LIVE: FBI conducting siege of Oregon wildlife facility

I think the FBI should just go away and leave behind a wooden replica of a monster truck...but secretly...
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.
^ This from Allie who tried to be the center of "In the Know" and ended up showing us she really didn't know anything.
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.
:lmao: :lol: :rofl:
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

Except of course.....that's all nonsense. Your claims about what the FBI intended are your imagination. If the FBI wanted them dead, they'd be dead. The FBI bent over backwards to try and keep these idiots alive. Despite the militias insane rants, calls to murder police officers, and lunatic babble about aliens.

Plus, criminal Cliven Bundy was arrested in the bargain. Not bad, FBI!
Icing on the cake. As someone said...his last free minutes were crammed in an Economy class airline seat. Perfect!
The last guy out? He was not accepted among the others, from all accounts I have seen. He was an outsider looking to be accepted, but never really was, due to his odd behavior, and rantings. His dad and granddad both expected him to die, due to suicide by cop. They said before the Oregon situation ever arose, he had mentioned it to them. They said he got pulled over one time for a minor infraction, and ended up being arrested due to his authority and anger issues.
No, they aren't. They're cheering them.

Except for the morons who don't know any better, and we'll continue to educate them.
The dumb asses are being laughed at and mocked. Even the other militia's that have half ass tried to give them a bit of moral support are pissed off at the losers who have given their cause horrible bad PR. They have all ended up in jail and one ended up committing suicide by cop. The bonus is that the old man got arrested, which means there may be other sealed warrants out for more of the 2014 Bundy ranch spectacle participants. Maybe some more surprises yet to come.
The last guy out? He was not accepted among the others, from all accounts I have seen. He was an outsider looking to be accepted, but never really was, due to his odd behavior, and rantings. His dad and granddad both expected him to die, due to suicide by cop. They said before the Oregon situation ever arose, he had mentioned it to them. They said he got pulled over one time for a minor infraction, and ended up being arrested due to his authority and anger issues.
That's priceless! After listening to the last few hours of the live feed how they were telling him how important he was to "the Cause".
The last guy out? He was not accepted among the others, from all accounts I have seen. He was an outsider looking to be accepted, but never really was, due to his odd behavior, and rantings. His dad and granddad both expected him to die, due to suicide by cop. They said before the Oregon situation ever arose, he had mentioned it to them. They said he got pulled over one time for a minor infraction, and ended up being arrested due to his authority and anger issues.
It's really not that big a deal. Those guys had no intention of being holdouts there. They were just the ones who didn't move fast enough when the FBI pounced, and they got left behind.

I listened to almost (if not all) of the live feed yesterday, and most of it this morning....the others were very kind to him and handled him very gently. They spoke to him kindly, and it had to be absolutely exhausting. We're all glad that he didn't die by suicide or otherwise, and everybody is going to pray for and care for him to the best of their abilities. Maybe his family expected him to die..but he got another family. Probably a better family than the one he had.
The last guy out? He was not accepted among the others, from all accounts I have seen. He was an outsider looking to be accepted, but never really was, due to his odd behavior, and rantings. His dad and granddad both expected him to die, due to suicide by cop. They said before the Oregon situation ever arose, he had mentioned it to them. They said he got pulled over one time for a minor infraction, and ended up being arrested due to his authority and anger issues.
It's really not that big a deal. Those guys had no intention of being holdouts there. They were just the ones who didn't move fast enough when the FBI pounced, and they got left behind.

I listened to almost (if not all) of the live feed yesterday, and most of it this morning....the others were very kind to him and handled him very gently. They spoke to him kindly, and it had to be absolutely exhausting. We're all glad that he didn't die by suicide or otherwise, and everybody is going to pray for and care for him to the best of their abilities. Maybe his family expected him to die..but he got another family. Probably a better family than the one he had.
Not anymore it isn't. :lol:
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.
The FBI did not go in there to kill anyone. WTF is wrong with you?

All in all, they arrested about a dozen or so people ... only one was killed ... the one who went for his gun.
I think he's basically a timid guy, who goes overboard the other way to prove he isn't afraid. I don't think he's a coward...I think he proved that he's not, I think he thought they were going to kill him (and I think he was right last night). I feel very sorry for him in prison, it's going to go badly for him. I think Finicum's death really blasted him, and he's kind of a fragile guy anyway.

I don't really like some of the guys that the Bundys surround themselves with, Joker is kind of over the top too...but I suppose it's a symptom of their years of working with problem foster children. The Constitutionalist movement (which is what Gavin Seim engages in) is all about confronting officials with their unconstitutional behavior at the local the streets, the courthouses, the jails, etc...David's interpretation just sounds a little more hysterical. But he gets some stuff right. And in listening to his demands, it's obvious he feels very forlorn and frustrated.

I get it. I'm glad he's alive, there was no reason for that kid to die, or anybody else. When they wouldn't even have BEEN THERE if the murdering fed fuckups hadn't "captured" them in their zeal to "gittem".
This was a gigantic success for Americans, and continues to be. The FBI went in there last night with the expectation and intention of killing those people, and they were stopped cold by an informed public and a big fat light shining on them. This is how God works, knuckleheads. Pulls impossible results out of hopeless circumstances. That's why we love him.

And the way those four godly people saved that kid...amazing. Just amazing. Restores my faith in humanity. The way they would take turns jumping on prayer and scripture when it was obvious that those people, and later David, were seconds from death, and the INSTANT effect it had not just on the occupiers, but the twitchy idiots outside as well. A miracle, and it happened about ten times. Wow.
The FBI did not go in there to kill anyone. WTF is wrong with you?

All in all, they arrested about a dozen or so people ... only one was killed ... the one who went for his gun.
Didn't go for a gun but we see where your bias and loyalty lies. With tyranny.
I think the FBI should just go away and leave behind a wooden replica of a monster truck...but secretly...
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

And came away with renewed resolve and strength and faith in God. I watched what God can do with imperfect people who are in a really intense and scary situation. It was awesome. I'm thankful for David's rants, because I know very well that everybody is surprised he's alive..and the only reason in the world he's alive is because God intervened in the form of Graham, Seim, Fiorne, and Hall.
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

And came away with renewed resolve and strength and faith in God. I watched what God can do with imperfect people who are in a really intense and scary situation. It was awesome. I'm thankful for David's rants, because I know very well that everybody is surprised he's alive..and the only reason in the world he's alive is because God intervened in the form of Graham, Seim, Fiorne, and Hall.
You are just like Baghdad Bob
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

And came away with renewed resolve and strength and faith in God. I watched what God can do with imperfect people who are in a really intense and scary situation. It was awesome. I'm thankful for David's rants, because I know very well that everybody is surprised he's alive..and the only reason in the world he's alive is because God intervened in the form of Graham, Seim, Fiorne, and Hall.
The only reason he's alive is because he never was going to off himself in the first place. He was a pot head having a on-line temper tantrum.
And these guys envision taking on an Army Infantry Company or even a Rifle Squad? Some one better pull some heads out of old stinky. They are fortunate it is the FBI talking to them. A short barrage of 40mm HE along with the 60 mm mortars assigned will make quick and short of these yard birds and then mop up with troops, machine guns and grenades. All one idiot needs to do is loose one round from his gun store purchased black rifle and hunting season is closed permanently. And trying to run away will not help unless that person is very, very fast, which he/she is not. A 60 mm Mortar has a range of over two miles and the Scout Personnel will be watching where they go. These people are very stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course that is why those Government folks who are in charge don't want the Active Military involved. The theory is very simple, "mess with the bull and you will get the horn." An Army Rifle Company is not trained to fight fair, by any measure. U.S.Army Infantry is "The Queen of Battle", designed to close with and destroy the enemy. The Marine Corp Infantry is equally efficient and capable of the same.
And these guys envision taking on an Army Infantry Company or even a Rifle Squad? Some one better pull some heads out of old stinky. They are fortunate it is the FBI talking to them. A short barrage of 40mm HE along with the 60 mm mortars assigned will make quick and short of these yard birds and then mop up with troops, machine guns and grenades. All one idiot needs to do is loose one round from his gun store purchased black rifle and hunting season is closed permanently. And trying to run away will not help unless that person is very, very fast, which he/she is not. A 60 mm Mortar has a range of over two miles and the Scout Personnel will be watching where they go. These people are very stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course that is why those Government folks who are in charge don't want the Active Military involved. The theory is very simple, "mess with the bull and you will get the horn." An Army Rifle Company is not trained to fight fair, by any measure. U.S.Army Infantry is "The Queen of Battle", designed to close with and destroy the enemy. The Marine Corp Infantry is equally efficient and capable of the same.
Actually, no, I don't th ink they envision that at all.

Typical statist moron, has no idea what freedom is, nor anything about the constitution.

They have no intention of taking on anyone. But they are going to exercise their constitutional rights. If that forces federal fucklips to murderous rages and they open fire on them, well then let's go. It won't make any difference.

The constitution is like a spreads.
And sammich wrappers. :lol:
Shut up you fucking entitlement whore.
I will not shut up! I'm entitled to my opinion, sugarplum. You are entitled to my opinion as well. :funnyface:
Your opinion was thoughtless, shallow, uninformed and flip. I live in Oregon, and I know people who have been fighting this fight for DECADES. Show a little respect when you're talking about things that people are dying to preserve, bitch. Meanwhile, welcome to ignoreland. I'm going to forget you exist.

You sound a little cranky, Kosh.

Didn't you like David's suicidal rant about aliens?
I'm cranky because I stayed up all night listening to the nightmare unfold.

And came away with renewed resolve and strength and faith in God. I watched what God can do with imperfect people who are in a really intense and scary situation. It was awesome. I'm thankful for David's rants, because I know very well that everybody is surprised he's alive..and the only reason in the world he's alive is because God intervened in the form of Graham, Seim, Fiorne, and Hall.

lol.. look w6 you treasonous little wackos. :cuckoo:
And these guys envision taking on an Army Infantry Company or even a Rifle Squad? Some one better pull some heads out of old stinky. They are fortunate it is the FBI talking to them. A short barrage of 40mm HE along with the 60 mm mortars assigned will make quick and short of these yard birds and then mop up with troops, machine guns and grenades. All one idiot needs to do is loose one round from his gun store purchased black rifle and hunting season is closed permanently. And trying to run away will not help unless that person is very, very fast, which he/she is not. A 60 mm Mortar has a range of over two miles and the Scout Personnel will be watching where they go. These people are very stupid, stupid, stupid! Of course that is why those Government folks who are in charge don't want the Active Military involved. The theory is very simple, "mess with the bull and you will get the horn." An Army Rifle Company is not trained to fight fair, by any measure. U.S.Army Infantry is "The Queen of Battle", designed to close with and destroy the enemy. The Marine Corp Infantry is equally efficient and capable of the same.

Yeah that's the thing with these wannabes, they have the fantasies of being 'minutemen', when there is no way we can fight our own military. I work with a die hard marine that was in an M1 tank crew. I asked him "seriously, if just a platoon of M1 tanks comes rolling down the road into any town or city in the US what options does even a population armed with fully auto AR-15s have?"

He simply motioned as if dropping his weapon and putting his hands up. "The only option is surrender". A million full-auto assault rifles are the same as one when facing a few tanks. No chance.
The best part of the live feed....was everyone hearing how crazy they are.

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