Liz Mair's Anti-Trump PAC That Ran Melania Ad Shares Same Mailing Address With Fiorina Campaign

Well Trump is certainly behind the trashing of Heidi Cruz.
And here I thought the Trump tweet of Heidi and Melania was in response to the anti-Trump ad that said to vote for Ted Cruz.

Well no, you're kind of wrong... it was in response to an ad run by an anti-Trump PAC which Ted Cruz, as a matter of federal election laws, is prohibited from having any contact with in any way. Being that they are an anti-Trump PAC, the ad may have said Vote for Kasich or Vote for Rubio if either of those candidates were viable contenders to Trump.
Kinda wrong? SMFH Your spin is :blahblah:

The anti-Trump ad said Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday isn't that a pro-Cruz ad? It was a pro-Cruz ad by stating Cruz's name, if it were an anti-Trump ad then Cruz's name would never have been invoked. So, didn't Trump simply respond to the ad with A picture is worth a thousand words?

Sorry... it was not a pro-Cruz PAC. It was an anti-Trump PAC. They are free to state anybody's name... Cruz doesn't hold a copyright to his name. There is no rule or law that PACs can't use certain names... Cruz is the only candidate who is able to defeat Trump in the primary... ergo, his name was used. If Carson, Rubio or Kasich were in Cruz position, they would have used their names.

Trump responded to an anti-Trump PAC by directly attacking Ted Cruz's wife. Furthermore, he implied that Cruz was behind the PAC's ad.... which, if he could substantiate that claim, could eliminate Cruz from the presidential race and politics in general because he would be sent to prison for violating federal election laws.

I think this serves as a classic example of Trump's hot headed knee-jerk reactionary nature to go off half-cocked on someone without all the information. This terrifies some people about him, and rightly so.
Did I say it was a pro-Cruz PAC? Or did I state it was a pro-Cruz ad? Does it really matter what the PAC claims to be? The issue is the ad not the "designation" of the PAC.

Cruz being the only candidate able to defeat Trump in the Primary is why his name was used? LMFAO Just keep spinning (Dori from Finding Nemo)

What exactly was the attack by Trump? it was merely a picture with a caption that was using the PAC's own format.

So because Trump claimed Cruz was behind the ad, it then became an attack on Heidi? Laws are nothing but declarations of paths that say you can't do this this way. EXAMPLE: Federal Law says illegal immigrants can not receive in-state tuition in the states, so the states went around it via stating that if a person attends 3 years of high school in that state, they qualify for in-state tuition. So is that then a violation of Federal Law?

It was already shown that Cruz screwed Carson earlier in the campaign in Iowa. Knee-jerk reaction, or simple allegation? Ted Cruz falsely says campaign simply 'forwarded' CNN's report on Ben Carson

Again... PACs do not need any candidate's permission to use their name. It's like when David Duke came out in support of Donald Trump... Trump has no control over that. I guess we could all dishonestly run around claiming Trump sought Duke's endorsement... and Trump couldn't do anything about that either.

So because Trump claimed Cruz was behind the ad, it then became an attack on Heidi?

Nope... Follow the bouncing ball, dimwit. An anti-Trump PAC who Cruz has nothing to do with, ran an ad featuring Trump's lovely wife and encouraged folks to vote for his rival.... Trump attacked Heidi on his personal Twitter account in response.

Cruz did not screw Carson in Iowa. Carson was never going to win Iowa. Carson left Iowa the day before the caucuses unlike every other serious candidate in the race and said he wouldn't be going to South Carolina like the rest of the serious candidates in the race. Someone with the Cruz campaign pointed out that caucus-goers should not waste their vote on someone who was not a serious candidate. Sorry, that is politics.... It's not like Cruz himself stood there on a national stage and said something was wrong with Carson and he had a mental disease akin to a child molester.
Trump engages in Hyperbole and stretching the truth. He may even lie about things. But what he does hasn't hurt anyone.

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's lies have lead to thousands being killed, I think there is a difference.

I think it's going to be hilarious to watch your head spin when she's president.

Yeah, it's all Clintons fault that people died, not the people actually fighting those wars. They'd all be sitting in a circle signing kumbaya if not for her.
And if you look more closely at every instance cited in this hit piece, you will find they are full of shit. Over and over again, there is no objectivity, it's cobbled together in a way to make Cruz appear to be a liar by people who are committed to destroying Ted Cruz. There is absolutely NO methodology given as to how these "rulings" were ascertained. It appears to be some snot-nosed little punk who likes to play fast and loose with the facts.

Ted Cruz is disliked in the Senate because he doesn't go along with the status quot politics and stands up for the constitution as well as his conservative principles.

Yes, everyone is picking on poor little Ted Cruz. Its' not that Lying Ted isn't a liar and an adulterer and a hypocrite and an asshole.
Let me state unequivocally... "You guys" does not include ME! I am NOT a Republican. I am a Conservative. In November, I will vote for the Conservative candidate and if there isn't a Conservative candidate, I will stay home. Trump is NOT my guy... I don't think he is a Conservative and I don't think he would stand for Conservative principles as president. I think it's a very bad mistake nominating him and Hillary Clinton will likely win in a landslide.

You're never going hang the onus of Trump around MY neck.

You guys are the ones who encouraged the racism, homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia that gave birth to Trump. Trump is just a savvy businessman who had figured out how to tap into it.
You guys are the ones who encouraged the racism, homophobia, misogyny and xenophobia that gave birth to Trump. Trump is just a savvy businessman who had figured out how to tap into it.

I've never encouraged anything of the sort, bird brain. If you want to find people to blame for Trump, let's start with your inept president who had no business ever being elected president. He really lowered the standard on what Americans could accept as a leader. If such an incompetent couldn't fuck things up in his 8 years of trying, no one can, including Trump. And then, we can also lay some blame on the feckless Republican elites who are tone deaf to their base. Had they listened in 2008 and 2012 and nominated a conservative... OR if they had listened in 2010 and 2014 when the Conservative base handed them control of Congress, there would have never been a Trump candidacy.

Trump hasn't "tapped in" to anything, he just knows how to control the media and make them his little bitches. He basks in the sunlight of controversy like an exuberant nudist hippie. Don't dare cross him or he will stomp your puppy and call your mother a whore then watch his poll numbers go up. You mental tardos can't handle him... but don't fucking blame ME for him!
And here I thought the Trump tweet of Heidi and Melania was in response to the anti-Trump ad that said to vote for Ted Cruz.

Well no, you're kind of wrong... it was in response to an ad run by an anti-Trump PAC which Ted Cruz, as a matter of federal election laws, is prohibited from having any contact with in any way. Being that they are an anti-Trump PAC, the ad may have said Vote for Kasich or Vote for Rubio if either of those candidates were viable contenders to Trump.
Kinda wrong? SMFH Your spin is :blahblah:

The anti-Trump ad said Meet Melania Trump, your next first lady or, you could support Ted Cruz on Tuesday isn't that a pro-Cruz ad? It was a pro-Cruz ad by stating Cruz's name, if it were an anti-Trump ad then Cruz's name would never have been invoked. So, didn't Trump simply respond to the ad with A picture is worth a thousand words?

Sorry... it was not a pro-Cruz PAC. It was an anti-Trump PAC. They are free to state anybody's name... Cruz doesn't hold a copyright to his name. There is no rule or law that PACs can't use certain names... Cruz is the only candidate who is able to defeat Trump in the primary... ergo, his name was used. If Carson, Rubio or Kasich were in Cruz position, they would have used their names.

Trump responded to an anti-Trump PAC by directly attacking Ted Cruz's wife. Furthermore, he implied that Cruz was behind the PAC's ad.... which, if he could substantiate that claim, could eliminate Cruz from the presidential race and politics in general because he would be sent to prison for violating federal election laws.

I think this serves as a classic example of Trump's hot headed knee-jerk reactionary nature to go off half-cocked on someone without all the information. This terrifies some people about him, and rightly so.
Did I say it was a pro-Cruz PAC? Or did I state it was a pro-Cruz ad? Does it really matter what the PAC claims to be? The issue is the ad not the "designation" of the PAC.

Cruz being the only candidate able to defeat Trump in the Primary is why his name was used? LMFAO Just keep spinning (Dori from Finding Nemo)

What exactly was the attack by Trump? it was merely a picture with a caption that was using the PAC's own format.

So because Trump claimed Cruz was behind the ad, it then became an attack on Heidi? Laws are nothing but declarations of paths that say you can't do this this way. EXAMPLE: Federal Law says illegal immigrants can not receive in-state tuition in the states, so the states went around it via stating that if a person attends 3 years of high school in that state, they qualify for in-state tuition. So is that then a violation of Federal Law?

It was already shown that Cruz screwed Carson earlier in the campaign in Iowa. Knee-jerk reaction, or simple allegation? Ted Cruz falsely says campaign simply 'forwarded' CNN's report on Ben Carson

Again... PACs do not need any candidate's permission to use their name. It's like when David Duke came out in support of Donald Trump... Trump has no control over that. I guess we could all dishonestly run around claiming Trump sought Duke's endorsement... and Trump couldn't do anything about that either.

So because Trump claimed Cruz was behind the ad, it then became an attack on Heidi?

Nope... Follow the bouncing ball, dimwit. An anti-Trump PAC who Cruz has nothing to do with, ran an ad featuring Trump's lovely wife and encouraged folks to vote for his rival.... Trump attacked Heidi on his personal Twitter account in response.

Cruz did not screw Carson in Iowa. Carson was never going to win Iowa. Carson left Iowa the day before the caucuses unlike every other serious candidate in the race and said he wouldn't be going to South Carolina like the rest of the serious candidates in the race. Someone with the Cruz campaign pointed out that caucus-goers should not waste their vote on someone who was not a serious candidate. Sorry, that is politics.... It's not like Cruz himself stood there on a national stage and said something was wrong with Carson and he had a mental disease akin to a child molester.
Had the PAC simply left Cruz's name out of the ad, it wouldn't have been a pro-Cruz ad, the PAC ad was supporting Cruz. Mair is open about the fact that she is helping to boost Cruz. Maybe you should drop that bouncing ball on your head to see if it knocks any since into you. imjusayn

How did Trump attack Heidi? A picture is worth a thousand words, is by no means an attack, it was a simple response to the ad in the same format.

So because Carson had no chance (he was polling for delegates which he could have received more than the 3 he got) in Iowa, what Cruz did was OK (according to you)? watafuknmoron

If it wasn't for a Congressional INA, Cruz wouldn't even be considered a US Citizen. His eligibility for office is in question.
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Had the PAC simply left Cruz's name out of the ad, it wouldn't have been a pro-Cruz ad...


Why is that point sailing over your stupid little head? Cruz can't stop a PAC from telling people to vote for him... it is against the fucking law!

So because Carson had no chance (he was polling for delegates which he could have received more than the 3 he got) in Iowa, what Cruz did was OK (according to you)? watafuknmoron

Well it sure as hell wasn't as bad as standing on a national stage and calling Carson a "damaged human being" and comparing him to a child molester!

A Cruz supporter merely lobbied for delegates which were going to be totally wasted on a candidate who wasn't serious and wasn't going to be in the race for the long haul. There is nothing wrong with that, this is politics... we're in a tough campaign race to secure the nomination and every delegate counts.
Had the PAC simply left Cruz's name out of the ad, it wouldn't have been a pro-Cruz ad...


Why is that point sailing over your stupid little head? Cruz can't stop a PAC from telling people to vote for him... it is against the fucking law!

So because Carson had no chance (he was polling for delegates which he could have received more than the 3 he got) in Iowa, what Cruz did was OK (according to you)? watafuknmoron

Well it sure as hell wasn't as bad as standing on a national stage and calling Carson a "damaged human being" and comparing him to a child molester!

A Cruz supporter merely lobbied for delegates which were going to be totally wasted on a candidate who wasn't serious and wasn't going to be in the race for the long haul.There is nothing wrong with that, this is politics... we're in a tough campaign race to secure the nomination and every delegate counts.
WHEN DID I SAY CRUZ HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE PAC OR WHAT THE PAC DOES? Do you really not comprehend basic English?

No point has sailed over my head, you seem to fail in basic English comprehension. Care to try again? watafuknidiot

What does it sure as hell wasn't as bad as standing on a national stage and calling Carson a "damaged human being" and comparing him to a child molester! (to which he didn't compare him to a child molester - Yet Carson has endorsed Trump Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump - - gofigure) have to do with anything? :blahblah:

So you still make excuses for Cruz lying about Carson because A Cruz supporter merely lobbied for delegates which were going to be totally wasted on a candidate who wasn't serious and wasn't going to be in the race for the long haul. Carson had every right to gain as many delegates as he could, even if it meant taking delegates away from Cruz.
I've never encouraged anything of the sort, bird brain. If you want to find people to blame for Trump, let's start with your inept president who had no business ever being elected president. He really lowered the standard on what Americans could accept as a leader.

So it's Obama fault for being black in the White House that you guys are all supporting a buffoon from Reality TV who has never held elected office. Got it.

And then, we can also lay some blame on the feckless Republican elites who are tone deaf to their base. Had they listened in 2008 and 2012 and nominated a conservative... OR if they had listened in 2010 and 2014 when the Conservative base handed them control of Congress, there would have never been a Trump candidacy.

So essentially, they didn't succumb to the crazy that has infested their base, and it's their own fault that the base supported a buffoon from reality TV?

Trump hasn't "tapped in" to anything, he just knows how to control the media and make them his little bitches. He basks in the sunlight of controversy like an exuberant nudist hippie. Don't dare cross him or he will stomp your puppy and call your mother a whore then watch his poll numbers go up. You mental tardos can't handle him... but don't fucking blame ME for him!

We don't have to handle YOUR problem. The thing is, you guys didn't challenge him early on, get behind a sensible candidate. Now you are stuck with Cruz, who no one really likes, hoping for a brokered convention.

It will be so much fun watching the racists and religious crazies dominate the convention.
So it's Obama fault for being black in the White House that you guys are all supporting a buffoon from Reality TV who has never held elected office. Got it.

No, it's YOUR fault for electing an incompetent idiot because he is black. Now that people see that even an incompetent idiot can't fuck things up, they are willing to give someone like Trump a shot. Thanks for that, asshat!

So essentially, they didn't succumb to the crazy that has infested their base, and it's their own fault that the base supported a buffoon from reality TV?

If they had listened to their base and done what they promised they would do when they were begging for the base's vote, there wouldn't be a Trump candidacy.

We don't have to handle YOUR problem. The thing is, you guys didn't challenge him early on, get behind a sensible candidate. Now you are stuck with Cruz, who no one really likes, hoping for a brokered convention.

It's not MY problem. I am a Conservative and I'll vote for the Conservative candidate if there is one... or I'll stay home. I'm not a Republican and don't give a shit about the Republican party... it can burn in hell for all I care. The Establishment doesn't like Cruz cause he doesn't line up to suck on Obama's shithole and slobber all over liberals like some kind of goofy bitch. He is the only sensible candidate left in the race, the rest are a JOKE... just like you, Joey.
No, it's YOUR fault for electing an incompetent idiot because he is black. Now that people see that even an incompetent idiot can't fuck things up, they are willing to give someone like Trump a shot. Thanks for that, asshat!

People didn't vote for Obama because "he was black".

They voted for him because Bush was so incompetent he brought about a war over a lie, the worst recession in 80 years, and let a major city get wiped out in a natural disaster due to his ineptitude.

And the worst you can say about Obama is that he didn't fix the problems fast enough.

If they had listened to their base and done what they promised they would do when they were begging for the base's vote, there wouldn't be a Trump candidacy.

They shouldn't have promised the base things they couldn't deliver, then. When the base is saying crazy shit like 'Keep Government out of my Medicare", the problem isn't that that the politicians aren't listening to the base, it's that the base is stupid.

It's not MY problem. I am a Conservative and I'll vote for the Conservative candidate if there is one... or I'll stay home. I'm not a Republican and don't give a shit about the Republican party... it can burn in hell for all I care. The Establishment doesn't like Cruz cause he doesn't line up to suck on Obama's shithole and slobber all over liberals like some kind of goofy bitch. He is the only sensible candidate left in the race, the rest are a JOKE... just like you, Joey.

Guy, the sad thing is, you really believe that. These guys have been feeding your hate for years, which is the problem, not the solution. It's a hunger that never gets satisfied.
Sounds like Carly decided to get catty...

In the recess yard, around back of the school, right after the school-day's done... spread the word...

"Bbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiittttttttcccccchhhhhhhh ffffffffffiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
People didn't vote for Obama because "he was black".

Of course you did and ever since he was elected you've used the race card to deflect any and all criticism... you love that. Other guilty white liberals love that as well.
Of course you did and ever since he was elected you've used the race card to deflect any and all criticism... you love that. Other guilty white liberals love that as well.

didn't vote for him in 2008 and only voted for him in 2012 because you guys nominated a Fucking Mormon

But, no, guy. Obama won because Bush fucked up everything. I'm sorry you guys tried to pretend everyone was all having wonderful lives in 2008 and were just voting for a guy cause he was black.

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