LMAO....so much for "global warming"!!!!

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Why don't you address the fact that all of the links you use that I check come back as having major problems??? Do you think that if you're exposed and you ignore it, it will just go away??? If you want to maintain any credibility, you need to address this.
A review of claims made by the Cato Institute's Patrick Michaels over the last quarter century shows that he has repeatedly been proven wrong over time. Michaels is one of a few contrarian climate scientists who is often featured in the media without disclosure of his funding from the fossil fuel industry.

Patrick Michaels Cato s Climate Expert Has History Of Getting It Wrong
Patrick Michaels' Losing Bets
On Temperature Trends

Michaels "Bet" In 1999 There Would Be A "Statistically Significant Cooling Trend" From 1998 To 2008. In a Cato post that was later published as a Washington Times op-ed, according to Nexis, Patrick J. Michaels wrote that he would place a "bet" that "the 10 years ending on December 31, 2007, will show a statistically significant global cooling trend in temperatures measured by satellite":

I'm willing to wager two things. First, I'll bet that anyone who said global warming is an overblown bunch of hooey had a terrible time at this year's holiday cocktail parties. Second, I'll take even money that the 10 years ending on December 31, 2007, will show a statistically significant global cooling trend in temperatures measured by satellite.


Last year was so warm that it induces a statistically significant warming trend in the satellite data. Thus the second bet: Starting with 1998, there will almost certainly be a statistically significant cooling trend in the decade ending in 2007. [Cato, 1/18/99]

Satellite Records For That Decade Showed No Statistically Significant Trend. From 1998 to 2008, the University of Alabama in Huntsville satellite record shows a warming trend that is not statistically significant at the 95 percent level (a warming of 0.074°C per decade plus or minus 0.439°C). The Remote Sensing Systems satellite record shows a cooling trend that is not statistically significant at the 95 percent level (a change in temperature of -0.053°C per decade plus or minus 0.425 °C). The three surface temperature records showed a "warming trend" for that time period according to a Skeptical Science report on a 2008 paper by the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. [Calculated using Skeptical Science's Temperature trend calculator, 7/1/13] [Skeptical Science, 1/10/13]

Michaels' New Bet: "We Are Going To Go Nearly A Quarter Of A Century Without Warming." In a Washington Times op-ed in January 2013, Michaels stated "it's a pretty good bet that we are going to go nearly a quarter of a century without warming." [The Washington Times, 1/17/13]

Why don't you address the fact that all of the links you use that I check come back as having major problems??? Do you think that if you're exposed and you ignore it, it will just go away??? If you want to maintain any credibility, you need to address this.

after you comment on the links you connected to ....all the links in my post immediately above this post work......I checked them
A Pause In Global Warming? Not Really - Forbes

This link worked I checked it

The rate of global warming during the last 15 years has been as fast as the warming seen during the last half of the 20th Century, according to new study published in Science this month by scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The new study used the latest global surface temperature data and other improvements in the quality of the observed record. This study refutes the notion that there has been a slowdown, hiatus, or Pause, in the rate of global warming in recent years. The Pause has been a rallying cry for those not wanting to accept climate change as real.
World s hottest year exposes myth that global warming has stopped Grantham Research Institute on climate change and the environment


Link works

^ Guam.

Still upright, but how much more CO2 can it take? What's the tipping point -- for Guam?

Yeah, that idea of a pause in global warming is interesting, since science says the temperatures will go the other way. Really, how can you defend a so-called science that constantly has to change their narrative, and use questionable links in doing so?

But I know you'll keep posting stuff that can be debunked, like the little robot you are, and we'll probably freeze our asses off this winter for the third colder-than-normal winter in a row
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Global warming? Even global warming proponents had to admit this!!!!

Antarctica Sea Ice Hitting Record Highs

Sea ice surrounding Antarctica hit a record high in August and is on track for another record-breaking month in September. Clocking in at a stunning 7.2 million square miles (18.7 million square kilometers), last month's sea ice extent was 4.5 percent above the 1981 to 2010 average and the largest extent since record-keeping started in 1979, according to data released today from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in its monthly State of the Climate Report.

September marks the end of Antarctica's winter, and daily sea ice reports posted online at the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC) in Boulder, Colo., suggest the growing ice pack has already smashed the all-time record ice extent set in September 2012. This year's massive sea ice reached 7.53 million square miles (19.51 million square km) on Sept. 14, 2013, the NSIDC reports. The old record was 7.51 million square miles (19.44) million square km. The data is preliminary and the NSIDC website came back online yesterday (Sept. 16) after a three-day shutdown due to the Colorado flooding disaster.
Here's more on your link supposedly refuting Patrick Michaels.... very informative.....

The Reference Frame John Cook Skeptical Science
This is your source ..get fking real dude
Luboš Motl at the Reference Frame
Climate misinformer: Lubos Motl - Skeptical Science

Political views
Motl is a climate change denier, having realized that "left-wing groups want to use this carbon theme as a tool for wealth redistribution."[10] His very... distinctive comments can be found on climate change blogs all over the internet (for example, at Stoat, Deltoid, etc.)

“”I think that trash like yourself cannot be debated. It must be destroyed. What is written on the "climate denial" page [in Wikipedia] is just crime, the people who are responsible for it are criminals, and as soon as I get the opportunity to collaborate with someone on their liquidation, I will do it.
—Lubos Motl commenting on William M. Connolley's blog
(He didn't mean "anything illegal". Kind of.)[11]
He's a not a big fan of academic feminism either: "Show me a single influential scholar in a department of women's studies who understands the very basic insight about that discipline, namely why virtually all of scholarly feminism is intellectual garbage." [12]

Motl defines himself as a "Christian atheist." This seems to be due more to anti-Islamic sentiment and belief in "Western values" than the religion itself.[13]
Im laughing..........been saying for over 20 years, this climate change business is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated upon Americans ( and the world for that matter ).:spinner:

Top story on DRUDGE right now........ Is a mini ICE AGE on the way Scientists warn the sun will go to sleep in 2020 Daily Mail Online

Screw investing in that solar panel s0ns......best start stocking up on wood, gasoline for generators and plenty of winter parka's. And buy stock in some of these northeastern ski resorts ftw!!!:rock::rock:
I guess I'll just ignore that the temperatures in my area each year climb in means to about 2-3 degrees hotter each Summer.

The sun sure feels extra hot on my skin this last decade or so. Lots of folks complaining about that actually.

Enjoy your swarms of snownados this Winter!
I'll just simplify this for you, when do I need to buy stock in a rain boot company? Timing is important.
Face it, Tyrone

The last two winters have been rough, and last winter was a record-breaking one. And now we find out that scientists are predicting even colder winters between 2020 and 2030???

The goofy Libs are about to become the laughingstock of the entire country, since they equate record cold with global warming!!!!

But what can you expect from people that think men are really women, white folks are actually black, and all sorts of other hilarious shit????:badgrin:
Im laughing..........been saying for over 20 years, this climate change business is the biggest hoax ever perpetuated upon Americans ( and the world for that matter ).:spinner:

Top story on DRUDGE right now........ Is a mini ICE AGE on the way Scientists warn the sun will go to sleep in 2020 Daily Mail Online

Screw investing in that solar panel s0ns......best start stocking up on wood, gasoline for generators and plenty of winter parka's. And buy stock in some of these northeastern ski resorts ftw!!!:rock::rock:
I guess I'll just ignore that the temperatures in my area each year climb in means to about 2-3 degrees hotter each Summer.

The sun sure feels extra hot on my skin this last decade or so. Lots of folks complaining about that actually.

Enjoy your swarms of snownados this Winter!

Nobody is complaining about heat in the United States in 2015..........except the hyper-k00ks. In fact, most of the folks are still talking about the frequency of use of nut sack warmers this past winter!!

Ummm............duh.....if people were so concerned about the warming planet, they why is this poll so laughable???


Who's worrying about "snownado's this winter?

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