Liz Warren will get the Dem Nomination in 2016

The RW obsession with her heritage is telling. I suspect if you did DNA on white people in the former Ok Indian territory you'd find the same as you do on almost every African American whose ancestry goes back to 1860 and older.

Wow, way to miss the point!:cuckoo:
A lying sack of shit that claims a minority status that is bogus is perfect for the Democrap nominee.....a bonafide lying sack of shit.

Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?

Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?
Why? Because the skank bitch, like you, is an avowed Communist?
RightwingShitflinger is a Gubmint employee that thinks he lords over the peasants he's supposed to serve.

If that is true then that makes sense of his defense of Obamacare, it doesn't effect him. Leftwingers are like that, they don't mind imposing their will on others just not themselves. Antoinette syndrome.


Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?

Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?

Nice try, stupid: anyone can claim something. She needs to prove she IS Cherokee! (She will not, because she cannot.)
Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?

Nice try, stupid: anyone can claim something. She needs to prove she IS Cherokee! (She will not, because she cannot.)

Why would she have to prove anything? Do you have any proof of ancestors from over 100 years ago?

You claim she is lying. Where is your proof?
Awwwwwww. You admit that the GOP has not yet discovered a viable candidate....but the media is to blame for the loser they choose losing? How special.
Why? I'm not a republican. I want what's best for this country and the world, and I think Obama has been a disaster of epic proportions and in so many ways. Republicans need a viable, realistic candidate, however the republican nominating process leans to far to the right to allow such a person to be elevated. And even if they do, they will be damaged goods because of what they were forced to say during the nomination. Democrats don't have this problem.

Look at what happened Romney. He would have been a great president, much better than the goofball we have in office today, however the republicans cannibalized him during the nomination and he had nothing left in his gas tank to compete with Obama.

Say what? It wasn't the media that ruined Romneys chances?

You are saying something different than you were just a few posts ago. I thought you were of the opinion that the media wants the Democrat to win in 16'...just like they did in 08' and 12' and that is the key to victory. Maybe I misunderstood?

The dopey rhetoric regarding the POTUS being a disaster "in so many ways" cannot be substantiated by a rational review of the facts. But is sure sounds cool.

Romney disn't have what it takes to get the job. He failed to connect with voters. He came off as less than genuine. That is why he is would not have made a "great president". Seriously. You can say that and call the guy we have a goofball?
The media will elevate the republican that will have the least chance of beating a Democrat, and then once he / she gets nominated, they will rip him apart. Anybody who doesn't think the media is basically the propaganda arm of the Democrat party is kidding themselves. With the exception of one cable channel and AM radio (big deal) that is.
Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?

Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?
MANY Native Americans has already disavowed her. :eusa_hand:

GET with the program dumbass....

Elizabeth Warren: What Native Americans have said about controversy

She's not really Native American.

Elizabeth Warren is as close to her Indian ancestors as I am to my 19th Century Russian furtrapping great-grandfather."
- Author and filmmaker Sherman Alexie, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and is of Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Flathead


Warren's claims were disrespectful.

“It’s cowardly to ride the coattails of people who have lost so much for your own benefit and not accomplish what you can accomplish on your own benefits. I think it’s shameful and extremely disrespectful not just to Cherokees but to all tribes who have given so much to this country historically and lost so much.”
- Ali Sacks, a Cherokee woman who traveled to Massachusetts to criticize Warren, in an article in the Boston Herald


It was inappropriate if she used it to get ahead.

"I think if she used it just to get some kind of advantage — whatever it was — like a job application or something, then that’s probably not appropriate. ... If you have nothing to do with Indians at all — never — except to try to get some unfair advantage, then I think there’s an ethical question in that. ... I don’t know if Mrs. Warren did that or not. Maybe not.”
- Former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), a member of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe, in an interview with The Daily Caller

Note: (Ben is just a disgruntled WORDS...not his)....~T


Everyone says they're a Cherokee.

"There's an old joke in this corner of Indian Country that if you meet someone who doesn't know anything about tribal affairs but claims they're Indian, they'll say they're Cherokee"
- Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, spokesman for the Cherokee Nation, in an article in the Huffington Post


And there's a few others in the link provided...but YOU get the drift RW...YOU are an idiot...talking out of your proverbial backside as usual.:eusa_hand:

And AS an American of Native Heritage? *I* share their sentiment.
Last edited:
You really think America would benefit from permanent one party Democrat rule? Man you are one pathetic asshole.

When the other party is our current Republicans........absolutely

You act as if the democrats have something better.

Sitting Bullshit Warren, pale as a sheet of paper and claims to be an Indian, yeah right.

Hillary, "what difference does it make." No difference to her or you that because of her actions four are dead one of them a very gay man.

Other then those two I can't even think of anyone.

Biden? That would be storybook for any republican.

How about dirty Harry Reid? I would love to see that.

Michelle Obama might be the only contender and she has less qualifications then here husband so she is a perfect candidate.

Any democrat running on obamacare will lose. Bush won twice and Obama only won because that is what the electorate usually do.
The media will make Hillary look like an angel and a victim no matter what, don't kid yourself. Remember how they whitewashed Obama's ties with Reverend Wright and other very controversial characters? While of course magnifying all the minor faults of the republican opponent, and demonizing them to the nth degree. This is what they do and they do it good.

That said, if Warren runs and wins, it will be the best chance for the repubs. However, I seriously doubt she will win, even if she runs. Remember, it was the Kennedy clan, and a few key endorsements that demolished Hillary, and elevated Obama in 08. It was payback for Bill Clinton compromising with the republicans during his tenure. I doubt Warren will be able to get those key endorsements this time.
Of course Democrats could go all-out and look for a half black/half hispanic transgendered womanish VP candidate for Hillary.

Heck, the White House is big enough for Bill to have his own master suite.
Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?
MANY Native Americans has already disavowed her. :eusa_hand:

GET with the program dumbass....

Elizabeth Warren: What Native Americans have said about controversy

She's not really Native American.

- Author and filmmaker Sherman Alexie, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and is of Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Flathead


Warren's claims were disrespectful.

- Ali Sacks, a Cherokee woman who traveled to Massachusetts to criticize Warren, in an article in the Boston Herald


It was inappropriate if she used it to get ahead.

"I think if she used it just to get some kind of advantage — whatever it was — like a job application or something, then that’s probably not appropriate. ... If you have nothing to do with Indians at all — never — except to try to get some unfair advantage, then I think there’s an ethical question in that. ... I don’t know if Mrs. Warren did that or not. Maybe not.”
- Former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), a member of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe, in an interview with The Daily Caller

Note: (Ben is just a disgruntled WORDS...not his)....~T


Everyone says they're a Cherokee.

"There's an old joke in this corner of Indian Country that if you meet someone who doesn't know anything about tribal affairs but claims they're Indian, they'll say they're Cherokee"
- Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, spokesman for the Cherokee Nation, in an article in the Huffington Post


And there's a few others in the link provided...but YOU get the drift RW...YOU are an idiot...talking out of your proverbial backside as usual.:eusa_hand:

And AS an American of Native Heritage? *I* share their sentiment.

Interesting.....yet none of them offer any proof of Warrens heritage

Many, many Americans have some Native American in their family tree. Problem is that with ancestors from the 1800s there are few records outside of oral histories

Now, for you to claim she is lying, you need some proof

What you got?
Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?

Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?

I am a Maritain, prove I am not, is that really the sum total of your argument? You're a good debater, now show some evidence of such. Instead we get this sophomoric attempt. She made a claim and got called out on it and can't prove the claim and that claim was used to her advantage. She cheated and can't prove she did not get over it. Your only defense is you just don't give a damn.
Of course Democrats could go all-out and look for a half black/half hispanic transgendered womanish VP candidate for Hillary.

Heck, the White House is big enough for Bill to have his own master suite.
Replete with INTERNS of his choice...:eusa_whistle:

Hot AND cold running interns?
His choice. The Hildebeast already has turned a blind eye so she could ride his coattails of depravity all for HER glory.
Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies

Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?

I am a Maritain, prove I am not, is that really the sum total of your argument? You're a good debater, now show some evidence of such. Instead we get this sophomoric attempt. She made a claim and got called out on it and can't prove the claim and that claim was used to her advantage. She cheated and can't prove she did not get over it. Your only defense is you just don't give a damn.

How could RW not give a damn? He as a liar, is defending one.
Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?
MANY Native Americans has already disavowed her. :eusa_hand:

GET with the program dumbass....

Elizabeth Warren: What Native Americans have said about controversy

She's not really Native American.

- Author and filmmaker Sherman Alexie, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and is of Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Flathead


Warren's claims were disrespectful.

- Ali Sacks, a Cherokee woman who traveled to Massachusetts to criticize Warren, in an article in the Boston Herald


It was inappropriate if she used it to get ahead.

- Former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), a member of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe, in an interview with The Daily Caller

Note: (Ben is just a disgruntled WORDS...not his)....~T


Everyone says they're a Cherokee.

"There's an old joke in this corner of Indian Country that if you meet someone who doesn't know anything about tribal affairs but claims they're Indian, they'll say they're Cherokee"
- Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, spokesman for the Cherokee Nation, in an article in the Huffington Post


And there's a few others in the link provided...but YOU get the drift RW...YOU are an idiot...talking out of your proverbial backside as usual.:eusa_hand:

And AS an American of Native Heritage? *I* share their sentiment.

Interesting.....yet none of them offer any proof of Warrens heritage

Many, many Americans have some Native American in their family tree. Problem is that with ancestors from the 1800s there are few records outside of oral histories

Now, for you to claim she is lying, you need some proof

What you got?

Belive me...WE know. She hasn't shown any proof either.
Mighty fine reporting there

I just missed the part where they have any proof she is not part Cherokee. Don't you usually need some kind of proof before you call someone a liar?
MANY Native Americans has already disavowed her. :eusa_hand:

GET with the program dumbass....

Elizabeth Warren: What Native Americans have said about controversy

She's not really Native American.

- Author and filmmaker Sherman Alexie, who grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and is of Coeur d'Alene, Colville, Flathead


Warren's claims were disrespectful.

- Ali Sacks, a Cherokee woman who traveled to Massachusetts to criticize Warren, in an article in the Boston Herald


It was inappropriate if she used it to get ahead.

- Former U.S. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.), a member of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Tribe, in an interview with The Daily Caller

Note: (Ben is just a disgruntled WORDS...not his)....~T


Everyone says they're a Cherokee.

"There's an old joke in this corner of Indian Country that if you meet someone who doesn't know anything about tribal affairs but claims they're Indian, they'll say they're Cherokee"
- Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, spokesman for the Cherokee Nation, in an article in the Huffington Post


And there's a few others in the link provided...but YOU get the drift RW...YOU are an idiot...talking out of your proverbial backside as usual.:eusa_hand:

And AS an American of Native Heritage? *I* share their sentiment.

Interesting.....yet none of them offer any proof of Warrens heritage

Many, many Americans have some Native American in their family tree. Problem is that with ancestors from the 1800s there are few records outside of oral histories

Now, for you to claim she is lying, you need some proof

What you got?
Disprove what they stated or SHUT THE FUCK UP.:eusa_hand:
Of course Democrats could go all-out and look for a half black/half hispanic transgendered womanish VP candidate for Hillary.

Heck, the White House is big enough for Bill to have his own master suite.
Maybe that's what the republicans should do. But obviously, the candidate will be torn to pieces in the republican nomination process.
Of course Democrats could go all-out and look for a half black/half hispanic transgendered womanish VP candidate for Hillary.

Heck, the White House is big enough for Bill to have his own master suite.
Maybe that's what the republicans should do. But obviously, the candidate will be torn to pieces in the republican nomination process.
As chosen by whom? The Media? The Republican Elite that LACK a spine but go after true patriots instead?


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