LMAO....Solar Power = 0.14% of our electricity!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
OK..........Im officially laughing my balls off!!!!!!!!

Every day on here we hear the new doomsday story about the world coming to and end compliments of the environmental alarmist k00ks and even if they were 100% correct, what do they have to show for it? 0.14% for solar:D:D

Energy Department Touts Solar Power That Generates 0.14% of Electricity

You talk about some serious connect the dots issues..........these cheesedicks are telling us they can save the world with wind and solar and all of their shit together could barely run Manhattan!!!

These k00ks are like mega fat people touting the fact that they acknowledge they have a put the fork down problem but are waiting for the flesh eating virus to cure them!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::blowup:

Even funnier? Wind and Solar together = less than 3.3%!!!!!

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I wouldn't discount alternatives/renewables solely based on their current contribution.

I would however argue that they will never be a predominant source of energy in the forseeable future. Also, taxing and regulating hydrocarbons out of existence is no way to transition to a "sustainable" energy economy.
When German citizens realized that the premiums and support for renewables on their electric bills were growing astronomically, while solar and wind supplied less than 5% of their load, they had a fit.

Subsidies have been promised for 20 YEARS!!!!! And with Germans shutting down nukes and coal, I expect the Dark Ages to return shorty to the Huns..
But it can supply enough on an individual basis to power your home and fuel your vehicle. In grid parallel configuration, it even aids the local power provider.
US Solar Facts & Charts

The U.S. Solar Market Insight report projects that 2012 will be another booming year for U.S. solar, as well the several years following 2012. 2,800 MW of solar PV are expected to be installed in 2012. After that, a compound annual growth rate of 30 percent through 2016 is expected.Clean Technica (US Solar Facts & Charts)

How long does it take to reach significant figures with that kind of growth rate?
US Solar Facts & Charts

The U.S. Solar Market Insight report projects that 2012 will be another booming year for U.S. solar, as well the several years following 2012. 2,800 MW of solar PV are expected to be installed in 2012. After that, a compound annual growth rate of 30 percent through 2016 is expected.Clean Technica (US Solar Facts & Charts)

How long does it take to reach significant figures with that kind of growth rate?

Can't YOU do the math for once??? 30% interest would be a super deal.. But if I start with $10 now --- in 2016 --- I'm still not gonna be rich..

PS --- the answer is close to 0.4% in 2016. ASSUMING OF COURSE OUR USAGE DOESN"T GROW IN FOUR YEARS!!!!

:razz: :razz: :razz: :razz:

BTW: INSTALLED AMOUNTS are NOT Generation amounts.. Use about .35 for the diff and derate by a smidgeon for every lattitude line above Dallas..
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Let's all continue to be addicted to oil! It'll be great! And if we all invest in respiratory therapy and oxygen tent businesses at the same times we'll be wealthy too!

Our "addiction to food" is a much more serious threat to the modern world.

Oil is a miraculous naturally occuring liquid from which tens of thousands of products and processes are derived. Maybe you just need a tent to go live in.
US Solar Facts & Charts

The U.S. Solar Market Insight report projects that 2012 will be another booming year for U.S. solar, as well the several years following 2012. 2,800 MW of solar PV are expected to be installed in 2012. After that, a compound annual growth rate of 30 percent through 2016 is expected.Clean Technica (US Solar Facts & Charts)

How long does it take to reach significant figures with that kind of growth rate?

Well let's see. You claim that 2,800 MW of solar are expected to be installed. Meanwhile the US consumption of energy is over 22 TWh. At .02% of energy production, it'll take a LONG LONG time for it to be significant.
I've got faith in the creative indenuity of us humans. We'll crack the secrets of abundant clean cheap energy some day. We do have to keep hammering away at whatever we can, but for the love of gawd, please stop beating conventional energies into the ground. How stupid an approach can you take?

We didn't shoot horses in order to transition to whale oil. We didn't slaughter whales in order to transition to steam. We didn't bust up steam engines in order to transition to petroleum...

so why destroy the hydrocarbons industries in order to force... FORCE... a transition to alternatives/renewables?
you can either have renewables (solar and wind) on line with a conventional plant to provide power when necessary. or just a conventional power plant.

what pisses me off is when the efficiency of the renewables is compared to the conventional system which spends at least some of its time idling (at much lower efficiency) because it needs to be ready to go at a moments notice.
I've got faith in the creative indenuity of us humans. We'll crack the secrets of abundant clean cheap energy some day. We do have to keep hammering away at whatever we can, but for the love of gawd, please stop beating conventional energies into the ground. How stupid an approach can you take?

We didn't shoot horses in order to transition to whale oil. We didn't slaughter whales in order to transition to steam. We didn't bust up steam engines in order to transition to petroleum...

so why destroy the hydrocarbons industries in order to force... FORCE... a transition to alternatives/renewables?

You are exactly right........if the government gets its sorry ass out of the way.

This idea of using solar and wind moving forward is like Ferarri deciding to use Henry Ford technology for its next Italia!! In other words..........its nuts.

There are future technologies that will make people roll on the ground laughing of the mere thought that some bozo's were once sitting around scheming about using windmills to power everything. What that technology is, nobody knows but it will come and in the meantime, we burn cheap coal and natural gas.:2up:
What is the point of cheer leading for the oil companies?

What is the point of dreaming of unicorns farting flowers?

Oil companies have NOTHING to do with electricity generation.. Wind and solar are primarily electricity generators. Why do you think that these are interchangeable "alternatives"?

Want to cheer for something that will provide reliable power without CO2 or pollutants? Cheer for the nuclear energy.. You could shutter the coal plants, tear down the dams, free the salmon, and perhaps save the planet... And we could do that tomorrow.

YEAH!!! Go Team GO!!
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When you factor in the tax-payer investment we will be in the red for solar power for the better part of the 21st century if the US lasts that long under democrat party craziness.

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