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Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
This teacher was forced out of his job for exercising his rights. He has now been elected to the school board and is going to make some changes. The Left is petrified of the grassroots citizens demanding their rights.

The majority of Braintree seems to disagree with that sentiment, however, easily electing Lynch to the school board.

“The left hates free speech so anyone speaking out against their agenda they will try and villainize, oh well! These people don’t care about Braintree kids, all they care about is power and control. Let them stay in their echo chambers hating life because we have ALOT of work to do!!” Lynch wrote in his victory post on Facebook.

“I’m not going to lie, we have a tough road ahead but nothing worth doing in life ever came easy! It’s time we stop using kids as shields and we start protecting them. So thanks again for all the support, we are just getting started!! Remember to lean on each other through these hard times because iron sharpens iron,” he added.
The teacher says you be lying...

“I wasn’t fired. I wasn’t forced to resign. The administration was good with me,” Lynch told WBZ, “Nightside with Dan Rea.”
So the OP is lying when he stated that he was forced to resign....The OP seems to have been caught in a quandary of propaganda versus fact.

“It wasn’t really fair for me to be there, kind of putting the kids under that type of duress,” the former teacher told Rea. The decision to resign, however, did not come easy and Lynch felt that he let some of his students and coworkers down in that choice.
Did you even read the story you posted because you ain't even in the ball park with what you claim and what the guy claims was the real story.

“Unfortunately as the times change and situations evolve, I can no longer be true to myself while servicing the role as a Braintree Public School Teacher,” Lynch wrote in his resignation letter that he shared with The Patch.
This teacher was forced out of his job for exercising his rights. He has now been elected to the school board and is going to make some changes. The Left is petrified of the grassroots citizens demanding their rights.

The majority of Braintree seems to disagree with that sentiment, however, easily electing Lynch to the school board.

“The left hates free speech so anyone speaking out against their agenda they will try and villainize, oh well! These people don’t care about Braintree kids, all they care about is power and control. Let them stay in their echo chambers hating life because we have ALOT of work to do!!” Lynch wrote in his victory post on Facebook.

“I’m not going to lie, we have a tough road ahead but nothing worth doing in life ever came easy! It’s time we stop using kids as shields and we start protecting them. So thanks again for all the support, we are just getting started!! Remember to lean on each other through these hard times because iron sharpens iron,” he added.
Hahaha, so when you say that some by was fired for exercising their right you show that you full of shit and not an honest poster. Just say why he was actually fired because I’m pretty sure “exercising ones rights” is not cause for firing. If you disagree with the judgement then fine you can state so but you taint yourself from the very start by not accurately presenting the situation
Hahaha, so when you say that some by was fired for exercising their right you show that you full of shit and not an honest poster. Just say why he was actually fired because I’m pretty sure “exercising ones rights” is not cause for firing. If you disagree with the judgement then fine you can state so but you taint yourself from the very start by not accurately presenting the situation
Did you read people were calling him a domestic terrorist? What is a matter with you stupid bastards?
Here's you something to argue with OP..
Look what you left out:

“The year is 2320 and a gender blender non conforming spaceship asks a kangaroo identifying man what was freedom and how did America lose it? Well thats simple the government used 9/11 to create a surveillance state with the patriot act (see Snowden) and then used COVID to create a police state with lockdowns and controlling all movement with ‘medical passports'(see CCP social credit system),” Lynch wrote in the post.
I'll save you a post and print your response for you:
OMG!!!! What kind of country allows this kind of thinking never mind speak it aloud?

Students were visibly upset by the post and addressed their concerns with other teachers.
TRANSLATION: PC teacher found/finds several students who would put their signatures on their PC objection manifesto

“He has proven himself no longer deserving of the distinct honor bestowed upon teachers to educate, mold and guide young minds. He has disgraced himself, his community and his country,” one teacher complained.
^The reason for his resignation.^
“Unfortunately as the times change and situations evolve, I can no longer be true to myself while servicing the role as a Braintree Public School Teacher,” Lynch wrote in his resignation letter that he shared with The Patch.
If you actually understood what you read you would see the post/link says it is you that be less than honest. He [the teacher] was referring to the kind of outside effect it would have on his students and the kind of pressure that it put him under in forcing his "resignation".
The teacher was making sure everyone knew it was the PC crowd that forced his "resignation" [and btw only you used the word "resignation", I assume it is because you had no argument if you didn't reword the post]
the reason given by you [this is the first I am hearing any of this] for "resigning" as opposed to the reason the teacher [and OP] gave raises more reason for worry than the one you claim the OP gave...BTW, the OP claiming the teacher was "FORCED" out of his job is 100% accurate, and your claim that the school board/"administration" did not force his resignation is as important to what happened as claiming this teacher isn't/wasn't ever good enough to bat cleanup for the Yankees
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This teacher was forced out of his job for exercising his rights. He has now been elected to the school board and is going to make some changes. The Left is petrified of the grassroots citizens demanding their rights.

The majority of Braintree seems to disagree with that sentiment, however, easily electing Lynch to the school board.

“The left hates free speech so anyone speaking out against their agenda they will try and villainize, oh well! These people don’t care about Braintree kids, all they care about is power and control. Let them stay in their echo chambers hating life because we have ALOT of work to do!!” Lynch wrote in his victory post on Facebook.

“I’m not going to lie, we have a tough road ahead but nothing worth doing in life ever came easy! It’s time we stop using kids as shields and we start protecting them. So thanks again for all the support, we are just getting started!! Remember to lean on each other through these hard times because iron sharpens iron,” he added.
There are a great amount of men and women with leadership abilities that are not Progs. They have been constantly hammered with nasty accusations for many years and now it seems to be going to far as the wake up has a pulse.

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