Live: President Trump & First Lady In Youngstown

Excuse me but wasn't it your president who referred to the US of A as 57 states? And what about his televised statement referencing Hawaii as part of Asia? What about his calling the Marine Corps the Marine CORPSE...... there isn't enough time in a day, Penelope.

Yeah, misquotes are really bad as opposed to going into chapter 11 6 times and talking about grabbing women's pussies, or that it is that time of the month for a woman that's why she is giving him shit. The guy is a narcissistic egomaniac.

There is a good part to all this, though. Up until he became president I always spelt 'narcissistic' wrong. Now I type it so often it's like second nature....
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Unfortunately he wasted no time going to saudi arabia and israel and bowing down and sucking up to their leaders. Remember, he was the guy who was going to meet the world leaders and just order a big mac and get down to business? He promised no expensive pomp and ceremony like obama did. Notice he kept the same banksters and wall street crooks in that crashed the system a few years ago? I'd probably still vote for him because hilary would have been much worse but the guy is a joke, admit it.
Excuse me but wasn't it your president who referred to the US of A as 57 states? And what about his televised statement referencing Hawaii as part of Asia? What about his calling the Marine Corps the Marine CORPSE...... there isn't enough time in a day, Penelope.

Yeah, misquotes are really bad as opposed to going into chapter 11 6 times and talking about grabbing women's pussies, or that it is that time of the month for a woman that's why she is giving him shit. The guy is a narcissistic egomaniac.

There is a good part to all this, though. Up until he became president I always spelt 'narcissistic' wrong. Now I type it so often it's like second nature....

I know this has been posted in response to your reference to six bankruptcy, but here goes again!

He had six bankruptcies out of how many companies and projects he worked on?
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Unfortunately he wasted no time going to saudi arabia and israel and bowing down and sucking up to their leaders. Remember, he was the guy who was going to meet the world leaders and just order a big mac and get down to business? He promised no expensive pomp and ceremony like obama did. Notice he kept the same banksters and wall street crooks in that crashed the system a few years ago? I'd probably still vote for him because hilary would have been much worse but the guy is a joke, admit it.

Bowing? You need to learn what that word means. I think you can Google images of Obama bowing to get a reference.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

You have a mistake in your thread's The Third Lady.

Jealous? How many husbands have you had?
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

1. he is doing what most presidents in recent years has done,doing what he said he would do which the last time we had one that did that would be carter,our last decent president we had.
2. He put an end to the evil CIA's program of attacking syria,he has turned back illegal immigration.when was the last time we had a president anything like that?

1. Like what? An embarrassing reputation from all over the world. Very low ratings here and overseas. Making us look dumb. The rise of racism here in America is all time high. In this site alone these racist members no longer hide their true colors. Traitorism against this country siding with the Russians by Trump supporters. Trump continue to protect Putin against his own people. Hypocrite president hiring foreigner and selling products made overseas. He is not Making America Great.
Like a little kid always saying something dumb.

2. Trump end CIA evil program in Syria. This is one of the most STUPID bull shit move I ever seen from a president. Because of your fantasy with Trump all of you lost your decency.
The rebels fighting Assad is the only true friend of US in Syrian soil fighting a terrorist supporter Assad. These are the people that suffered decades of atrocities and genocide rapes, murderers and killing children by Assad senior and junior supported by Putin. NOW Trump support Putin in Syria--- So what that tells you?

This is how good is Putin manipulating Trump. Trump abandoned our ally in Syria so Assad will remain in power. What a fucking fuck up foreign policy. Trump is a true puppet of Putin.

This will be a hot topic in next several months.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

1. he is doing what most presidents in recent years has done,doing what he said he would do which the last time we had one that did that would be carter,our last decent president we had.
2. He put an end to the evil CIA's program of attacking syria,he has turned back illegal immigration.when was the last time we had a president anything like that?

1. Like what? An embarrassing reputation from all over the world. Very low ratings here and overseas. Making us look dumb. The rise of racism here in America is all time high. In this site alone these racist members no longer hide their true colors. Traitorism against this country siding with the Russians by Trump supporters. Trump continue to protect Putin against his own people. Hypocrite president hiring foreigner and selling products made overseas. He is not Making America Great.
Like a little kid always saying something dumb.

2. Trump end CIA evil program in Syria. This is one of the most STUPID bull shit move I ever seen from a president. Because of your fantasy with Trump all of you lost your decency.
The rebels fighting Assad is the only true friend of US in Syrian soil fighting a terrorist supporter Assad. These are the people that suffered decades of atrocities and genocide rapes, murderers and killing children by Assad senior and junior supported by Putin. NOW Trump support Putin in Syria--- So what that tells you?

This is how good is Putin manipulating Trump. Trump abandoned our ally in Syria so Assad will remain in power. What a fucking fuck up foreign policy. Trump is a true puppet of Putin.

This will be a hot topic in next several months.

How can you possibly be so fucked up as to believe any of that bullshit?

Nothing could make us look any dumber than the past 8 years of Obama apologizing, drawing red lines and then ignoring them, and making a mockery out of our military.

The rebels fighting Assad that were being funded by Obama were simply being trained by the CIA and defecting to the Al Qaeda affiliated groups fighting Assad and anyone else in their way.
I know this has been posted in response to your reference to six bankruptcy, but here goes again!

He had six bankruptcies out of how many companies and projects he worked on?

How many has Bill Gates had? Steve Jobs? Warren Buffet? Larry Ellison?
I could go on. There are literally thousands of businesses that have never filed for Chapter 11.

One maybe. Two and you're starting to look a little dodgy. Six? You shouldn't be in business.
If you count the "we" and the "I" in his speeches, the "We" words will outnumber the "I" words.

"We will make America strong again, we will make America wealthy again, etc... We will Make America Great Again.
Tremendous improvement over this one.........

Too bad he doesn't know geography, we are the US of America. He is such an idiot.
Excuse me but wasn't it your president who referred to the US of A as 57 states? And what about his televised statement referencing Hawaii as part of Asia? What about his calling the Marine Corps the Marine CORPSE...... there isn't enough time in a day, Penelope.

Oh my , have you ever listened , really listened to the lies of the inhumane person. He is running the Presidency like the mafia, but the mafia was probably more honest.
The crowds are going wild in Youngstown Ohio tonight! President Trump has knocked it out of the park, his speech is magnificent! Truly America has a great President! Thank God we were not stuck with that witch from Kansas or wherever she came from.

Sorry can't stand his voice. He lies and brags nonstop.

1. he is doing what most presidents in recent years has done,doing what he said he would do which the last time we had one that did that would be carter,our last decent president we had.
2. He put an end to the evil CIA's program of attacking syria,he has turned back illegal immigration.when was the last time we had a president anything like that?

1. Like what? An embarrassing reputation from all over the world. Very low ratings here and overseas. Making us look dumb. The rise of racism here in America is all time high. In this site alone these racist members no longer hide their true colors. Traitorism against this country siding with the Russians by Trump supporters. Trump continue to protect Putin against his own people. Hypocrite president hiring foreigner and selling products made overseas. He is not Making America Great.
Like a little kid always saying something dumb.

2. Trump end CIA evil program in Syria. This is one of the most STUPID bull shit move I ever seen from a president. Because of your fantasy with Trump all of you lost your decency.
The rebels fighting Assad is the only true friend of US in Syrian soil fighting a terrorist supporter Assad. These are the people that suffered decades of atrocities and genocide rapes, murderers and killing children by Assad senior and junior supported by Putin. NOW Trump support Putin in Syria--- So what that tells you?

This is how good is Putin manipulating Trump. Trump abandoned our ally in Syria so Assad will remain in power. What a fucking fuck up foreign policy. Trump is a true puppet of Putin.

This will be a hot topic in next several months.

How can you possibly be so fucked up as to believe any of that bullshit?

Nothing could make us look any dumber than the past 8 years of Obama apologizing, drawing red lines and then ignoring them, and making a mockery out of our military.

The rebels fighting Assad that were being funded by Obama were simply being trained by the CIA and defecting to the Al Qaeda affiliated groups fighting Assad and anyone else in their way.

Really you want to go there after the Iran Contra affair. Millions got health ins under Obama, and Iran got a nuke deal and you call that losing. The economy started growing again and now T will ruin that.

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