Liz Cheney delivers another gut punch to Donald

Dick Cheney is a fucking neocon, just like old Joe. He may have been nice to Wyomingites, but he loved mass murdering people in the ME for no reason other than enriching war profiteers like Halliburton.
Why do you hate salt-of-the-earth folks so? Dick Cheney was VicePresident. While it's true he may not have thought too well of S. Hussein's order to assassinate President George H. W. Bush while he and Martha were on their way to one of the Arabias to accept a medal of their esteem for dealing with his peacemaking in the Middle East, Dick Cheney did all he could to support the Secretary of State's suggestions from two administrations, one a Republican and one a Democrat. I wish you had read Secretary of State Madeline Albright's official warnings on warmongering engaged in by Iraq's head of State Saddam Hussein who set fire to Iran's largest oilfield near Iraq. Hussein was rather vindictive when somebody else did better than he to the point of behaving himself like a madman with keys to his son's rape room house he used to abuse the wives and daughters of his rivals.

So you think there were no grounds for putting the brakes on Hussein? please do not run for office for your blindness to corruption. And FYI, Romney's notes found the same State Department issues as Madeline Albright who served America under Mr. do nothin' but screw around and deny it Bill Clinton. :rolleyes-41:
The split of the GOP between “outsiders” viewed as too conservative, unelectable, assuming the mantle of party leadership, and compassionate progressive wing of the GOP goes back to defeat of Barry Goldwater. Today’s compassionate progressive wing is and has always been beltway Rhinos. Independents are generally viewed as conservatives that base their beliefs on the founding principles that created the Republic. Liz, Mitt, Christy, and Bush’s….are just Rockefeller Republicans that say and promise one thing and do the opposite to get along with the opposition, simply devoid of principles. Nothing new. On the other hand you have a greater split between traditional Democrats, New Deal dem’s, and now full blown socialists controlling the narrative. Let’s just say we live in interesting times.
If she's not going to be loyal to the GOP she needs to become a Democrat.

Liz Cheney is a Zionist 911 W "Biden Republican"

She cares about

Zionist Jews
Covering up Israel's involvement in 911
Waging war in the Middle East with US troops billing the US taxpayer solely to benefit Israel
Wow....1st time I have seen snowflakes cheer for a Bush and its only because he is fund-raising for a traitorous Rhino who hates Trump.

Cheney is a joke in the Republican party, and Bush couldn't be more unpopular with Republicans. What we like is Republican politicians who don't stab us in the back
The Wyoming GOP evicted her and Trump has endorsed her opponent for the House seat.
Here Polish for you and your ilk

Former President Trump has canceled a January 6 press conference he was scheduled to hold at his Mar-a-Lago home, he announced in a statement Tuesday.​

no-sh-t - no balls



I see that GWB is helping fundraise for her. Good on him.

Is this a surprise? Isn’t her father former Bush VP Dick Cheney? Liz Cheney is a POS RINO and needs to lose her next election.

BTW I like Vice President’s who don’t shoot their friends in the face.

I see that GWB is helping fundraise for her. Good on him.

Was a big Bush 43 fan.But was warned about.His old Man Bush 41 was part of
the New World Order crowd.
But Bush has become Punked.I think I had a tread about how this all
came about.Maybe it was another message board.
That the reason for Liz Cheney's abject Hatred of all things Trump goes back
to 2015 and how Trump made a laughing stock out of Jeb Bush.
Since the Cheney's are dedicated Bushees it as expected.Jeb was a good
Governor but he was also a weakling.What is known as a Momma's Boy.
He really couldn't get tough when the going got tough.The exact opposite of
Donald Trump.Who thrives under pressure.So when Trump kept talking down to
Jeb in the Presidential Primaries as " Low Energy " it stuck.Because it fit the big lug.
Jeb was always a big lug of a Momma's boy.So he virtually got humiliated out of
the Presidency.MSNBC first came up with Bush { Jeb } for 2016.Both Chris Matthews
and especially Joe Scarborough were plugging Jeb as the guy.
That is why Liz Cheney is what she is.She's an everlasting eternal Bushee.
I'd like to get fellow Dick Cheney buddy { Alan Simpson's } take on the
Bushee clan today.He was a very interesting Politican who used Farm Talk and
down home platitudes to get his point across.Kind of a Will Rogers type.
Complete opposite of a Dick Cheney type.I think at one time both men were
drinking buddies.
Here Polish for you and your ilk

Former President Trump has canceled a January 6 press conference he was scheduled to hold at his Mar-a-Lago home, he announced in a statement Tuesday.​

no-sh-t - no balls



Trump is definately not a man of words but of action.In fact,he likes to repeat
himself numerous times on the same topic.I have found considerable fault with
his overall vernacular.He doesn't need to be some Poet,but also not some
Tugboat operator.He's kinda inbetween the two.
But he does get the job done.That's his foray.He's willing to try different
ventures.In the same suit and tie,of course.
GWB may as well join the Democrat party.
Um ... that would assurerdly almost guarantee Dick Cheney to have another
heart attack.Liz has probably already been lectured as to her making a decision
like that.She'd get cut out from Dickies will.Like Pronto!
Um ... that would assurerdly almost guarantee Dick Cheney to have another
heart attack.Liz has probably already been lectured as to her making a decision
like that.She'd get cut out from Dickies will.Like Pronto!
Liz will no doubt try to stay in the Republican party, but too many GOP voters want nothing to do with her.
Trump is definately not a man of words but of action.In fact,he likes to repeat
himself numerous times on the same topic.I have found considerable fault with
his overall vernacular.He doesn't need to be some Poet,but also not some
Tugboat operator.He's kinda inbetween the two.
But he does get the job done.That's his foray.He's willing to try different
ventures.In the same suit and tie,of course.
Try to remember Trump has a history ,,,a history of fuk you and let me steal as much as I can get away with
Trump has a history of building the border wall. How much border wall is Biden building?
The F-header went and Stopped construction of that wall as soon as he was
Inaugurated.Constructioin that was already paid for.
Biden is Building the Most Dishonorably pathetic and Unamerican
Presidency in American History.His first year is all that and more.
The Dumb ass thinks americans aren't paying close attention or don't have
sharp memories.The Terry McAuliffe huge loss should have been a wake-up
call.Then the way current Governor { Northam } totally bungled and dint lift
a finger on the I-95 {27 hr. snow event.}
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