Locke believed citizens were people who owned property

I think that Conservatism is building on the foundation of Federalism, rather than abandoning it. What needs remedy address, with principled solutions, compatible with our structure. Some confuse improvement with incompatible mandated, sometimes untried, constructs. You switch the Power, the Jurisdiction, the Purse, and the focus.
The history of the creation of the Constitution and its ratification render that nonsense to ...well...nonsense.

the history of the "creation" of the constitution is less relevant than the history of the CONSTRUCTION of the constitution since we're a common law country.

but i don't mind giving slack to someone who thinks the founding fathers engaged in commentary on 'socialism'.
As long as you were white and male. That's part of being in the lucky sperm club.
Actually, if you were a woman and your name was on the land patent you could vote....That just didn't happen very often.

Likewise, the 3/5 compromise was made to get the Constitution ratified. It was designed to further perfect the Articles of Confederation, not be to be be-all-end-all.

And we've made it more perfect, yet you want the words of a bunch of dead guys to be the be-all, end-all

I believe those dead guy's incorporated an amendment process to address that issue. The end all is the will of the people. It alway's has been here. The manipulation of the will of those people V.S. Reason.
I espouse no oligarchy...I'm all for fully informed juries and the right of all residents of the district in which they reside to sit on them. Which is nonwithstanding the fact that the framers knew that universal suffrage would degenerate into mob rule.

Do have any idea of what you're trying to yammer about?
The end all is the will of the people

And the People have rejected the archaic oligarchy Dude, the Jew, and their ilk espouse.

please don't confuse pretend rabbis with the way jews think.

and let's try not to think 'jews' think any particular way at all, mmmkay? cause if you put 5 jews in a room, you get 15 opinions.

Yes, because most Jews are brain-dead when it comes to issues of civil liberties and freedom. That's why they tend to vote for Democrats.
Smart Jews understand things like survival and prospering and so tend to be Republican and conservative.
I'll leave anyone to guess what the nasty troll Jillian is.
Ya got me, Dood. :lol:

I notice that all of your blather from late last summer and fall about the economy has not proven to come true.
Not even.

Are we fascists because eight year olds can't vote?

Not allowing people who don't own land is classic fascism.
It is a way manipulate the outcome, kind of like what they did in Italy. ;)
Not far fetched at all.

Nobody belongs in the game without a buy-in.

Yep. The modern day equivalent is those who produce vs. those who receive entitlements. In Locke's era, income was produced largely through land-based activities. Today, we can be productive in a broader variety of activities.

They key is having a stake in being a productive member of society.

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