Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) suggested that federal agents disguised themselves as Trump supporters on Jan. 6

I don't even know how to respond to such conspiracy theories! It's deranged and scary! Is Mike Lee really that dumb? Does Mike Lee really think that sane people will believe it - or is it just for the "poorly educated" consumption? What do you think?
Oh, it is very simple, how to respond.

Not for you but for Wray. Instead of giving answers that are 97% information free (a generous estimate, as it is closer to 99.9% on that particular subject), let director Wray either assure us that there were no FBI Agents, or informants dressed as Trump supporters in the Capitol on January 6th, or tell us how many were there and what their mission was.

Hard to imagine an innocent explanation for agents and informants of the Trump-despising FBI dressing like Trumpers and going into the Capitol on January 6th, so I don't know if I'd believe any innocent answer or not.

But that would be the way to respond. Refusing to answer the question is a refusal to accept Congressional oversight and should be impeachable.
I know. You're like a leaf in the wind. You don't even remember what you're whining about, or to what you responded.

You know ? What do you know ? Answer: Nothing.

You type whatever is in the last fortune cookie you ate because you have no orginal thought.

And you certainly do not present any evidence for your dumbassed claims.
The FBI had surveillance agents in the crowd.

When DOESN'T the FBI have people hidden in every crowd, every group? It is what they do. Our Fed is made up of nothing but mostly paranoid psychotics who see threats under every bed and go to government to be paid well to worry incessantly over them. They infiltrate, wiretap and spy on every group as a potential "threat." Even the media and journalists.

It gives them credibility.

Until a real threat comes along like 9/11, BLM, the 2020 Floyd Riots, etc., in which case then, they never saw it coming. :smoke:

They will need another 800 million dollar boost in their budget for that.
When DOESN'T the FBI have people hidden in every crowd, every group? It is what they do. Our Fed is made up of nothing but mostly paranoid psychotics who see threats under every bed and go to government to be paid well to worry incessantly over them. They infiltrate, wiretap and spy on every group as a potential "threat." Even the media and journalists.

It gives them credibility.

Until a real threat comes along like 9/11, BLM, the 2020 Floyd Riots, etc., in which case then, they never saw it coming. :smoke:

They will need another 800 million dollar boost in their budget for that.
Exactly. And very few people don't know that. So Ray is sounding sillier and sillier every time he refuses to Simply say that yes of course they had assets mix in with the Trump supporters. That makes me think there is more to it than just having people there to monitor events and Report back.

With the viciousness, hatred, and dishonesty, with which the FBI went after Trump around 2016, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they had assets specifically assigned to incite the crowd into violence, by committing violence themselves.

Until the FBI comes clean about that, don't talk to me about the evil of trump supporting insurrectionist. As far as We Know they could well have been evil Trump hating rioters.
Simply say that yes of course they had assets mix in with the Trump supporters.
They had weeks advanced knowledge and planning.

That makes me think there is more to it than just having people there to monitor events and Report back.
They had peopled in the Trump administration. His own Joint Chief was spying on him behind his back. His own FBI Director (Comey) was/is registered as a communist.
Thing is, I wonder, if I called myself a communist and applied to the FBI, I'd never get hired, so how did he, unless there were other communists already there?

With the viciousness, hatred, and dishonesty, with which the FBI went after Trump around 2016, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they had assets specifically assigned to incite the crowd into violence, by committing violence themselves.
It would not be the wildest or craziest thing they ever did. Never forget what they did to the Branch Dividians in Waco:

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