Living in Trump Country, USA


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An amazing story about an urban black family moving to a mostly white rural region in Trump’s America. Fresh apple pie on the window sill. Neighbors stopping by to welcome the newcomers. Makes one glad to know such places still exist.

I am one of around 20 blacks in the population of 500. Everyone from the town hall to the bank, post office and country store knew we were the Marcuses who "bought the white house".

Virginia brought us homemade bread. Ron brought us corn from his garden which he promised to be the sweetest we have ever eaten. Ron was correct. Old men Charlie and George stopped by to welcome us. Peggy knocked on our front door bearing a gift of a homemade apple pie.

Full story @ Living in Trump Country, USA
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.
When a black family moves into a white neighborhood, they usually have no problems with their neighbors.

But when a white family moves into a black neighborhood. They can expect to be robbed and their kids beaten up at school. ..... :cool:
What's the N word you never want to call a black person?

An amazing story about an urban black family moving to a mostly white rural region in Trump’s America. Fresh apple pie on the window sill. Neighbors stopping by to welcome the newcomers. Makes one glad to know such places still exist.

I am one of around 20 blacks in the population of 500. Everyone from the town hall to the bank, post office and country store knew we were the Marcuses who "bought the white house".

Virginia brought us homemade bread. Ron brought us corn from his garden which he promised to be the sweetest we have ever eaten. Ron was correct. Old men Charlie and George stopped by to welcome us. Peggy knocked on our front door bearing a gift of a homemade apple pie.

Full story @ Living in Trump Country, USA
Blow dog whistle... watch 'em come a runnin'
Blatantly racist contributions welcome
Thanks Trump!
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.

Fuck you, you spiteful, ignorant bitch. The story is about being welcomed into a community, regardless of race, and you post that bullshit?

Do you know these people? Do you know anything about these people? No, you do not. But you have no problem spewing your hate and vitriol, do you? Ignorant harpy.
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.

Fuck you, you spiteful, ignorant bitch. The story is about being welcomed into a community, regardless of race, and you post that bullshit?

Do you know these people? Do you know anything about these people? No, you do not. But you have no problem spewing your hate and vitriol, do you? Ignorant harpy.
Ohhh that struck a nerve.

The black family will be welcomed with all the fuzzy feelings and apple pie in the world. Then the kindly neighbors will be called racists. The black family will phony up racist "attacks" and an uptick in burglaries, night assaults will have the kindly neighbors putting their homes up for sale.

Over and over. The same story. You all know it too.
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.

Fuck you, you spiteful, ignorant bitch. The story is about being welcomed into a community, regardless of race, and you post that bullshit?

Do you know these people? Do you know anything about these people? No, you do not. But you have no problem spewing your hate and vitriol, do you? Ignorant harpy.
Ohhh that struck a nerve.

The black family will be welcomed with all the fuzzy feelings and apple pie in the world. Then the kindly neighbors will be called racists. The black family will phony up racist "attacks" and an uptick in burglaries, night assaults will have the kindly neighbors putting their homes up for sale.

Over and over. The same story. You all know it too.

No, just expressed how I feel about you and your ilk. But I guess the neighbors can be grateful that a black family moved in nextdoor, and not you.
Trump country is Manhattan or Mar-a-Lago, luxury not rural America. He would have nothing to do with his fans as his treatment of them shows, refusing to even pay workers. He was a draft dodger I doubt these rural folk count that as one of them? Inherited his wealth and is on wife three, how American is that? And I'm sure they love his grabbing too.
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.
Lord but you are a racist piece of garbage. I've been following this particular blogger for several years now and find her to be a conservative for ethical values.
That black family will be out playing the knock out game on their neighbors in a week.

Fuck you, you spiteful, ignorant bitch. The story is about being welcomed into a community, regardless of race, and you post that bullshit?

Do you know these people? Do you know anything about these people? No, you do not. But you have no problem spewing your hate and vitriol, do you? Ignorant harpy.

Thank you for taking the words out of my mouth.

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