Live: President Trump & First Lady In Youngstown

The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

You have a mistake in your thread's The Third Lady.

Jealous? How many husbands have you had?

None....I have one wife...we've been together for 30 years.....that's not jealousy, that's pointing out that trump has the morals of a horny rabbit.
You had eight years to practice...

Just over six months.....


There is nothing narcissistic in referring to himself 140 times in his inaugural speech, writing two autobiographies before age 45 without having accomplished anything in his life except voting "present" some 130 times.

Uppity is the word you are grasping for.
What an exciting life those people lead, I wish I too twas that excitable...
That's what giving Americans hope does.... It gets us excited!

Jeremiah he is the anti Christ, the beast from the sea or the earth, you never did say. He is both beasts put together.
And Jeri has gone 'all in' for him.
You believe that Donald Trump is the Anti-Christ too? Have you all lost your minds?
Excuse me but wasn't it your president who referred to the US of A as 57 states? And what about his televised statement referencing Hawaii as part of Asia? What about his calling the Marine Corps the Marine CORPSE...... there isn't enough time in a day, Penelope.

Yeah, misquotes are really bad as opposed to going into chapter 11 6 times and talking about grabbing women's pussies, or that it is that time of the month for a woman that's why she is giving him shit. The guy is a narcissistic egomaniac.

There is a good part to all this, though. Up until he became president I always spelt 'narcissistic' wrong. Now I type it so often it's like second nature....
Better for a guy to feel up a woman's pussy than to grab a guy's dick like Obama did to Larry Sinclair, at least the former is normal.
What an exciting life those people lead, I wish I too twas that excitable...
That's what giving Americans hope does.... It gets us excited!

Jeremiah he is the anti Christ, the beast from the sea or the earth, you never did say. He is both beasts put together.
You believe that Trump is the anti-Christ? That's impossible. The two beasts in book of Rev. are not the same.

In my opinion he is the anti Christ. Which beast is the anti Christ then (of the 2), whichever one is the anti Christ that is him in my opinion. You can't say he is not.
I know this has been posted in response to your reference to six bankruptcy, but here goes again!

He had six bankruptcies out of how many companies and projects he worked on?

How many has Bill Gates had? Steve Jobs? Warren Buffet? Larry Ellison?
I could go on. There are literally thousands of businesses that have never filed for Chapter 11.

One maybe. Two and you're starting to look a little dodgy. Six? You shouldn't be in business.

Clearly, you need some "education" here ya go pup:

[Bankruptcy's per year]
2014 55,250 e
2013 59,256 e
2012 61,250 e
2010 65,250
2009 60,837
2008 43,546
2007 28,322
2006 19,695
2005 39,201
(Source - New Business Statistics)

See also:
[Why businesses closed] Business Closure Statistics - Statistic Brain

Clearly you do not understand the reality of running a business, 50% of /all/ businesses fail within the first few years, etc. If you investigate each of President Trump's bankruptcies you'd get it, I think. (Typically it was market volatility - for example his casino, and many others as well, went under because the city had a localized economic crisis (to example, Alaska is in an economic crisis right now [due to low oil prices], but we were largely unaffected by the lower 48s recession & housing bubble crash in 2008. Local dependencies on resources and even public tendencies massively effect individual cities, like Atlanta, [*ie Alaska was able to ride out 2008 because of oil /and/ a focus shift to tourism and becoming a cargo hub,] and can have major impacts on businesses in that area/field and especially when combined with a "national" or "global" recession - as occurred in 1990-1991.) The airline actually failed in connection with the casino's as well, or vice versa, the casino's failed because of the airline is perhaps more apt; a helicopter crash in 1990 killed 3 of his top casino managers. It was shortly after that crash that we feel in to recession, Atlantic City had already had a housing crash (uhm 88-89 I believe it was) The combination was too much, for him and others as well. IMHO, it was only the government institutions location in Atlanta back in the 90s that kept the city in good standing at all - the place could have Detroited but for the fact that something like half the population was on government pay which takes decades to be effected by "the real world." (Please President Trump, fix our slothy reaction to global market effects.)

Ahhhh rambling. ~shrug~

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