LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

hahahahahaha! the little weasel was a pothead who was upset he couldn't get his pot. lolololol

Final Oregon occupier surrenders to authorities, ending the refuge siege

BURNS, Ore. — The armed occupation of a rural Oregon wildlife refuge ended peacefully here Thursday after 41 days as the last four anti-government activists surrendered to FBI agents, following an dramatic and emotional hour-long negotiation with the final holdout broadcast live on YouTube.

After repeatedly threatening to shoot himself, complaining that he couldn’t get marijuana, and ranting about UFOs, drone strikes in Pakistan, leaking nuclear plants and the government “chemically mutating people,” the last occupier, David Fry, 27, lit a cigarette, shouted “Hallelujah” and walked out of his barricaded encampment into FBI custody.

Final Oregon occupier surrenders to authorities, ending the refuge siege
Oh my. The word salad continues:

“Until my demands are met, I can’t come out ... I’m taking a stand. A stand means you’re willing to risk your life,” he said.

Asked what his demands are, he responded: “I’m trying to legitimately have a job ... I have a legit job. I’m paying taxes, but it’s going to abortion.”

Oregon militia standoff: holdouts begin to leave refuge – live

Now the occupation of a wildlife about abortion?
Sounds like any of the rightwingnuts posting here.
Now says he is afraid of being raped.
Why? He'll be eligible for a government-funded abortion should that happen.
So where will the next 'anti-gubmint' takeover take place? Maybe Area 51? Or the bigfoot hunting grounds in Oregon? Perhaps an old haunted mental hospital in South Carolina? Or The Georgia Guidestones? The Georgia Guidestones

Will Jade Helm show up this time? Or Alex Jones? Maybe Sean Hannitty? Or Michelle Bachmann? Why didn't all the 2nd amendment mouth foamers show up this time? A handful of people went to support these people but the NRA was nowhere to be seen. Nor was Faux News, Bill O'reilly, Michail Savage, or any of the other whackos in conservative media.

Maybe they've learned their lesson that its better to root for crazy from afar rather than sit in lawn chairs with them championing their cause just before they break into their racist rant, eh Sean Hannity?
I think the FBI should just go away and leave behind a wooden replica of a monster truck...but secretly...
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.
I think the FBI should just go away and leave behind a wooden replica of a monster truck...but secretly...
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.
And not to be taken lightly...the fbi came off looking very, very, very bad last night. There was no doubt in anybody's mind what they were doing. They were busted in lie..after lie....after lie. There were hundreds of trolls posting absolute garbage on all media outlets...from the guy who repeatedly was posting "It's all over...everybody go home" to the guy who said "It's not real, this is a sham being enacted by rightwing extremists...everybody go home" to the hundreds who were calling those private lines that the feds gave to them, in the hopes that the live stream would be stopped and the feds could kill those people and go back to the fairgrounds and party....
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

Except of course.....that's all nonsense. Your claims about what the FBI intended are your imagination. If the FBI wanted them dead, they'd be dead. The FBI bent over backwards to try and keep these idiots alive. Despite the militias insane rants, calls to murder police officers, and lunatic babble about aliens.

Plus, criminal Cliven Bundy was arrested in the bargain. Not bad, FBI!
And so the saga of "Patriot" fantasy camp comes to its utterly predictable end.
No, the predictable end would have been everybody dead and nobody talking about it except to snarl.

As it is, nobody died, and legislators and leaders and citizens from all over the nation are talking about the unconstitutional overreach of the feds.

It was a very, very, very good day for freedom.

Bad day for theDocIsDim.
And not to be taken lightly...the fbi came off looking very, very, very bad last night.

Nope. The FBI came off looking reasonable, rational, and law abiding. These militia headjobs with their incoherent rants, whining about how they can't get marijuana and babble about 'aliens' reaffirmed just how nutty the militia actually is.

The militia movement has done more damage to their own credibility with this 'occupation' fiasco than any any government agency ever could have.
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.
Those assholes are still alive because the feds didn't want the bad PR that might come from a gunfight. They knew they were dealing with delusional morons and thus, acted appropriately, professionally and with the safety of the dumb asses the priority. You are just a sore loser about the successful ending of the domestic terrorism that was controlled and halted with only one stupid suicidal jerk getting killed in a lame attempt to kill cops as he went out in a blaze of imagined glory.
And so the saga of "Patriot" fantasy camp comes to its utterly predictable end.
No, the predictable end would have been everybody dead and nobody talking about it except to snarl.

Save of course that the only people predicting this were the lunatic militia. They demanded to be killed, called on the FBI to shoot them dozens of times.

The FBI was professional and restrained, letting the lunatics rant.

As it is, nobody died, and legislators and leaders and citizens from all over the nation are talking about the unconstitutional overreach of the feds.

It was a very, very, very good day for freedom.

Bad day for theDocIsDim.

Wow. The militia wanna-bes are in full turd polishing mode. Lauding the collapse of their 'occupation', the insane rants of their militia members, and the arrest of both Ammon and Cliven as 'a good day for freedom'.

Yes, Kosh. The failure of your militia headjobs is a great day for freedom.
And not to be taken lightly...the fbi came off looking very, very, very bad last night. There was no doubt in anybody's mind what they were doing. They were busted in lie..after lie....after lie. There were hundreds of trolls posting absolute garbage on all media outlets...from the guy who repeatedly was posting "It's all over...everybody go home" to the guy who said "It's not real, this is a sham being enacted by rightwing extremists...everybody go home" to the hundreds who were calling those private lines that the feds gave to them, in the hopes that the live stream would be stopped and the feds could kill those people and go back to the fairgrounds and party....


The FBI came off looking like patient adults dealing with petulant children.

You have quite a warped view of public opinion.
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.


You're right, this was a gigantic success for Americans - except for the clowns playing dress-up and trying to reenact their action movie fantasies.

They're all going to jail, and the rest of the country is laughing at them.
No, they aren't. They're cheering them.

Except for the morons who don't know any better, and we'll continue to educate them.

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