Liz Warren will get the Dem Nomination in 2016

Warren will not run in 2016

But if Hillary only wants one term I could see Warren winning thePresidencey in 2020. First President of Native American descent

Sen. Warren not listed among Native Americans

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage sparked a major dust-up in the Massachusetts Senate campaign last year.
Now, the newly sworn-in Democrat is not being listed as a minority on the Senate's official website.
On the Web page detailing ethnic diversity in the Senate, Warren's name is not in the section for Native Americans.
The "guy" we have is a lying piece of shit flaunting the law at every turn.

Brilliant! You are so reasonable.

I am "reasonable" with reasonable people, Obama and his bunch have never been reasonable.
Indeed...THEIR way or the Highway...or has the left forgotten this By Obama...their Messiah?

[ame=]Fox News spin Obama "Back of the bus" - YouTube[/ame]
You guys are wasting your time It's going to be Hillary all the way and she will be the next president Her and Bill Clinton are already fund raising and knocking on doors, and meeting with the head honchos for the important endorsements. She learned a lot from her previous campaign in 08 and it's not going to happen again.

And unless the republicans can come up with a viable candidate (so far they haven't) Hillary will be the first female president who's husband got a blowjob in the Oval Office. And since today it's the media that decides who is going to be president, there is no way the press will not pave the way for any Democratic candidate as they did in 08 and 2012

Awwwwwww. You admit that the GOP has not yet discovered a viable candidate....but the media is to blame for the loser they choose losing? How special.
Why? I'm not a republican. I want what's best for this country and the world, and I think Obama has been a disaster of epic proportions and in so many ways. Republicans need a viable, realistic candidate, however the republican nominating process leans to far to the right to allow such a person to be elevated. And even if they do, they will be damaged goods because of what they were forced to say during the nomination. Democrats don't have this problem.

Look at what happened Romney. He would have been a great president, much better than the goofball we have in office today, however the republicans cannibalized him during the nomination and he had nothing left in his gas tank to compete with Obama.

WTF is it with liberal talking points? Bush, McCain, and Romney the last three nominees and none of them are far right. Is history that boring that the left has to make shit up?
Awwwwwww. You admit that the GOP has not yet discovered a viable candidate....but the media is to blame for the loser they choose losing? How special.
Why? I'm not a republican. I want what's best for this country and the world, and I think Obama has been a disaster of epic proportions and in so many ways. Republicans need a viable, realistic candidate, however the republican nominating process leans to far to the right to allow such a person to be elevated. And even if they do, they will be damaged goods because of what they were forced to say during the nomination. Democrats don't have this problem.

Look at what happened Romney. He would have been a great president, much better than the goofball we have in office today, however the republicans cannibalized him during the nomination and he had nothing left in his gas tank to compete with Obama.

WTF is it with liberal talking points? Bush, McCain, and Romney the last three nominees and none of them are far right. Is history that boring that the left has to make shit up?

Short answer? YES? Anything to deflect from the albatross that hangs around the Democrat's necks (collectively, mind you)...ObamaCare.
A lying sack of shit that claims a minority status that is bogus is perfect for the Democrap nominee.....a bonafide lying sack of shit.
A lying sack of shit that claims a minority status that is bogus is perfect for the Democrap nominee.....a bonafide lying sack of shit.

Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?
Brilliant! You are so reasonable.

I am "reasonable" with reasonable people, Obama and his bunch have never been reasonable.

Nah. Reasonable people don't say ridiculously unreasonable things. You are old enough to know that, Gramps.

LOL, look aren't smart enough to hang in with the tough topics, you just don't have what it takes.

That's why you sit on the sidelines and take pot are much like Hillbilly all blow and no go.
Liz Warren will get the Dem Nomination in 2016

She's a shoe-in. She makes stupid Tourette's statements about Wall Street and the Prog base goes absolutely wild!

She's amoral. She lied about being an American Indian to advance herself. She has the perfect Democrat Moral Compass, which is a compass with no direction needle.

She's a Marxist

She's a fucking lunatic.

She'll do anything to advance "Progressive" (aka: Communist) ideas in the USA

Warren 2016.
Is she the American Indian who looks very much like a white woman?
Warren will not run in 2016

But if Hillary only wants one term I could see Warren winning thePresidencey in 2020. First President of Native American descent

Sen. Warren not listed among Native Americans

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage sparked a major dust-up in the Massachusetts Senate campaign last year.
Now, the newly sworn-in Democrat is not being listed as a minority on the Senate's official website.
On the Web page detailing ethnic diversity in the Senate, Warren's name is not in the section for Native Americans.

Imagine be Native American you gotta be on a list
A lying sack of shit that claims a minority status that is bogus is perfect for the Democrap nominee.....a bonafide lying sack of shit.

Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?

Interestingly enough she lied about the same thing Obama lied about. You do know of course that Obama was the very first birther. Since Clinton lied under oath lying really doesn't mean that much to liberals, unless of course they wish to smear someone.

Elizabeth Warren Dances With Lies
Warren will not run in 2016

But if Hillary only wants one term I could see Warren winning thePresidencey in 2020. First President of Native American descent

Sen. Warren not listed among Native Americans

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage sparked a major dust-up in the Massachusetts Senate campaign last year.
Now, the newly sworn-in Democrat is not being listed as a minority on the Senate's official website.
On the Web page detailing ethnic diversity in the Senate, Warren's name is not in the section for Native Americans.

Imagine be Native American you gotta be on a list

Imagine that, to say you are something on college records means you should be able to prove it. Not in liberal world. Next time I want a foot up I am going to claim I am poor black man.
Warren will make a wonderful President

What did she lie about again?
Why? Because the skank bitch, like you, is an avowed Communist?
RightwingShitflinger is a Gubmint employee that thinks he lords over the peasants he's supposed to serve.

If that is true then that makes sense of his defense of Obamacare, it doesn't effect him. Leftwingers are like that, they don't mind imposing their will on others just not themselves. Antoinette syndrome.

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