is why those Government folks who are in charge don't want the Active Military involved. The theory is very simple, "mess with the bull and you will get the horn." An Army Rifle Company is not trained to fight fair, by any measure. U.S.Army Infantry is "The Queen of Battle", designed to close with and destroy the enemy. The Marine Corp Infantry is equally efficient and capable of the same.
Actually, no, I don't th ink they envision that at all.

Typical statist moron, has no idea what freedom is, nor anything about the constitution.

They have no intention of taking on anyone. But they are going to exercise their constitutional rights. If that forces federal fucklips to murderous rages and they open fire on them, well then let's go. It won't make any difference.

The constitution is like a spreads.

Nice burst kiddo. I really am attracted to the statist moron issue. I will put my understanding of the U.S. Constitution along side what you think any time. Unlike you, I have the feeling, I have spent the better part of my life overseas working to keep this nation safe. I am aware of the capabilities of an Infantry Rifle Company because I have been apart of one. It is not me who says the brave homeland defenders want to engage the United States, they say that themselves with their actions and words which creates a group of numb skulls who think because they carry an assault style weapon they are a gift to the minuteman mind set. Today's idiots calling for succession from the Union comes to mind. To do that you have to be willing to go to war and die If I recall that was tried once and it failed. Should a bunch of rabble of this day and age, (which by the way the Confederacy was not), attempt the same, as they profess a desire for, they will fail miserably and make the Confederacy look like a sane and understandable action. You say they have no intention of taking on anyone. Really, why then are they doing what they do, while armed? As far as forcing the feds to open up on them, that is not a part of my scenario. If you are able to read and comprehend, being one of them, reread my comments. I am making reference to one of your ilk making the mistake of showing a dedicated force that he/she is a brave home defender. And should one of your drones make that mistake, he/she had better be prepared to die as he/she are going to, assuming they are not 500 miles away taking part in a show of defiance while on a cell phone. And finally, "well then lets go" is typical from one who will insure they are 500 miles distant from the war for freedom, as your type always are. You are not a Patriot, you are a user and taker. Now go on and rabble rouse midget. Now go on out and prove you are ready to die for your beloved nation, please, do it. It would certainly be a first. But know this, you do not want to be in my battle sight.
I encourage you to read the Constution. Meanwhile, your rant is irrelevant. I cant even figure out what the primary purpose is. You didnt ask me any questions, and had no new information to provide, aside from a few lukewarm insults. So I have no idea what Im supposed to say. Read more. I feel you think you made a stirring statement, so maybe you want me to pat you on the head?

Let's forge ahead, shall we?

I have spent time with some very intense people in my life. The way these people reached out to the occupiers and stood with them and stayed with them for hours and hours and hours..I have no words. Gavin Seim was over the top amazing. I have never seen anyone apply words and prayer so effectively...but it wasn't just Gav...this woman Michele...amazing. She stuck with them absolutely to the end. And there was no guarantee of safety or success. there was no guarantee even of life.

Rev Graham....what a wonderful, humble, godly man. His counsel was very personal and private.

They all spoke only from a stance of love and principle. These are extraordinary people. KrisAnn was in Burns before anybody else got there. she was invited by, and stayed with local ranchers. She held two or three classes over three days. She then left, but came back again. She was in the area I think...I think she was speaking in a couple of other towns and as soon as she was done with that blasted back to Burns.

They saved those people. There is zero doubt that the feds sole purpose was to kill all four. They were going to kill them like they killed finicum...the feds tried over, and over, and over, to provoke them into an act of aggression. They lied to them repeatedly. They lied to fiore...they told her they would absolutely not advance until she and rev graham arrived. Then as soon as the two were en route they began to move in, aggressively and fast.

Stop these unprincipled, lying, corrupt, evil and ILLEGAL acts. The executive branch does not have a military. Are you fucking kidding me? And the constitution does not require that we mindlessly follow any stupid order the feds pass down. Our rights dont come from the government...they exist to protect our rights. And they are not. They are taking our rights. They take our rights when they tell us what we can or cant plant, grow, sell. They take our rights when they trick and steal and harrass and raid from decent peoe who haven't done anything wrong. This is going to stop. It doesnt end here. They dont get to roll into tiny towns with armored vehicles and just take over. They dont get to dictate to us what we do on our public lands. Its over.
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