Liz Cheney, take a bow.

What mistake? The Republicans retained the seat in Wyoming by nominating Ms. Hageman.

And you don't think their new congressbabe will be able to perform for her constituents? Cheney was more interested in settling old, personal scores than actually delivering for Wyoming.

You definitely win this thread!!
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who was ousted in her primary after being a steadfast and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s, called the losses by far-right candidates in the midterm elections a “clear victory for team normal.”

Cheney made the comments Thursday at the Anti-Defamation League’s Never Is Now summit on antisemitism and hate in New York City, where she was asked to assess the results of the election.

“I think that you saw in really important races around the country people coming together to say, ‘We believe in democracy. We believe in standing up for the Constitution and for the republic,’ and a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate and the vitriol and of Donald Trump,” Cheney said.

She stuck to principle, the Constitution, and appealed to the better angels inside the POT, asking that they reject candidates who wrapped themselves in Trump's Big Lie. If the POT ever goes back to being the GOP she has a place there.
You really don't get it!! Wow incredible. Let me spell it out for you berg. Liz Cheney is a life long Bush boot licker. She and her Daddy have deep ties to the Bushes and her whole Trump Hate crusade is based on avenging the end of Jeb Bush's pathetic career and the end of the Bush Presidential dynasty. For that Donald Trump takes the bow, You're welcome America.
I happen to think it's terrific that she had the last laugh after McCarthy, et al., through her out of her leadership position for her refusal to be cowed by Trump's lies. If you folks had any sense you'd make her a focal point of a rejuvenated GOP, if that ever comes about.
That said, I disagree with policy positions on just about everything.
The people of her state can see her for what she is......simply a treasonous destructive force that is in league with the Democrat Party.
He has no credibility....she did her she's out of politics forever....along with Mike Pence and that crybaby asshole Adam Kinzinger.
She should carry her carpetbagging ass to some other state The Turtle picks for her.
That is actually an outstanding idea.

It would be nice to see a real conservative who sticks to her principles back in Congress.
What mistake? The Republicans retained the seat in Wyoming by nominating Ms. Hageman.

And you don't think their new congressbabe will be able to perform for her constituents? Cheney was more interested in settling old, personal scores than actually delivering for Wyoming.
All three Democrats Cheney endorsed won.

Two Republicans who unseated those who voted for Trump's impeachment lost, thus turning those two seats over to the Democrats.
Cheney is done with politics. Neither party will ever let her run for office under their banner, and she'd have no chance as an independent.

She will now be a CNN "contributor," or some other humiliating job to desperately stay in the public eye.
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who was ousted in her primary after being a steadfast and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s, called the losses by far-right candidates in the midterm elections a “clear victory for team normal.”

Cheney made the comments Thursday at the Anti-Defamation League’s Never Is Now summit on antisemitism and hate in New York City, where she was asked to assess the results of the election.

“I think that you saw in really important races around the country people coming together to say, ‘We believe in democracy. We believe in standing up for the Constitution and for the republic,’ and a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate and the vitriol and of Donald Trump,” Cheney said.

She stuck to principle, the Constitution, and appealed to the better angels inside the POT, asking that they reject candidates who wrapped themselves in Trump's Big Lie. If the POT ever goes back to being the GOP she has a place there.
Bow out. 😎
I happen to think it's terrific that she had the last laugh after McCarthy, et al., through her out of her leadership position for her refusal to be cowed by Trump's lies. If you folks had any sense you'd make her a focal point of a rejuvenated GOP, if that ever comes about.
That said, I disagree with policy positions on just about everything.

Berg, you really are a fucking moron.
The party that just kicked her ass out, now controls The House.
Have you ever even tried to understand politics?
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who was ousted in her primary after being a steadfast and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s, called the losses by far-right candidates in the midterm elections a “clear victory for team normal.”

Cheney made the comments Thursday at the Anti-Defamation League’s Never Is Now summit on antisemitism and hate in New York City, where she was asked to assess the results of the election.

“I think that you saw in really important races around the country people coming together to say, ‘We believe in democracy. We believe in standing up for the Constitution and for the republic,’ and a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate and the vitriol and of Donald Trump,” Cheney said.

She stuck to principle, the Constitution, and appealed to the better angels inside the POT, asking that they reject candidates who wrapped themselves in Trump's Big Lie. If the POT ever goes back to being the GOP she has a place there.

U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who was ousted in her primary after being a steadfast and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s, called the losses by far-right candidates in the midterm elections a “clear victory for team normal.”

Cheney made the comments Thursday at the Anti-Defamation League’s Never Is Now summit on antisemitism and hate in New York City, where she was asked to assess the results of the election.

“I think that you saw in really important races around the country people coming together to say, ‘We believe in democracy. We believe in standing up for the Constitution and for the republic,’ and a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate and the vitriol and of Donald Trump,” Cheney said.

She stuck to principle, the Constitution, and appealed to the better angels inside the POT, asking that they reject candidates who wrapped themselves in Trump's Big Lie. If the POT ever goes back to being the GOP she has a place there.
She has a place in the Twilight Zone. Her future is being a news contributor with the media. Other than that, her political career is over. She chose to let Democrats use her for political gain.
U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., who was ousted in her primary after being a steadfast and vocal critic of former President Donald Trump’s, called the losses by far-right candidates in the midterm elections a “clear victory for team normal.”

Cheney made the comments Thursday at the Anti-Defamation League’s Never Is Now summit on antisemitism and hate in New York City, where she was asked to assess the results of the election.

“I think that you saw in really important races around the country people coming together to say, ‘We believe in democracy. We believe in standing up for the Constitution and for the republic,’ and a real rejection of the toxicity and the hate and the vitriol and of Donald Trump,” Cheney said.

She stuck to principle, the Constitution, and appealed to the better angels inside the POT, asking that they reject candidates who wrapped themselves in Trump's Big Lie. If the POT ever goes back to being the GOP she has a place there.
Didn't the people boot her out of office? LOL She was primaried. LOL. Won't be returning to Congress.
She has a place in the Twilight Zone. Her future is being a news contributor with the media. Other than that, her political career is over. She chose to let Democrats use her for political gain.
They exploited her loyalty to the Bush family and her hatred of Trump. She's a rich daddy's girl who had her moment in the sun. She can be a host on The View if she wants the gig.
They exploited her loyalty to the Bush family and her hatred of Trump. She's a rich daddy's girl who had her moment in the sun. She can be a host on The View if she wants the gig.
That would be a great idea for her and the View. The view always has three leftists and one conservative so what better opportunity would it be for them to have three leftists and one conservative anti-Trumper? That's their MO.
If she had focused more on representing the wishes of her constituents rather than those of the media and political status quo DC insiders she might have won her primary. But she decided the temporary adulation of the media was more important to her so she can take a bow on her way out the door as she waits for CNN to offer her a job as one of the networks token Republicans.

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