Liz Cheney says Trump appears to have been ‘personally involved in planning’ 6 Jan insurrection

So what? The first Benghazi investigation found nothing but that didn't stop Republicans from starting another. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing. Then another when that one found nothing.

Whassamatter? You don't like it when Democrats play by the Republican playbook?
You mean other than the hidden servers and the "bleached" emails that got Hillary Clinton bounced? Nothing? You're a funny guy, Faun...
No, I read it. It is

It is important to get some facts. You don't think it is. Good for you.

nor do I have to account for it in my argument.
In other words, you don't want to consider any viewpoints other than your own predisposed viewpoint, which is exactly the point I was making about the committee. You literally just proved my argument.
The people that will ultimately "eat shit" because of this commission are you on the left, Faun! You're going to waste all kinds of time and money on something the FBI has already reported doesn't exist and at some point it's going to become obvious to the American public that you've got about as much with THIS sham as you did with "Russian Collusion"! At which point they're going to ask why did we ever put idiots like this in charge of the country!

It's nice to see rightards finally care about the government spending money on investigations. Because you sure as hell didn't care when the GOP hired Starr to investigate Clinton for 5 years or for the GOP to conduct 8 independent investigations into Benghazi. Which you not claim is lies by the GOP.

In other words, you don't want to consider any viewpoints other than your own predisposed viewpoint
My "predisposed" viewpoint that it is important to find the facts? You are right, I won't consider the alternative (that it isn't important). Yes, I happily reject that nonsense.
A pity then that Republicans opted not to proceed with the bipartisan commission that was first offered up. Now they're stuck with whatever this committee finds. Which, btw, does have a couple of Republicans on it.
Well, there never really was a bipartisan offer. Even in that case it would have been a majority Democrat commission which means the repubs would have been overruled on everything anyway. That arrangement is kind of like 2 wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner.

This committee doesn't have 2 repubs on it. It has 2 rinos. Pelosi rejected McCarthys choices for the committee, but she sure was quite OK allowing 2 republicans, both who voted to impeach Trump.

This committee is far from being impartial, which is required if you are trying to investigate someone.

It's nice to see rightards finally care about the government spending money on investigations. Because you sure as hell didn't care when the GOP hired Starr to investigate Clinton for 5 years or for the GOP to conduct 8 independent investigations into Benghazi. Which you not claim is lies by the GOP.

Well gee whiz...if Hillary hadn't hidden those servers and destroyed all those emails...if she'd actually cooperated with the Congressional investigation...MAYBE IT WOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN ALL THAT TIME AND ALL THAT MONEY!!!

But then again...we'd probably have had that disgusting woman in the Oval Office. Isn't Karma a wonderful thing! :)
Well, there never really was a bipartisan offer. Even in that case it would have been a majority Democrat commission which means the repubs would have been overruled on everything anyway.
Not so. Don't start making stuff up, now.

"The proposed commission was modeled on the one established to investigate the 9/11 terror attacks, with 10 commissioners — five Democrats and five Republicans — who would have subpoena powers. A Democratic chair and Republican vice chair would have had to approve all subpoenas with a final report due at the end of the year."

Exactly, you already think guilt is the only answer
Even if true, it is irrelevant. That has no bearing on the facts. You can make up your own mind about the facts.

You are trying to squirm and equivocate. You don't want them to find the facts. Just admit it.
Irrelevant red herring & non sequitur. No collection of humans is capable of that. Not even scientists, which is why we we have peer review and repetition. Not police or lawyers or judges, which is why we have a court system.

Also irrelevant, when it comes to finding and releasing facts. This is the difference between finding and releasing a recording of trump extorting a foreign leader, and the subsequent impeachment process. The result and process of the impeachment has NO bearing on the idea that is t was good to find and expose the fact of trump's phone call.
Irrelevant red herring & non sequitur

So, you admit that when it comes to integrity and honesty in the investigation process, that takes a back seat to making sure the outcome is exactly as you want it. Nice.

Also irrelevant, when it comes to finding and releasing facts. This is the difference between finding and releasing a recording of trump extorting a foreign leader, and the subsequent impeachment process. The result and process of the impeachment has NO bearing on the idea that is t was good to find and expose the fact of trump's phone call.

Again, you have shown that you are only interested in one side, that being whatever side garners a guilty vote. As I have been saying all along, the committee is the same. They also only care about the facts that benefit them.

Also, the rest of that was already dealt with in the impeachment trials and has no bearing on this investigation.
So, you admit that when it comes to integrity and honesty in the investigation process, that takes a back seat to making sure the outcome is exactly as you want it.
I never said or implied such a thing.

Listen up. Get it through your head:

I say only that an investigation should happen, to find and expose as many facts as possible.

You do follow that, right?
ThisIsMe wrote: Do you believe the democrats are capable of being completely objective and unbiased? 21OCT27-POST#423

NFBW wrote: I am exceedingly convinced that facts do not allow or condone bias and when laid bare they are the most objective source of information available to all of us. Why are you bothering with redundant questions? 21OCT27-POST#425.
Facts are only credible if they are presented in context. If you take some information and twist it and skew the context, then it no longer retains the designation of "fact" . If you selectively release information and suppress other information that could be used to give more context to a piece of information then you call into question the integrity of the investigation.

I've stated repeatedly that I support the release of information as long as we get ALL of it and it being unedited.
I never said or implied such a thing.

Listen up. Get it through your head:

I say only that an investigation should happen, to find and expose as many facts as possible.

You do follow that, right?
You mean one OTHER than the one the FBI conducted that didn't find any connection at all between the Trump White House and the riot?
I had not heard that.
How many cities?
Which ones?
And for how long?
Can you provide credible sourcing?

Thanx, in advance.


We all be good with that. Let the facts be uncovered and announced. The chips then, will fall as they may. We all be good with that, no?

Sure, I've heard the complaint expressed on this venue that it is a "partisan" committee. Maybe it is, maybe it ain't. After all, each participant is an accomplished American.
Both parties had the opportunity to make it bi-partisan. One chose not to participate.

We hafta deal with the realities that exist. Abe Lincoln, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and Louis Brandeis ain't gonna be available for your ideal 'commission'.
We work with the clay at hand. We need the facts on what happened and the players who made it happen. The current Congressional committee is the best tool we have to uncover those current unknowns....and make 'em known.

Ah, PP, don't do that to yourself.
Really, you are surely smarter than that? Better educated than that?
I ask these rhetorical questions as a hint to you that making silly uninformed statements on an internet chatroom.....makes the chosen avatar look silly, and uninformed.

You can be better than that.
Would you be accepting of this situation if it was a republican committee investigating biden?
You mean one OTHER than the one the FBI conducted that didn't find any connection at all between the Trump White House and the riot?
That's right, that's what I mean. It's not just the White House being looked at. Steve Bannon wasn't in the White House. Congresspeople are not in the White House..

Eastman was in the White House, though.
"You somehow missed the riots? Seriously?"

Oh no, I read about the Racial Justice demonstrations during the summer of 2020....some of which devolved into vandalism (it happened in my own city, where it was a good and responsible demonstration by good and responsible citizens--- until night fell, when vandals emerged and broke windows, threw rocks, etc.
It was over in a matter of a couple of hours.

And then, the many security cams and police videographers--- and the subsequent arrests ---- showed who the dicks & karens were. They were white suburban jackasses from surrounding communities....out for a lark and some vandalism on a pleasant summer evening. They paid a price. And will for a long time.

Which, it seems, is different than your experience:
Oldestyle: "We've had left wing riots in major cities across the country that went on for months......."

And that begs the questions:

  • How many cities had riots that went on for months?
  • Which cities?
  • And how many months did these riots go on?

Batter up, good poster Oldestyle.
That's right, that's what I mean. It's not just the White House being looked at. Steve Bannon wasn't in the White House. Congresspeople are not in the White House..

Eastman was in the White House, though.
You know what's going to be a hoot, Fort? Watching you make your way out on that limb believing all of this nonsense and then getting to saw that bad boy off!
" committee investigating biden?"

If Joe Biden assembled, goaded, encouraged, and direct a violent attack on the Capitol of the United States that injured 140 uniformed police, and vandalized our People's can bet your sweet keister that I'd want an investigation by whoever is qualified and authorized to investigate.
If that happens, I'm all for an investigation.
Wouldn't you be too?
Oh no, I read about the Racial Justice demonstrations during the summer of 2020....some of which devolved into vandalism (it happened in my own city, where it was a good and responsible demonstration by good and responsible citizens--- until night fell, when vandals emerged and broke windows, threw rocks, etc.
It was over in a matter of a couple of hours.

And then, the many security cams and police videographers--- and the subsequent arrests ---- showed who the dicks & karens were. They were white suburban jackasses from surrounding communities....out for a lark and some vandalism on a pleasant summer evening. They paid a price. And will for a long time.

Which, it seems, is different than your experience:
Oldestyle: "We've had left wing riots in major cities across the country that went on for months......."

And that begs the questions:

  • How many cities had riots that went on for months?
  • Which cities?
  • And how many months did these riots go on?

Batter up, good poster Oldestyle.
You're amusing. I didn't realize there was anyone out there that didn't know about the riots that caused billions of dollars of damage all across the country. Would you like some help with this topic? It was kind of on the news A LOT!
If Joe Biden assembled, goaded, encouraged, and direct a violent attack on the Capitol of the United States that injured 140 uniformed police, and vandalized our People's can bet your sweet keister that I'd want an investigation by whoever is qualified and authorized to investigate.
If that happens, I'm all for an investigation.
Wouldn't you be too?
Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump did any of those things, Chilly. So why would you want an investigation into something the FBI already looked at and found nothing?

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